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1. Is it possible to set Hibernate's "default" variable name mapping?

I'm looking for a way to set the "default" mapping that Hibernate applies to a variable name in a Java object to query it against the database. At the moment we ...

2. Is it possible for Hibernate to use a class with no default c'tor as a component or composite-element?

I need to use some legacy classes in Hibernate. One of the classes doesn't have a default constructor so I get a "org.hibernate.InstantiationException: No default constructor for entity: .." error. I ...

3. Hibernate default value mapping

4. Hibernate default variable name mapping.

I was wondering if it was possible to change the default variable mapping in Hibernate for variables with no "@" mark-up. The Java code at the moment uses the variable name "id" for the primary in all of the Java classes that represent tables in the database. At the moment, to join these up, we have to go through and manually ...

5. Default values for not mapped columns

Three things I could think of off the top of my head These two require you to map the column. 1. During construction time set the value to something and make the getters and setters private. Then no one can call these methods but you still get the values in there. 2. Use the unsaved-value attribute on your property mapping. This ...

6. Default Value for List Index Mapping?

7. how to set default value in hibernate mapping

Hibernate version: 3.0 Mapping documents:

8. Default for nulls in many-to-one mapping

I want to default a null many to one mapping to some useful value. That is, the foreign key is null, and its value in the enclosing object is null. E.g., where issue and contact are tables, and issue has a nullable foreign key to a contact and Contact and Issue are the ORM classes: Class Issue { ... Contact assignedTo; ...