fetch « Default « JPA Q&A

1. How can I prevent some columns from fetching by default?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi. I have a blob column (byte[] field) and using Postgres. I need to avoid the fetch for this column by default and only fetch the field when I need to download the file, which is located there. How can I do this in Hibernate using annotations? I can write all columns in HQL query except for this blob and construct ...

2. Default fetch for many to one    forum.hibernate.org


3. Default value for "hibernate.max_fetch_depth"? 1: n; n:m?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, what is the default value for org.hibernate.cfg.Environment.MAX_FETCH_DEPTH ("hibernate.max_fetch_depth")? I'm asking, cause I had huge performance-problems , without it and also with the value of 10. Setting it to 3 or Zero increased performance very much. Also Networktraffic is reduced a lot. So I wonder what the default value is and why? Haven't found anything about it yet. Thanks. Greetings Michael ...