column « Delete « JPA Q&A

1. Delete/Drop columns using hibernate

I am using Oracle Timesten 11 DB and I have to drop a column from my application. I tried using SchemaUpdate in the beginning but it didn't work. Then I used ...

2. How to delete column and table in Hibernate

3. Delete column without delete the reference column

Respected Friends, Here my problem is that i want to remove the specific column data(child table column data) and this column refer's another table's column (parent table column)when i try to delete first table data it will give me error that u have to remove parent table data first. (in SQL if we want to remove the contents, there is a ...

4. Status columns instead of Deleting row

Hi I'm working with a legacy Sybase db, and for record keeping purposes, we don't actually delete most rows, but instead each table has a status (int) column that is set to 0 for rows no longer 'valid.' This is breaking Hibernate in many places: 1. All loads/selects have to be overridden to ignore rows 'where status = 0.' Not that ...