StaleStateException « Delete « JPA Q&A

1. StaleStateException while deleting through hibernate

I tried out hibernate mapping for domain classes in my application- which are Book,Author and Publisher.I wanted to remove a Publisher or Author who has no Books.So,I coded the logic for ...

2. StaleStateException during cascade delete

Author Message oakstair Post subject: StaleStateException during cascade delete Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 4:52 am Newbie Joined: Wed May 19, 2010 3:56 am Posts: 2 Please help me with this since I have ran out of ideas ... We are using Spring's HibernateDaoSupport class to write our Hibernate DAO's. We are getting StaleStateException when deleting "father" objects. The ...

3. Hibernate's Delete Method giving StaleStateException

Author Message umesh.awasthi Post subject: Hibernate's Delete Method giving StaleStateException Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:45 am Newbie Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:35 am Posts: 10 Hi All, I am trying to delete object using Hibernate's delete method but getting StaleStateException exception.My requirement is to delete an object based on the unique key so for this i am ...

4. StaleStateException upon deletion of persistent object

Greetings! I have been fighting with this bug for a while now and I am stomped because my knowledge of Hibernate is fairly limited. Here is the gist: I am trying to delete a user from the database (SQL server). Here is an idea of the code in my UserDAO: //successfully retrieve the user //get the session from my HibernateUtil class: ...