design « Database « JPA Q&A

1. How do you deal with linktables when using Domain Driven Design and nHibernate?

If you have the tables Groups, Users, Channels and between each two a linktable, how do you organize that in Domain Driven Design and nHibernate? Does a Group have a UserCollection ...

2. ArrayList of primitive types in Hibernate

I have a question regarding an ArrayList of Integers, or primitive types in general. Suppose I'm designing a POS program and each product may have several prices. Let's assume I can represent ...

3. Best approach to our database design

We have a database for an e-commerce application, we are working with JPA 2.0. We have these three tables: products(id, code, name, description, price); soldproducts(id, quantity, product_id); orders(id, date, status, comment). ...

4. Where to put the database access

I have an entity class which is persisted to a database via JPA and I have a Utility class which does the persisting and reading for me. Now I'm asking myself if ...

5. Hibernate and database physical design

Hi guys, All of a sudden, something interesting regarding the physical database design of a hibernate-driven application came to my mind and I just want to get your ideas and views on that. As a persistence layer, Hibernate provides an abstraction over the database and allows to define foreign key relationships and cascade database operations easily. Generally, when we design databases ...

6. Unable to use postgresql keywords. Bug or by design?

Hi, When using JPA I am having problems when calling entities "User" and other things that are reserved keywords in postgresql. I can fix this for that entity with: @Table(name = "`user`") BUT then I need to escape column names for all referencing entities, and finally it gets simply impossible when I need to reference the User entity in collection of ...

7. Relational DB design

I wanted to know if there were any good resources for designing a database that is optimized for hibernate. For instance I am particularly interested in table structure. When a new table is needed and when it isn't. I am not a DBA so these things are in my current learning curve and I would like to learn them right. Any ...

8. multi-client database design with hibernate?

Look in the Hibernate Action book about the discussion of putting buisness meaning into primary keys. Furthermore what Gavin said was: "A SessionFactory per "company number" sounds like very bad or at least incredibly unusual application design." And I fully agree - why would you want this ? Why don't you use the same cache for this multiclient app ? They ...

9. Hibernate and traditional database design

Hi all. I'm a new Hibernate user. We recently chose Hibernate as our persistence Java provider. Our software house deeply relies on the manufacturing of DB-aware applications. Now, the topic. After reading Hibernate's reference guide, some articles, and random things from Google (beloved Google :>), I think I've come to the conclusion that Hibernate likes auto-generated one-column keys and disregards "legacy" ...

10. database design or class design

schema export (especially schema update) depends on jdbc driver quality if you are sure you have a very good jdbc driver and you are going to model your app the oo way, start from java classes (after a good uml design). if your team is more db oriented, well just make sure they build a non broken schema.

11. Hibernate for db design client?

We are building a web based db design client, something similar to something like toad. Users can define tables, queries, etc. in their own db (or schema). Each user will have their own db, and thus datasource which may be to an oracle or to a mysql backend. Is Hibernate the right tool to use for persistence? What is the right ...

12. Confused about unidirectional one-to-one and db design?

public class Staff implements Serializable { private String id; private String name; private Storeroom storeroom; public Staff(){}; //getter and setter of all above properties...... } public class Storeroom implements Serializable { ...