... tables and columns are generated but indexes are not. I am using SAP DB dialect. Having studied source code I found out ...
Question: Is Hibernate able to save objects where one of the fields is a database keyword? I have a class (SpecimenSource.java). In this class I have a String field called freeText. In my SpecimenSource table, I have an attribute called freeText. Under SQL Server, freeText is a reserved keyword, so to overcome this, the square bracket is used, [freeText]. What I ...
Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Mapping documents: Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: 2004-11-08 11:07:03,765 INFO [org.apache.jk.server.JkMain] Jk running ID=0 time=0/31 config=null 2004-11-08 11:08:14,593 WARN [net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 08S01 2004-11-08 11:08:14,593 ERROR [net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] Communication link failure: java.net.SocketException, underlying cause: Software caused connection abort: recv failed ** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** java.net.SocketException MESSAGE: Software caused ...
I already have. The problem is it needs synchronization. Remote db would be used by many instances of the application, each of which has its own local db. Therefore, any operation on dbs needs copying from remote db to local db thos resources, which are not updated/created on local db. Particulary I found it hard to copy collections. So, are there ...
Beginner Joined: Thu Oct 14, 2004 10:53 pm Posts: 45 I'm trying to save an Order object in a table called "Order". Order is a keyword in SQL Server, so in order for hibernate to work with this, I put the backtick (`) character around the table element in my mapping file (as below). Order has a 1:1 unidirectional relationship with ...
Give it a try. You may need to write a custom Dialect implementation to handle any "oddities". Start out trying either the GenericDialect or one of the other vendor Dialects which you know to have similar grammar and fucntionality as Advantage. The run the Hibernate test suite against it and see what, if anything, breaks.
Hi Christian, Thanks for the reply. Can I have the sample code for building two sessionfactories and propeties file. I need to switch during run time. I am facing a problem which ever is properties file is loaded, then the same is getting used despite changing sessionfactory and properties file. I will be glad if you help me out on this. ...
nope - it is not relational nor does it have a JDBC interface. But if you really MUST you can write your own CustomPersister, but i don't know how you would QUERY data from it ;) I think it is JBoss Cache that has the option to use Berkely DB for persistent caches (not the same as saving biz-data)
OK, I found the answer to my question. Just in case anyone else has this issue. You use a CREATE ALIAS. Here is an example If you have a physical file name SALES that has a member for each month and you want to get JANUARY, here is the SQL command CREATE ALIAS MYLIB/SALES_JANUARY FOR MYLIB/SALES(JANUARY) Then you can use a ...
Hi there, Can this be done in Hibernate 3.0? When a user queries or updates the data on our web based application, the first thing that happens is we determine which "catalog" they should affect. We create a new catalog for each user for data protection reasons. (each "user" catalog will typically have around 30 tables with between tens of thousands ...
Hi there! As a newcomer in Hibernate, i try to understand the technique supported by Hibernate, but have some general questions where i find no answers.. If i do some update on several objects in a session, the changes take just affect to the local objects until the session is committed, right? Now what happens, if we have two applications on ...
Senior Joined: Sun Oct 26, 2003 5:05 am Posts: 139 I've been wrestling with performance issues for the last fe wdays now. I know this stuff can be tricky and hard. I know it's not trivial. So therefore I've really done some homework, read some books and read as many posts and articles about performance as I can. But I'm just ...
Hi, In our Application the user is allowed to selects a database from a list during logging procedure. This database would be used for all CRUD operations for the user until he is logged out. Is there a way to configure Hibernate at runtime...hibernate.cgf.xml doesn't help us in choosing DB at runtime ! Thanks
Hello, I have extensively read about recovering connections that are closed within a pool connected to mysql. However I have use 2 pools proxool and cp30 to no avail when recovering. Please forgive me if the question is lame or if the pools do not do what I would like. I am taking the Hibernate training on April 19 in NYC ...
In the meantime, I have dragged out the SQL query out of the Hibernate-log and did the following: 1) I executed the query with hibernate and got the Exception "No Row with the given identifier". 2) I took the original Hibernate SQL query from the log and replaced the questionmark from "where customer0_=?" with the real id and executed the very ...
michael wrote: Well, if we answer with RTFM, then people complain about us answering with RTFM :) I understand that "people will complain". Short of writing people's code for them -- people will complain. And I understand that RTFM takes time to type....still....I'd reccommend having a standard RTFM template that you could copy and paste as a reply when you've actually ...
