save « Data Type « JPA Q&A

1. string value is truncating when saved to the database

I am using hibernate, and my classes property is a string, and my mapping doesn't have any type information, ie:

  <property name="html"  />
I am storing a web page in ...

2. Save blob to DB using hibernate

Hey! I tried save file to MySQL using blob with hibernate3. But I always have java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Blob may not be manipulated from creating session org.hibernate.lob.BlobImpl.excep( Here some code.

package com.uni.domain;

public class File extends Identifier ...

3. how to save an array value using hibernate

i have a bean with type string[] which has two or more values .I want to save the array user.setItem(item[i]); ...

4. Difficulty setting ArrayList to java.sql.Blob to save in DB using hibernate

I'm trying to save a java ArrayList in a database (H2) by setting it as a blob, for retrieval later. If this is a bad approach, please say - I haven't ...

5. JPA/hibernate time stamp not getting saved in database/object entity

I am using javax.persistence for my entity object.Mysql for database My entity object has a field entryDate

@Column(name = "ENTRYDATE")   
private Date entryDate=new Date();
and when i save the object using saveOrupdate ...

6. Hibernate causes out of memory exception when saving large number of entities

In my application I'm using CSVReader & hibernate to import large amount of entities (like 1 500 000 or more) into database from a csv file. The code looks like this:


7. Hibernate date don't save the milliseconds

I'm saving an entity in hibernate with a creation date

    @Column(name = "dtcreation")

8. How can I save an image to an SQLite database via Hibernate?

Appreciate help with this. I've spent hours at it so far. I have been trying to figure out how to store an image in an Sqlite database via Hibernate, but get the ...

9. Hibernate time not being saved through Date

Hello Guys, I am not able to save Time(hours, min, secs) information contained in Date object into table using Spring-Hibernate framework. I am mapping my Domain object's java.util.Date property to a date column in the table using type="date". Am I missing something here? The date gets stored in the table but not the time contained in the Date object. Any help ...

10. How to save files using Hibernate as blob in oracle

Hi, I am new to Hibernate. I am using Hibernate 3.2.0 with Spring framework and Oracle9i database. I need to save files (pdf/xls/doc) using hibernate as blob datatype in oracle. I tried google but was confused to get the exact solution with the technologies I am using, so thought to put a question here. Does anybody have the sample code or ...

11. saving clob data through hibernate

I have strange problem. I have one table with two columns as clob and inserting the data through hibernate. Records gets entered in the table through unit test. but in IDE, at the end of my test i get this error. Can anyone tell me why this is coming ? error says lack of i need to provide any special ...

12. Hibernate save Oracle Number

13. timestamp not saving millis with mysql

Hi, I have an entity bean with MySQL, MyISAM, and a timestamp mapped field. I pass set the property with new Date(), and verify in the debugger that it has non-trivial millisecond values. However, after saving the bean, and then later doing a query, it appears that the milliseconds are stripped. They are always zeroes after the second value. Is this ...

14. How to prevent to save same BLOB data from diffrent users

Hi, We have entity class contain BLOB like: @Entity @Table(name = "RawGpsData") public class RawGpsData implements Serializable { private Long id; private String vehNo; private Date dateTime; @Lob private String data; } We don't want to have duplicate data in the database. I am to try to define data field as unique, but unique attribute seem not work for Lob: @Lob ...

15. Hibernate Date Not Saved

No JDBC printout. Log was saying Unknown Entity about my bean. I forgot to add the new bean in the hibernate.cfg.xml (My mistake). Thank you for the helping response. Now I am looking for some improvements as: 1- I am logging the datestamp when record was saved or updated. So I am writing my relevant getter as below. Please confirm whether ...

16. Save Blob Files with Oracle, WebSphere, Hibernate...

Newbie Joined: Tue May 04, 2010 11:41 am Posts: 4 Hi, I am currently working on an application that saves PDF files to database. Environment : WebSphere 5.11 Oracle 9.2 JRE 1.4 Struts 1.3.8 Spring 2 Hibernate 3 Driver ojdbc14- In development mode, with Tomcat 4.1, i didn't have problems saving any file (format, size...). But with WebSphere, the java object, ...

