generate « Data Type « JPA Q&A

1. JPA not generating "on delete set null" FK restrictions

I have two related clases JPA-annotated. Alarm and Status. One Alarm can have one Status. What I need is to be able to delete one Status and "propagate" a null ...

2. Setting a JPA timestamp column to be generated by the database?

In my SQL Server 2000 database, I have a timestamp (in function not in data type) column of type datetime named lastTouched set to (getdate()) as its default value/binding. I am using ...

3. auto generate timestamp

I have to auto generate timestamp when I am creating a new record and auto generate modified timestamp when I update a record. can anybody tell me how do I implement this. ...

4. schema2ddl generates wrong datatype for YesNoType

As per docs org.hibernate.type.YesNoType is supposed to generate char(1) during schema2ddl generation. But the following definition generates char(255) by default for databases like H2, MySQL

@Column(name = "enabled")
@Type(type = "org.hibernate.type.YesNoType")
private Boolean enabled ...

5. auto incremented number generation for a non primary key column

I have used the following id generation strategy for primary keys.

        @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)

6. Hibernate reverse engineering procedure generated @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) for DateTime

Fields in a DB were of type DATETIME (mysql). Why was it generated as a timestamp and will it be regenerated during object persistence? That is not a desired scenario in my ...

7. Generation of Create_Date and Update_Date columns using Hibernate

I'm using straight Hibernate 3.0 without annotations. When saving or updating domain objects, I would like to have Hibernate automatically generate the CREATE_DT and UPDATE_DT fields, as opposed to using ...

8. Surrogate Key Generation Across Multiple Tables Using Hibernate

I want to get surrogate keys for my user table(s) in MySQL. I'm sure concatinating an incrementing value + a timestamp would get me unique keys across multiple tables but ...

9. generating UUID from dual table

I want to generate UUID for a unique string, i am using the following code:-

HexGenerator gen1 = new HexGenerator();
gen1 = (HexGenerator), gen1.getHexId());
System.out.println("gen1-->" + gen1.getHexId());
Below is my hibernate file:-
<class name="entity.HexGenerator" ...

10. What is the best practice when implementing equals() for entities with generated ids

If I have a table with columns A, B, C, D
 A: auto-generated id (PK)
 B & C: combination must be unique (these are the columns that ...

11. How to modify Hibernate's auto-generated running serial number?

I am using Hibernate (JPA) with Derby database - my app server is Jboss 6.0. I have to pre-populate a table with 50000 employee info and for that I have used a ...

12. Surpress Time Generated Comment when Autogenerating Java Classes from Hibernate

I am using Eclipse and JBoss Tools to generate Java classes from existing Hibernate mappings. Whenever the classes get generated, they have a comment at the top of the class ...

13. how to let Hibernate to generate "is null" instead of bining column value to null

Is there a way to let hibernate to generate sql query by using "is null" in additional to binding value to null? I am using DB2, I explained detail in following: in ...

14. generated id to be copied in anothre column as string upon creation

This is a JavaEE6 application using Hibernate and PostgreSQL. Users are created in the database with @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) that generates Long ids. I am trying to use the user_id column ...

15. How can i generate @Enumerated with hibernate.reveng

i encounter myself with this problem, i managed to enumerate attributes of an entity that are Foreign keys (simple catalog->entity scenario) nevertheless i must do this process everytime that i update ...

16. Hibernate is randomly generating joda time columns in my database as tiny blobs

I have a bit a of an odd situation happening and I can't seem to figure it out. I have a set of Hibernate annotated entity classes that have Jodatime date time ...

17. How to set bigdecimal to long in hibernate generate file

hey, i'm using ORACLE10g , HIBERNATE. i'm working on table called CUSTOMER, when i try to save a new customer hibernate gives me this exception:

org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateSystemException: this id generator ...

18. java.util.Date/JodaTime: Given a java.util.Date, generate a start and end of that given date

If I was to given a specific java.util.Date, how can I generate a start and end of that given date. For example, I my date is August 25, 2011, then my ...

19. Using auto generated id of hibenate entity object in the equals and hashcode methods

Lovely equals and hashcode, all the theory is here and also here I have taken the decision to use the auto-generated id within equals() and hashcode() in a number ...

20. generating IDs in Oracle with hibernate backed ORM

There is an old database which needs to be ported to a new one but the porting process will take significant time during which the old db will remain operational. In ...

21. Hibernate Date auto Generation

Yes, in your mapping you can set a default, you can set a formula, anything such that when it saves your users don't have to enter the data, but Hibernate will do it for you. You can even put database specific codewords in that formula and Hibernate will pass it directly through to the database. It also can call an insert ...