We are a company that develops database driven applications but does not insist for the user which database they must use and have written in the past DAO that were agnostic to the database type or more specific calculated the DB type by the connection object and the correct code was implemented. We are going to use hibernate and are wondering ...
Hi, we are starting a new project. Can anybody make a statement on a performance comparison between Hibernate and Readonly-Entity Beans (Our appliction will access the database in a read-only-fashion (an existing rather complex DB (50-60 tables with many joins)). btw, we are using BEA Weblogic 8.1. Many thanks in advance, Stephan Bauer
Can Hibernate be used with Microsoft Access? The Compatibility Guide & Supported Databases page is not at all clear about this. I've found one forum thread and an entry on Who Uses Hibernate that indicate problems using Hibernate with MS Access. What is the official word? Has anyone combined Hibernate and Access successfully? Thanks, Dave
Yes that is true. Caching data from a database to which your application does not have exclusive access is a *bad* idea. Hibernate does not just periodically query the database to look for stale data (you do of course realize the performance cost this would mean, right?). What you need here is some locking strategy, either pessimistic or optimisitic.
Read the rules before posting! http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp [b]Hibernate version:3.1[/b] [b]Mapping documents:
(further lies, damned lies, and benchmarks) Hi all, I would like to direct you to the following benchmark that covers Hibernate: http://www.polepos.org The published results use a 2.x version of Hibernate and the tests and the code do not look like they are ideal yet. I just read the Hibernate Performance Q+A and Gavin's rants on this page: http://www.hibernate.org/157.html I fully ...
Hello, I am working on a project where i use hibernate with connexions to two differents databases. The first one contains Two tables wich are : employee right In my hibernate xml mapping I use a link from employee to rights( one-to-one). I'd like to put "rights" to a different database (the second one of my application) I wonder if it ...
Hello I would like to use Hibernate but I need to have the name of the database come from a command line argument. I tried leaving the database off of the "hibernate.connection.url" property, and then using Configurgation().setProperty(). But that doesn't work. I am not sure if that is related to Hibernate itself, or to the Hibernate Synchronizer Eclipse plugin? Code: ...
I am trying to create database indexes in a table. (The indexes that I am trying to create are not being created). Hibernate version: 3.0 Name and version of the database you are using: MySQL version 4.1.10 Mapping documents: Code:
Hi I would like some advice on how to solution a problem with Hibernate on the EJB business tier. We are running WLS at the moment with Stateless Session EJBs. DVOs/DTOs are used to send data between the web and business tier and vice versa. Existing Situation: So far in our J2EE apps data is saved/committed to the database on a ...
I have my Hibernate project working with a Java database (derby) and the Ingres database server. Now our customer likes the possibility to chose between these databases from a configuration menu. Is it possible to hardcode the databases in the Hibernate source? Where do I have to look in the source code? Regards, Roland Beuker
about src of hibernate: how do it do between obj and db? I want to do someting like encoding strings before save , update or delete to database and after load from db. so , I read src of hibernate. but it 's not easy for me. who can give me a idea such as what and where do persiste with ...
Hello all, I am trying to implement DBCP connection pooling on Tomcat 5 for my application. My problem is that the application has already been written using direct connections. ie the three mapping files for the three databases each contain entries for
Hi, I am new to Hibernate. I am using hibernate with a database which is not pretty much normalized. I have written the database design as below. Datatypes Activity ActivityId Integer ActivityName Varchar(50) AssignTo Integer TeamAssignment Bit UserInfo UserId Integer LoginId Varchar(30) FirstName Varchar(20) LastName Varchar(20) Team TeamId Integer TeamName Varchar(30) UserTable UserId Integer TeamId Integer In the system there are ...
Newbie Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2004 8:06 am Posts: 13 Hi all I've written code catering to multiple database connection. Am posting it here for everyone future reference. Few pre-processing notes: [hbmMap] Due to the modular nature of my project, the hbm.xml are specified in a custom cfg file instead of normal hibernate.cfg.xml. I pre-processed hbm.xml into map of {DB_INSTANCE,hbm list} ...
Newbie Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:09 am Posts: 4 I'm trying to run the supplied example "eg" with Mckoi database. Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: Supplied "eg" example, with Mckoi set as: ## Mckoi SQL hibernate.dialect org.hibernate.dialect.MckoiDialect hibernate.connection.driver_class com.mckoi.JDBCDriver #hibernate.connection.url jdbc:mckoi:/// hibernate.connection.url jdbc:mckoi:local://C:/hibtest/db.conf hibernate.connection.username admin hibernate.connection.password admin Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): As supplied in "eg" sample Full stack trace ...