17. saving/updating large number of records

I have one parent entity that has approx. 15000 child record(entitys). I can easily pesist quickly that one parent entity and 15000 child entity-s with batch insert, but the problem is when I add let say add another 1000 child entitys to the parent(on the web layer), and than call entityManager.merge(parentEntity). I'm geting out od memoy exception. I'm using all-delete-orphan cusom ...

18. How to save the DB timestamp in column using Hibernate?

Hi, I want to save the DB timestamp value in one of the table column based on some business logic. Is there any option in hibernate to get the DB timestamp & set that value into EO while saving? I have found following options but those will not helps in my scenario, I want to know if other alternatives are available. ...

19. Postgres : blob data not saved into database

20. Saving Timestamp or Date as UTC/GMT in oracle

Although I've tried several ways to do this, I thought I'd ask the question first rather than try and fix my attempts... I am using Oracle db and reveng my hbm.xml and java files. I want to save timestamp information in a column of oracle type TIMESTAMP(6) (see JMS_TMSTP). I have tried to do this, but it keeps converting it to ...

21. Saving is taking time

Hi All, I have a requirement, where i need to save 5000 records at a time. currently for saving 1000 records it is saving more than 1 minute. in such a case for saving 5000 records it may take around 5 minutes. i am adding the code what i have written. please suggest how can i reduce save time. i am ...

22. How to save Array of UserType in Oracle.

Hi How to save array of UserType in Oracle using Hibernate. CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE ADDRESS_TY AS OBJECT ( plot number(4), street varchar2(20), city varchar2(20) ); CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE ADDRESS_TY_ARR AS VARRAY(100) OF ADDRESS_TY; Create Table EMPLOYEE_ARR(EMPID VARCHAR2(10),ADDRESSES ADDRESS_TY_ARR); EmpAddress.hbm.xml ------------------- public class AddressVO { ...

23. Hibernate save Oracle Number

I am having issues with Hibernate save. I wanted the newly created primary key so I had saved the object but it gives me a class cast exception. Persist works just fine. Employee e = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save does not work sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().persist works java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long incompatible with com.test.Employee java.math.BigDecimal incompatible with com.test.Employee -- If I change it to BigDecimal Oracle column - "ID" ...

24. attempted to save null error

I have a simple one-to-one mapping between a Vendor (Parent) and a Contact (Child). When I try to save Vendor I get the following error: Code: 4:30:27,094 DEBUG SessionImpl:656 - saving [com.demo.hb.Vendor#100062] 4:30:27,094 DEBUG Cascades:336 - processing cascades for: com.demo.hb.Vendor 4:30:27,104 DEBUG Cascades:344 - done processing cascades for: com.demo.hb.Vendor 4:30:27,114 DEBUG Cascades:336 - processing cascades for: com.demo.hb.Vendor 4:30:27,114 DEBUG Cascades:87 - ...

25. How to save Blob using ByteArrayInputStream?

Hi, I am trying to save Blob data using ByteArrayInputStream instead of byte[] as in BinaryBlobType example in . My BinaryBlobType code as following: package sample; import; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.sql.Blob; import net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException; import net.sf.hibernate.UserType; public class BinaryBlobType implements UserType { public int[] sqlTypes() { return new int[] { Types.BLOB }; } ...

27. Problem saving Array

I'm having a problem saving an object that uses an Array. I know arrays are bad, but I need a strongly typed collection. Here's what things look like. The parent object (Plan) Code: /** * @hibernate.array role="getGoals" cascade="save-update" * @hibernate.collection-index column="GOAL_ID" * @hibernate.collection-key column="PLAN_ID" ...

28. How to save this type of data ?

class Result { RequestResult[] results; } class RequestResult { List requestResultObjs; //// This List is really a table , //// Its row is a list //// its cell is all of type: RequestResultObj } class RequestResultObj { Value value; } class Value { int i; String desc; } I must store Result. It's challeging,isn't it? who can solve this problem?

29. how not to save transient objects if it already exists in DB

There goes another question. if i do not want to save a transient object, because there is an object caryying same information exists in DB, what should i do? there is an example down, Code: Persistent classes: public class PCard{ private String id; private String serial; ..... } public ...

30. who saved my data and trimmed strings? ( hibernate 2.0.3 )

HI all, I just discovered strange behaviour. Either hibernate, or mysql is trimming my data. I have string, which is property and aslo used as map key - and after save & reload of object it's trimmed - spaces on the end are removed, on the starts preserved... I'm not sure whether it is a feature or bug... Of course I ...

