integer « Data Type « JPA Q&A

1. Beautify Integer values for comparing as strings

For some reason I need to enter my integer values to database as string, then I want to run a query on them and compare those integers as strings. Is there ...

2. Error handling String to Integer and inserting empty values in database

I am new to Java and I am creating an application in JSF and Hibernate. I have a form which has several input fields but only one field that will be ...

3. How to differentiate between 0 and null in an INT column in MySQL

If there is a null value stored in a MySQL INT column, it will return 0 when accessed by technoligies like JPA. If 0 value also stored in the column, how ...

4. Integer array operations using Hibernate

hi I have int[] field in my postgresql database which holds some ids. Changing it to separate table wouldn't be a good choice as it would became very big in short time. I need to stay with this solution then. However I cannot read/write this field using entity manager, as there is not proper mapping for this type. Temporary I changed ...

5. Cast Hexadecimal string to Integer

Hello, I am trying to convert a hexadecimal string to a number for a where clause in HQL. I tried: "from Table tb where cast(tb.hexstringcolumn as int) between 100 and 1000" ....... This works if tb.hexstringcolumn is a numeric string (e.g. 10). It will not work if tb.hexstringcolumn = FF. Any thoughts? First post, so please be gentle (I read the ...

6. Change boolean type to integer type

7. 2-dimensional array of int

8. Strategy with PersistentEnums of Strings (instead of ints)?

Hello, First off, congrats on the new forum. It's much nicer than the old SF one. I am working on mapping an existing DB to hibernate. There is a perfect candidate for a PersistentEnum, except it is a collection of Strings instead of ints. How do people deal with this situation? By just creating a custom type, or just not bothering ...

9. int/string conversion on pk

Hi, I'm sorry if this has been answered before. I looked around the forums and the docs and could find a definite answer. all of my tables have numeric primary keys (MySql, auto_increment), but when I pull them into my data model objects, I want to deal with them as string objects. Do I have to make use of UserType for ...

11. Integer columns return null

Page 1 of 1 [ 1 post ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message sbmahs Post subject: Integer columns return null Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:27 am Newbie Joined: Tue May 24, 2005 6:51 am Posts: 5 Hi all, I'm having some trouble with Integer columns in related objects. ...

12. Casting a text field to int in native sql

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp [b]Hibernate version:3.0[/b] [b]Mapping documents:[/b] [b]Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():[/b] [b]Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.handledNonSpecificException( at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.convert( at org.hibernate.exception.JDBCExceptionHelper.convert( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.list( at org.hibernate.loader.custom.CustomLoader.list( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.listCustomQuery( at org.hibernate.impl.SQLQueryImpl.list( at com.gloptv.smsc.PhoneNumber.getResult(Unknown Source) at org.apache.jsp.vote_jsp._jspService( at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service( at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile( ...

13. How to insert null into database when int value is 0

I'm sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. Since the property is stored as an int, it is 0 by default. I want to continue to store the value as an int, but I want Hibernate to recognize that the value of 0 means that the property hasn't been set (to a non 0 value). Thanks.

14. elt INTEGER not null

Hi all, I am looking for a solution for the following problem (found at ... nth=200402 ). Can anybody helb? Thanx, Thomas --------- schnipp --------------- I"m putting together an example demo for some students (like I"m the expert :-\) and I"m using XDoclet, Tomcat, and MySQL for it all. Person, abstract class extended by (joined-subclass) Teacher and Student, with just ...

15. using Blob, SQLException Bad Integer when gets data, save OK

Message message = new Message(); File file = new File("jude.ico"); InputStream in = null; byte[] tmp = new byte[512]; ByteArrayOutputStream out = null; try { ...

