parameter « Data Type « JPA Q&A

1. Getting hibernate to log clob parameters

(see here for the problem I'm trying to solve) How do you get hibernate to log clob values it's going to insert. It is logging other value types, such as Integer ...

2. How to pass an array as parameter from Hibernate to PL/SQL?

I need to pass an array of integers from Hibernate to PL/SQL function. The current solution is the covert the array to a comma separated string and surround it with parenthesis ...

3. Java data structure to use with Hibernate to store unknown number of parameters?

Following problem: I want to render a news stream of short messages based on localized texts. In various places of these messages I have to insert parameters to "customize" them. I ...

4. How to use Enum as NamedQuery parameters in JPA

I have an Entity with a enum attribute and a couple on NamedQueries. One of these NamedQueries has the enum attribute as a parameter i.e. SELECT m FROM Message m WHERE m.status ...

5. Adding days to named parameter of type Date in HQL

I've got an oracle database in which warehouses are stored that are open only on one given day in a week, e.g. 'monday' or 'thursday'.

  • The day the warehouse is open ...

  • 6. Passed string parameter to sql through N hibernate is trimmed

    I want to insert a large string into a table using N hibernate but the string is trimmed. I checked it in Sql profiler and I found that the string is ...

    7. [Hibernate3.0] Filters, DB2 => invalid parameter number

    [2005-09-26 14:00:33.022] -1 INFORMATIONAL DBStatement logDebugSQLString select distinct abstractmo0_.SHP_FAC_CD as col_0_0_ from AN0FQ002.ZT_REC_INTERPLNT abstractmo0_ where abstractmo0_.RCV_FAC_CD = '37' and abstractmo0_.MVNT='RCVG' [2005-09-26 14:00:33.173] 0 FATAL org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter java [IBM][JDBC Driver] CLI0612E Invalid parameter number. SQLSTATE=S1093 org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.handledNonSpecificException( at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.convert( at org.hibernate.exception.JDBCExceptionHelper.convert( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.list( at org.hibernate.loader.hql.QueryLoader.list( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.list( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.list( at org.hibernate.impl.QueryImpl.list( at cat.eur.fq.bnrrnb.dao.BnrRnbDAOImp.getFacilitiesForMovement( at cat.eur.fq.bnrrnb.tests.dao.BnrRnbDAOImpTest.testGetFacilitiesForMovement( at ...

    8. Parameter index out of range (1 > number of parameters

    HI while inserting a record into data base i am getting this error Parameter index out of range (1 > number of parameters, which is 0). my table is Sample(sid, sname, sadd) my pojo class is Sample while i am performing; i am gettign this error. pls suggest me . thanks in advance

    9. Timestamp positional parameter null handling

    Hi , I have a positional parameter timestamp used in DAO layer to be comapred against timsestamp field in database such that all the records greater than that timestamp is returned back. However if there is null I am unable to handle it in HQL. I read HQL materials for null handling but it talks only about null handling for fields ...

    10. ParameterizedType parameters are null using SQLQuery

    I have a table with an XMLType column, so I created a custom UserType that also implements ParameterizedType, which I use to get the desired JAXB annotated type to marshall/unmarshall the XML once it's retrieved. Whenever I use a native query or SQL query, I get a null pointer because the parameters are null. If I use criteria or HQL, the ...

    11. Function call with CLOB parameter and result

    12. native sql set parameter Is null or is not null

    hallo, i have this HQL native SQL-Statement: SELECT * FROM Tabelle WHERE oe = :oe AND druckdatum:druckdatum my java query looks like this: if(printID==1) { query.setParameter("druckdatum", "is not null"); } else { query.setText("druckdatum", "is not null"); } The value is null or is not null generate in the statement with quotes "is null" or "is no null". I need the value ...

    13. How to use one Column as Parameter for UserType

    I am mapping many table of legacy system and I have a problem about timezone requisite. My Table has this situation below: Table Operation: Ref_local (String) Ref_Type (Enum) O_D_local (String) O_D_type (Enum) DateIni (Calendar) ..... other Properties. These five properties are PK. The legacy system uses the column Ref_local in order to discover the DateIni timezone. I would like to create ...

    14. Filters and variable number of parameters.

    Hi all I have found something strange using filters, I write that to put some light on it. I need to filter the data that user views by using a criteria that limits the type, something like do a "select from Cars" using a filter Code: hibernate.cfg.xml: ...

    15. named parameters and PostgreSQL's cast operator (conflict)

    I'm trying to use Postgres' very robust cast operator. The general format is: some_value::cast-to-type The problem is that the colons are interpreted (even in a sqlQuery) by hibernate as named parameters. Ooops. Other than explicit calling of specific postgres cast operators/functions is there a general work-around? Is there a way to ask Hibernate to be less agressive in parsing SQL that ...

    16. In hql,array can't be setted as a parameter?

    Hibernate version:2.1 Mapping documents: 2 3 6 7 8 14 15 19 20 @hibernate.class 21 table="MATGR" 22 23 24

    18. wrong number of parameters in update

    hi, i've got a problem with hibernate version 2.1.6 and 2.1.5. In case of setting "dynamic-update" to "true" the update-statement seems to be not correct. With hibernate 2.1.4 my little test runs perfectly. I only change the libs ... no source. Could someone please give me a hint? thx! Carsten Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Hibernate-Mapping-Excerpt

    19. [newbie] HQL : how to manage null parameters?

    Hello, I have a simple HQL query like : " From Table WHERE Prop = :x " It works in most cases but I have a problem when x is "null". When x is null I'm expecting that Hibernate translates this HQL query into a SQL query like " select * from table where prop is null " But the "getNamedQuery" ...