31. is it possible to save an array without creating another tab

I have a property: public int [] xxx(){...} it's a array of int. so when it's physically store in the database, i hope it can be store in a filed like this {1,3,535,232,22}, not saving it to a new table. I 've had a look at collections, arrays of hibernate. it seems it only supper one to many, many to many ...

32. UserType property not being saved

Hello, I am new to UserTypes because I am migrating from PersistentEnum's (in Hibernate version 2.1.4 with MySQL 4.0.17). I have created a UserType which is shown below. The problem is that if I modify ONLY the UserType property and call saveOrUpdate, the new value will not get saved (but no exception is thrown). But, if I modify the UserType property ...

33. simple saving Date() object not saving time

Hi, I tried a standalone testcase and it worked for me in 8i. The entity code is as follows : Code: import java.util.Date; public class MyEntity { private long id; private Date date; // ... getters and setters for these two properties } It is mapped as : Code: ...

34. saving Outputstream (with "Blob" or "BLOB&quo

35. UserType as key-property -> value not updated on save

Hi there , I use the following mapping for a composite id Mapping documents: Code: As you ...

36. update timestamp on saving

38. how to save a NULL value

I will preface this by saying that I am fairly new to Hibernate and have tried my best to figure this out myself, for I feel this is a trivial issue. (I have searched the online documentation, the forums, and have purchased "Hibernate In Action") I have a Sidelite that may or may not contain a GlassStyle. My problem arises when ...

39. How to save a null date?

Hibernate 3.0 MySQL I have an object which contains a date field named "closedDate". The field is mapped to a tapestry timestamp field. Everything works fine if I put data into the date. However, the business process I am modelling requires that sometimes this date be null. Specifically, if a document is still open, it'll have a closedDate of null. When ...

40. Unexpected success when saving an obect with a null value

OBJECT_ID next_value 100 ...

41. Suggestion that might save newbies a lot of time Cat != CAT

In the Documentation you use the Cat object in many places. The problem is, you name the table it works with "CAT" as well. So when you look at examples like a createQuery("from Cat") it isn't intuitive that the "Cat" in this case is the object Cat and not the table CAT. Someone coming from an adequate knowledge of SQL might ...

42. Error saving Blob in Oracle9i with Hibernate 3.0.5 and Jboss

---------------------------------------------------- you must implement your POJO like that public class ReportsDO{ private long id; private byte[] report; public long getId() { return id; } public void setId(long id) { = id; } public byte[] getReport() { return; } public void setReport(byte[] report) { = report; } } ---------------------------------------------------- in your ReportsDO.hbm.xml replace your old property by:

43. Prevent duplicate rows when saving transient objects

Hi, I need help preventing the creation of duplicate rows, caused by saving new transient objects. The model I'm using consists of a user class and an authority class, which are both mapped to their respective tables, in a unidirectional many-to-one relationship. ie. The user table has a foreign key, mapping the user to one of the available authorities. To keep ...

44. error saving enum to oracle database

I am having problems when saving enums. I have the following definitions: public enum DATATYPES { STRING, INTEGER, FLOAT, DOUBLE, CHAR, BYTE, } @Entity public class ITAttribute { protected String id; @Id (generate = GeneratorType.AUTO) @Column(length=20) public String getId() { return; } public void setId (String id) { = id; } public ITAttribute (DATATYPES dataType) { //super(name); this.dataType = ...

45. Help - Saving array property ?

46. Boolean in Mysql saved as Bit

Hi All I am using hibernate to save my beans to a mysql database. Everything works perfectly except a boolean value. I have it mapped like this /* * column="Strict_Online" */ public boolean isStrictOnlineLeerling() { When I execute my ant command and the database is created I see this in the log: create table Member (UserID varchar(255) not null, Strict_Online bit ...

47. SessionFactoryFactory - save startup time

I'm using Hibernate 3.1.2+annotations. The application is using the same Hibernate Configuration to access two or more schemas (e.g. three different data sources) at a time. The schemas are different databases on the same MySQL database server. Currently I'm creating n Configurations (n=number of data sources used) and n Session Factories. This works fine but esentially multiplies the startup time by ...