22. Hibernate generate timestamp on create and update

Hi, Now I am using Hibernate v3.5.0 jars, but I am not able to deploy war to my weblogic server. I am getting below error

23. Time too long to generate sessionFactory

Hi, Im using Grails in a database with 2500 tables and about 30000 columns. During Grails startup, hibernate takes about 2-3 minutes to generate its sessionFactory: (hibernate.ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean - Building new Hibernate SessionFactory) My grails app has only one domain object defined, so how can I tell to hibernate to avoid an entire creation of all tables ? Thanks.

24. @Generated(Generation Time.INSERT I need your emergency help

Hi I need your emergency help I have a colun named "TK_I_MISPAR_TIK" that is not a primary key but is generated by a trigger and sequence at insert time it look something like that: @Entity @Table(name = "PARK_TIKIM_IRUR", schema = "SCHEMA!", uniqueConstraints = {}) public class ParkTikimIrur implements { @GenericGenerator(name = "generator", strategy = "com.ladpc.commons.database.sequence.LadpcSequeceGenerator", parameters = { @Parameter(name = ...

25. "seqhilo" is not generating the numbers in sync wi

I am trying to use a sequence in the DB2 database with the help of the hibernate "seqhilo" generator. But the problem is its not in sync with the sequence defined in the database. I defined a sequence in the database as "starts with 1 increement with 1" and i gave a value of "max_lo" as "20" in the hibernate mapping ...

26. id generation and equals/hashcode

I was reading the Equals and Hashcode wiki page and I was wondering if the following can work: If you create a POJO object you give it a negative unique id (number). This value is assigned by using a synchronized static class which creates the unique numbers. When the POJO object is stored, the persistance layer will give it a new ...

27. uuid.string generation problem

Hibernate version: latest mapping: JavaCode: Session sess = currentSession(); Transaction tx = sess.beginTransaction();; tx.commit(); closeSession(); And I'm using MySQL 4.0.18 I'm getting weird uuids... example:

28. Please help me for generation of XDoclet for Date properties

Hibernate version: Hibernate 2.x Hi.. I am sathish.g. I am new to Hibernate. i created a bean with setter and getter methods and with hibernte XDoclet tags. I am using XDoclet for generation hibernate file(hbm file) and for schemaexport in MySQL. It is running successfully. But i have two properties related to date in my bean.One is 'createddate' and another one ...

29. Using dataserver generated datetime values on insert/update

[b]Hibernate version: 2.1.6[/b] [b]Name and version of the database you are using: Sybase 12.5[/b] Hi, I have a need to have my dataserver (Sybase 12.5) generate datetime values on insert / update of data. So, for example if I have an entity similar to: MyEntity { int a; Date b; } I would expect b to be null, and populated with ...

31. hibernate3 generates illegal for update of null, tablename

The query.setXxx methods are pretty good about detecting attempts to set things which don't exist in your query, can setLockMode be made to also do this? Details leading to the above request: This worked in hibernate2. In hibernate3, its attempting to lock a null table. Ok, I see the problem in the below (marked with BAD LINE), however, i'll post this ...

32. generated SQL runs fine but .get() returns null!

I'm having some query trouble. When I try to get(Doc.class,7), I get a null result back. Setting the log to debug verifies that there wasn't a result set. However when I run the generated SQL manually, I get the right row back. Ideas? Hibernate version: 3.0.2 Mapping documents: Code: ...

33. missing quotes in generated SQL around string literal, help!

hibernate.cfg.xml: java:/comp/env/jdbc/gc org.postgresql.Driver jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/pg true org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect And btw I am using spring (but this probably is not related), and here is my spring context configuration file:

34. not-null="true" not generating a PropertyValueExce

Beginner Joined: Thu May 05, 2005 11:12 pm Posts: 26 My question I have defined a component in my mapping. The component is made up two other components, one not nullable and the other nullable. Of the not nullable component, it is made up of two properties, one a column in my table, the other a derived column that is not ...

35. Generating equals and hashCode with Hibernate tools

Newbie Joined: Tue Jul 19, 2005 6:39 am Posts: 4 Location: Venice, Italy Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Hibernate tools version: Eclipse plugin 3.0.0 alpha4 Hi, I generate the equals and hashCode methods using the meta-syntax on this hbm file: Code:

36. Error in Equals Method generated by HibernateTools3.0alpha4a

Hi , perhaps I', totally wrong but when I use the Equals Method generated by HibernateTools then I always get true as Return-Value. Here's a mapping example for this behaviour this occures for all Pojo's

37. String PK, not auto-generated - save fails

First, I have tried to search... nothing. Second, I know that java.lang.String PKs, managed by the application are stupid. But this is legacy code that I have to deal with. So, please don't flame me. I have no problem reading data from this table, or updating any other table with a more "normal" java.lang.Long PK. But I am trying to create ...

38. CompositeUserType generated SQL

Hello, When using a CompositeUserType to combine year, month and day SQL columns into a Java Date the generated SQL for an HQL query takes the form of SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE (year, month, day) >= (?, ?, ?) and in MySQL this construct (comma separated columns inside of parenthesis) is valid syntax. It does not work for DB2400 (and ...

