auto « Database « JPA Q&A

2. auto DB generation problem

Hibernate version: 2.1.6 DB mysql 4.0 I'm trying to generate ddl script by the help of hbm2ddl Code: alter table Employee drop constraint FK4AFD4ACE2C929929; drop table if exists Employee; drop table if exists Position; drop table if exists Phone; create table Employee ( id bigint not null auto_increment, firstName varchar(255), lastName varchar(255), ...

3. how to bypass auto db connect at startup?

Hi, Can someone give me a hint as to how I can bypass the auto-db connect when my app starts up? (Using cp30 pooling) The scenario is this: * The app is being started for the 1st time (installed), and a setup wizard collects db connection details. * After the connection properties are loaded, THEN I want the app to connect ...

4. Dialect Auto-Detection?

5. PostgreSQL Auto increament

7. Auto retry using a Highly available DB

Hi everyone, I have a little concern here. I am using a DB which is configured as highly available. So, if the DB crashes, the datasource will point to a working system, quite intently. But, the connection will be lost for a split moment, and the current transaction will hence fail. So I would like to retry each and every operation ...

8. problem with auto create on hsqldb

org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testdb sa ...