48. saving BLOB to mySQL

Hibernate version: 3.1 Name and version of the database you are using: mySQL 4.1 Hi, I am having trouble working out how to store my byte array to a BLOB. The hibernate website only deals with version 1.2.3, i think... I used myEclipse to generate the mapping files, but it mapped mySQL BLOB to java.util.String, so I changed it to java.sql.Blob, ...

49. how to save the file name with current date and time in log4

Hi, log4j.appender.R.File=C:\\example.log In the place of example i need to store current datetime in file This is file log4j.rootCategory=INFO, dest1 log4j.appender.dest1=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.dest1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.dest1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p: %m%n log4j.rootLogger=INFO, R #log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender #log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout # Pattern to output the caller's file name and line number. #log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%t] (%F:%L) - %m%n log4j.appender.R=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.R.File=C:\\example.log log4j.appender.R.MaxFileSize=100KB # Keep one backup file log4j.appender.R.MaxBackupIndex=1 log4j.appender.R.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss} [%-5p] %c{1}.[%-5M] *** ...

50. Cannot save BLOB on WebSphere

51. BLOB data not saving in Oracle 10g

Newbie Joined: Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:50 am Posts: 8 I am having a very strange problem with storing the data from a JavaBean object with Hibernate 3.2 to an Oracle 10g database. The Hibernate operation which saves the object executes cleanly, no exceptions thrown. The problem is that the object contains a BLOB field, and though there is data in ...

52. Saving array of objects

function void addUsers( User[] retrievedUsers) { //init code() for( int i = 0; i < retrievedUsers.length; i++) { retrievedUsers[i]); ...

53. Array saved only on update, not on insert

54. Null backreference in parent table when saving collection

Author Message gsmiroh Post subject: Null backreference in parent table when saving collection Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 12:55 pm Newbie Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:19 am Posts: 2 Location: Porto Alegre,BR I have 3 persistent classes: Cycle, Task and Subtask. Cycle has a collection of tasks and Task has a collection of subtasks. When I try to ...

55. How to save to BLOB using hibernate

56. how to create date on save or update?

Hi, I want to know how to populate the date field, I have something like this of every entity date_created date_updated I am using annotations, hibernate 3.2 and calling saveOrUpdate. So the problem is first time date_created should be updated, next time on every update, date_updated but i am calling single method saveOrUpdate. How to achieve this is there is any ...

57. problem saving blob to non nullable column...

Hi, i'm using hibernate 3.2.. having problem saving an empty blob... getting this error... can provide more details.. Exception: Fri Jan 25 12:50:48 EST 2008 java.lang.Exception: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not insert: [xxx] at at ( at ( at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform( at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process( at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process( at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl$ at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet( at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet( at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ at at ...

59. deep copy and save of object graph

hi, i am searching for a simple solution to deep copy an object and then save it into the DB. i could not find any working solution out there. the scenario is as follows: 1. load an object from the DB 2. deepCopy the object graph (an entity with one to one /many to one associations as well as a set) ...

60. How to save/update an entity with a timestamp from the db?

Rather than Hibernate providing a copy of the datetime for the timestamp, I'd like to be able to specify that the database getdate() or equivalent function to be used for the insert/update. Having surveyed the forums & literature for this, there doesn't appear to be a neat way of doing this. One would have to use an annotation as follows: @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) ...

61. Id is null even after saving an object

Hi, Thanks for your reply. You helped me realize that I have auto commit turned off. I am doing that for one main reason, if something fails inside the manager that is calling this method, then I want to rollback the transaction. I thought that was the problem before, so what I did was separate functionality out into several methods. If ...

62. Saving a Clob Object

63. BLOB cutted when I save

Hibernate version: Hibernate 3 Mapping documents: Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Session sess = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx; tx = sess.beginTransaction(); sess.saveOrUpdate(instance); tx.commit(); Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle 10g I'm triying save an BLOB but when I execute the sentences below, the content saved is cutted and only saves a ...

64. Dates and MySQL (how to save Millisecond?)

So I have come to the realization that when writing data to a table in MySQL my Dates have all their fractional pieces stripped. I had read that there is a way to work around this in Hibernate but have not yet seen a solution for how. Are there any resources detailing this?

65. Error when saving Enumap to db