hql « Database « JPA Q&A

1. how does the new keyword in hql work?    stackoverflow.com

I found this example in jboss's documentation.

select new Family(mother, mate, offspr)
from DomesticCat as mother
    join mother.mate as mate
    left join mother.kittens as offspr
Where does the ...

2. Hibernate/HQL - how to get all duplicates returned from database?    stackoverflow.com

I've got a table containing some duplicates (defined as some specific columns contain the same values). What's the best way to get all those rose back? I need all the duplictes, ...

3. LIMIT in Postgres not supported in HQL?    stackoverflow.com

I am having error using the following code in Grails executing HQL to get the first 30 Item objects:

 def items = Item.executeQuery('SELECT i FROM Item as i LIMIT 30 OFFSET ...

4. What's the best recourse when hibernate/HQL is too limited?    stackoverflow.com

If there's an operation I'd like to do on a mapped class, but is not currently supported by hibernate or HQL - what is the best fallback? Raw JDBC? Or can I ...

5. how to use db2 function in the HQL    coderanch.com

thanks is that mean the hibrenate can call the sql clause directly(but not only the hql)? and i can embeded the db2 function into the sql clause? i don't use stored procedure, if you can make sure it can fulfill my request, i will choose the hibrenate as the solution to my project, and i need to learn it a bit ...

6. custom operators (postgresql @@) in hql?    forum.hibernate.org

I was wondering if it's possible to define/use a custom operator (in this case, the PostgreSQL @@ operator for full-text search) in HQL, without having to drop into a native SQL query. Using @@ in HQL directly fails, so I tried implementing SQLFunction and registering a function to provide the needed SQL. This also fails (when the query is parsed) because ...

7. HQL and dialects    forum.hibernate.org

8. DB functions within HQL parser    forum.hibernate.org

I read somewhere that v2.2 will include an interface to the HQL parser. I am interested in whether this will allow me to use db specific functions by customising the dialects. Functions like isnull, dateadd etc from SQLServer. For example dateadd(). In SQLServer: dateadd( getdate(), dd, 5 ) // add 5 days Oracle sysdate + interval '5' day MySQL now() + ...

9. How to execute a database operation with HQL    forum.hibernate.org

Hi guys, I would like to execute a database delete operation on a row in a table which could not be mapped as Entity or Composite object in Hibernate style. I wander how could this be done? The Session API does not provide an execute method. Nor do the Query or the Criteria APIs. On the other hand I do not ...

10. Derby, HQL with HAVING doesn't work(SQLGrammarException)    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I create reporting HQLs dynamically that also can contain HAVING clause. The problem is that hibernate always generates aliases to properties in the select cause, but the generated sql won't work (derby, because derby doesn't like aliases in select clause: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Column 'JOB0_.COL_0_0_' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within ...

11. how to use db2 function in the HQL    forum.hibernate.org

12. The translation of hql from hibernate to postgres is wrong    forum.hibernate.org

I am working with postgresql version 8.0.13 and when i write the hibernate code Code: select sig.insertionsStrings from generated.generatedFiles.SignaledEvents sig where sig.insertionsStrings in (select signa.insertionsStrings from generated.generatedFiles.SignaledEvents signa inner join signa.insertionsStrings ins where ins.id.index=1 and ins.insertionStr='hhhhh') and sig.insertionsStrings in (select signa.insertionsStrings ...

13. DB functions within HQL    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I am using Hibernate 3.3.1 GA and Oracle 9. I have many functions written in Oracle. now I want to use that function in HQL but hibernate give following error SQL : select getClientRank(?,?,?) from client_m where clientid=? if I execute above query in SQl it will work fine. but I want to execute same query in HQL HQL : ...