Key « Default « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate Many-To-One Foreign Key Default 0

I have a table where the the parent object has an optional many-to-one relationship. The problem is that the table is setup to default the fkey column to 0. When ...

2. No default constructor for entity for inner class in Hibernate

I have two classes. One is the entity class, the other serves as a composite key class. The code is as followed.

    public class Supply{

3. Default value for primary key column

4. How to use database default in key-property in Composite key

We have a table with following columns in composite key: 1. AddDate 2. UserId 3. Password Below is our mapping file: Code: ...

5. [SOLVED] Primary Key field: "doesn't have a default val

Newbie Joined: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:22 am Posts: 12 I've been scratching my head on this one and I'm not sure Hibernate won't play nice with MySQL. I am getting the following error: Code: java.sql.SQLException: Field 'member_id' doesn't have a default value ... (and many more parts of the stack trace) I've tried: - @GeneratedValue(strategy = AUTO) - @GeneratedValue(strategy = ...