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1. Hibernate 3: java.sql.SQLException: Field 'passwordConfirmation' doesn't have a default value    coderanch.com

I've been scratching my head over this error for sometime now but can't work it out. I've been using Hibernate 3 to persist User entity. But I am getting java.sql.SQLException: Field 'passwordConfirmation' doesn't have a default value error when I try to do that. Following is my User entity: User.java @Entity public class User implements Serializable { private Long id; private ...

2. default values in sql with hibernate    forum.hibernate.org

3. SQL 'default' tag on hibernate.    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have the following table creating in sql way: CREATE TABLE `system` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(20) default 'external', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); but I want use x-doclet (to generate hbm files) and then use hbm2dll tool to generate db schema. Question is: how do 'default' sql statement on hibernate? My class (as you can see there ...