16. how to max() on a cast (String as integer)

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: No data type for node: org.hibernate.hql.ast.AggregateNode \-[AGGREGATE] AggregateNode: 'max' \-[METHOD_CALL] MethodNode: '(' +-[METHOD_NAME] IdentNode: 'cast' {originalText=cast} \-[EXPR_LIST] SqlNode: 'exprList' +-[DOT] DotNode: 'onlheain0_.DOCNUM' {propertyName=Docnum,dereferenceType=4,propertyPath=Id.Docnum,path=hin.Id.Docnum,tableAlias=onlheain0_,className=br.seal.hibernate.vo.OnlHeaIn,classAlias=hin} | +-[DOT] DotNode: 'onlheain0_.DOCNUM' {propertyName=Docnum,dereferenceType=2,propertyPath=Id.Docnum,path=hin.Id,tableAlias=onlheain0_,className=br.seal.hibernate.vo.OnlHeaIn,classAlias=hin} | | +-[ALIAS_REF] IdentNode: '(onlheain0_.FILENAME, onlheain0_.DOCNUM, onlheain0_.STAT, onlheain0_.LAGER)' {alias=hin, className=br.seal.hibernate.vo.OnlHeaIn, tableAlias=onlheain0_} | | \-[IDENT] IdentNode: 'Id' {originalText=Id} | \-[IDENT] IdentNode: 'Docnum' {originalText=Docnum} \-[IDENT] IdentNode: 'integer' {originalText=integer}

17. Table doesn't get created for classes with boolean or int

When my Pojos contain boolean or int variables a table for it doesn't get created. the other variables that are String and Long get created fine. What am I doing wrong here? class Group { Long id; String label; bool initiallyVisible; } Hibernate Mapping Group.hbm.xml ......... The table gets created fine if there ...

18. Send NULL value when int property is 0.

19. sqlquery.setParameter(int, object) can not guess java string

DB: Oracle 9i A simple sqlquery is created as following: select e.* from employees e where e.last_name = ? order by e.last_name, e.first_name The statement getCurrentSession().getNamedQuery(SearchEmployees).setParameter(0, "Test").scroll(); failed with java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01465: invalid hex number But when change the statement to getCurrentSession().getNamedQuery(SearchEmployees).setParameter(0, "Test", Hibernate.STRING).scroll(); it works fine. Obviously the setParameter(int, object) could not guess the Hibernate ...

20. How to store a DB Integer as Java Date??

The database I am connecting to, stores their dates as Integers in the format: 20060523 (yyyyMMdd). I would like to be able to store these fields as java.util.Date objects within my persistence objects. In this application I am only using hibernate to read from the database (never to write to). The conversion is easy to code with: new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").parse(integerDate.toString()) I tried ...

21. does Hibernate support boolean to integer conversion?

Hi, I have a Java class that has some boolean fields and they are mapped as integers in PostgreSQL. Now when I try to read records from the DB using Hibernate, it does the automatic conversion from integer to boolean. But when I try to insert the record, I get following error:: Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: Could not execute JDBC ...

22. Boolean to int save to sybase

Hi, I am trying to save java.lang.Boolean to int datatype in sybase which is nullable using hibernate. if the Boolean object is null hibernate converts to 0 and save is it. Is there any way to make Boolean object null save as null to db? I will agree if it hibernate handle this way for primitive data type boolean, But for ...

23. Error when updating column of type int with null

This works fine when hsn is set with a value but when I try ...

24. comma delimited string of values to IList

Hi I'm using nhibernate 1.2.0GA and I would like to know if it's possible to map a comma delimited string to an IList using nhibernate. The comma delimited string would be stored in one of the columns of my table. For example the column called layout would have the following values. -- I'm adding quotes to show that it's stored as ...

25. String to int conversion with aggregate

27. Assign null for a property with data type int

Hibernate version:3 I have a property called Count . I want to save anything that i get from the customer. So we are saving the properties in the database by having 2 fields called original Count and Count. Original Count contains the data that the customer sent in the form of a string. Count contains the data converted into integer format. ...

28. How to max() on a cast (String as integer)

I want to be able to take the max of a column and add one to it but it returns as a string and has to be cast as an integer. However, this query: SELECT max(cast(,integer)) FROM Object Stn doesn't work and only gives me an error telling me the query couldn't be executed. What's the correct way of selecting the ...