    20. Null named parameters problem

    Hi, I have a problem with a HQL query: Query q = session.createQuery("select, from Location as l1_1 where ( = :ID) "); q.setParameter("ID", locationID); locationID is an Integer variable. If locationID <> null the query works fine, but if it is null I get the following error: 11:18:15,538 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:57 - SQL Error: 932, SQLState: HY000 11:18:15,538 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:58 ...

    21. filter => invalid parameter number ?! o_

    [2005-09-26 14:00:33.022] -1 INFORMATIONAL DBStatement logDebugSQLString select distinct abstractmo0_.SHP_FAC_CD as col_0_0_ from AN0FQ002.ZT_REC_INTERPLNT abstractmo0_ where abstractmo0_.RCV_FAC_CD = '37' and abstractmo0_.MVNT='RCVG' [2005-09-26 14:00:33.173] 0 FATAL org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter java [IBM][JDBC Driver] CLI0612E Invalid parameter number. SQLSTATE=S1093 org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.handledNonSpecificException( at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.convert( at org.hibernate.exception.JDBCExceptionHelper.convert( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.list( at org.hibernate.loader.hql.QueryLoader.list( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.list( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.list( at org.hibernate.impl.QueryImpl.list( at cat.eur.fq.bnrrnb.dao.BnrRnbDAOImp.getFacilitiesForMovement( at cat.eur.fq.bnrrnb.tests.dao.BnrRnbDAOImpTest.testGetFacilitiesForMovement( at ...

    22. Parameter not bound with UserType

    public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement statement, Object value, int index, SessionImplementor session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { if (value == null) { statement.setNull(index, Types.VARCHAR); statement.setNull(index+1, Types.VARCHAR); ...

    23. Passing array as parameter to a pl/sql function

    24. Passing array as parameter to a pl/sql function

    final String sql = "SELECT * FROM find_professionals(:divisions, :types, :areas, 25, 0)"; final SQLQuery query = session.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); query.setParameterList("divisions", divisions); query.setParameterList("types", types); query.setParameterList("areas", areas);

    25. Positional parameter inside string literal with HQL

    Hibernate version: 3.2 Code: Code: getHibernateTemplate().find( "SELECT user FROM com.affno.ricall.user.User AS user join fetch user.userRoles as userRoles join fetch user.userAccess as userAccess join fetch as company WHERE (user.firstName LIKE '%' + ? + '%' OR user.lastName LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND user.emailAddress LIKE '%' ...

    26. Trying to use empty string '' in named parameter

    Hi. I am having some issues trying to get my query (which contains named parameters) to work successfully. Consider the query; SELECT * FROM A WHERE A.COL = :myParam In my code I am setting the named parameter depending on some user input, in one case it is set such as; Query sqlQuery = session.getNamedQuery("QueryName"); sqlQuery.setString("myParam", "M"); and that works fine. ...

    27. Parameter previousState is null for onFlushDirty method

    Hi, I have created a Simple Interceptor where I handle the onFlushDirty method call. I am invoking saveOrUpdate method on session. And when onFlushDirty method on the Interceptor is invoked by the Hiberante, previousState parameter is null. I even tried by setting the attribute select-before-update="true" but without luck. While going through the hibernate source code I figured out in both these ...

    28. null parameter in HashMap ???

    I have encountered a problem while using null as the key passing to the Hibernate. I have named query SELECT {sqp.*} FROM ezs_product {sqp}, ezs_price price , ezs_country_pl markup WHERE sqp.product = :productNumber AND NVL(sqp.options, ' ') = NVL(:productOption, ' ') AND sqp.product = price.product AND NVL(sqp.options, ' ') = NVL(price.options, ' ') AND = :country AND price.currency = :currency ...

    29. Oracle Error When Setting NULL Parameter Value

    31. java.util.Date parameter - very strange behavior

    I have a SQLQuery with a parameter like this "... where start_date >= ?", where start_date is Oracle DATE. I was binding a java.util.Date value with setTime() method, everything worked fine, then the application was used with the different database and the query became like 1000 times slower. I enabled logging and here is what I saw: preparing statement binding '09:59:00' ...

    32. Parameter index out of range (1 > number of parameters...

    Newbie Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:00 am Posts: 5 Hey, I've got a really strange Exception here. Environment is: Hibernate 3.2.6 (I already swiched to 3.3.1) / MySQL 5.1, / GlassFish 2.1 / Windows XP. I deployed my WAR-File including Hibernate-jars. The exception appears, when this JPQL-Statement is called: Code: Query query = em.createQuery( "SELECT t FROM " + getParameterClass().getSimpleName() ...

    33. Invalid parameter number error when trying to save a record

    Hi, I have a composite primary key for a DB2 table. So, I have the following java classes with Hibernate annotations: @Entity @IdClass(LocationModelPK.class) @Table(name = "T074AT63") { private LocationModelPK idPK; private String organization; private String ccpl; private String processArea; @Column(name = "CLM_INVT_LOC_CODE", nullable = false, length = 3) private String inventoryLocation; @Column(name = "SCY_RCP_LGN_ID", nullable = false, length = 8) ...

    34. Parameter index out of range (5 > number of parameters, whic

    Newbie Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:16 am Posts: 1 I get the following Error when trying to select with across a many-to-many where the Primary keys are Composite keys made up of two Foreign keys. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! I've searched around and haven't found this model scenario produce this result. Thanks in advance! Here's the error with ...