39. uuid generation using annotations

40. XML date generation

Hi, I use Hibernate 3.0.5. I read a timestamp data type from the db. By session.getSession(EntityMode.DOM4J) I have a xml data rappresentation. When I generate the xml file the date rappresentation is like this: 2005-09-12 00:00:00; this isn't a right XML DateTime data type. By debug I have seen that the internal rappresentation is similar. The right XML rappresentation is: 2005-09-12T00:00:00; ...

41. Generated Timestamp with Hibernate 3.1

I am trying to use the Hibernate 3.1 feature to generate timestamps on insert and update. Of the five tables I am using this on, three work and two do not. The coding of the attribute is exactly the same, even copied and pasted from one to the other. I am using UDB 8.x and I get a SQL code 407, ...

42. Incorrect number of parameters in generated SQL


44. StaleObjectStateException when unique numbers are generated.

Hibernate version : 3.0.5 Mapping documents: The sequence table I use Struts, Spring, Hibernate with Websphere and MS SQL Server 2000 Code: I have several unique numbers to be created in different ...

45. Can Hibernate generate array index

46. Generate native SQL String with Hibernate

I am building a JDBC adapter. This adapter would have to take the SQL to be executed in the form of, say, fields to be retrieved, join condition, table name etc. I was not sure if all the constraints specified by the user can be adequately represented in ANSI SQL so as to make it DB independent. Can I leverage Hibernate ...

47. Problem with Generated Date

I want to persist the entity generated time using hiebrnate generated properties. In the mapping file I have the following entry. Report Generated time My POJO contains the getter and setter for the 'generatedTime' property. But when I persist the entity , GENERATED_TIME is always set to null. Is ...

48. Why blob size is generated for DB2

Hi My app is Spring with JPA/Hibernate supports multiple databases. for columns with @Lob type, hbm2dll generates a default 255 byte clob/blob size for DB2. Other dialect does not have the size generated Because of this behavior, I have to annotated explicitly the size @Lob @Column ( length = somefix number ) other dialects do ingnore the specified length during hbm2dll ...

49. ID generation exception for id of type BigDecimal

Newbie Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:56 pm Posts: 1 I am using hibernate 3.2.5. I have a pojo with id defined as java.math.BigDecimal and associated to an oracle sequence. The following is the sample of mapping file Code: ...

50. Getting the newly generated uuid value

arashbi, You can use a simple Java class that generates a unique 32-char ID every time it is called, and set the "generator" property of the ID to "assigned". This simple Java method does that Code: /** * returns a unique 32-char ID * @return the ID ...

51. Identity Generation versus UUID

After reading many posts and Googling around, I have been unable to come up with a good answer to what strategy is best when you need globally unique ids. I've gathered that identity columns require two database transactions per insert. Also, from several Hibernate team members that using UUID is not a good strategy due to performance issues. Can someone point ...

52. Generate ID at creation-time

varunmehta, thanks for your answer. I didnt find a solution to this as well until today. So I decided to use bi-directional relations and hope, that there might be a solution some time. But right now it works for me (with a little overhead and a little unnecessary relations) As you already wrote in your posting, the problem seems to be ...

53. XML generated string

Hi All and sorry for my little english. I have a problem with XML data: If an object has some fields with null value, these ones are not included in the element that is generated. Session session = _sessionFactory.openSession().getSession(EntityMode.DOM4J); Element paziente = (Element) session.load(Paziente.class, id);// query.uniqueResult(); In this case, the element "paziente" includes only all the nodes that corrisponding to a ...

54. Auto generation of Id for my class with BigDecimal datatype

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hi, I have an object Answer with the field answerID(BigDecimal). The corresponding table has answerId Number as the primary key. Can somebody guide me how to use id generator=auto for objects of Answer (with primary key as a BigDecimal)? When I use id generate= auto, it throws an exception which says ...

55. Generating an account number based on the id

Hi. I don't account numbers that are to be seen by clients to be exactly the same as the given sequential id so I want to have another field that contains the id with some appended random numbers. But I don't know the id until I have saved the object to the database. After I have saved the object the then ...

57. CollectionOfElements and generated primary keys

58. Only generate @Id when id is null?

Hello, I'm using JPA w/Hibernate. I have a User entity and multiple subclass entities like Customer, Admin, etc. I need the ability to convert from a Customer to an Admin. The way I've tried to do this is create a new Admin instance, copy all properties over including the Id of the Customer, delete the Customer entity and persist the Admin. ...

59. Generated SQL contains illegal "column = null"

When using a null value in a (named) parameter query, the generated SQL uses the equals (=) operator instead of the "is" operator. E.g. Query q = ... "from entity where column = :possibleNullValue"; q.setParameter("possibleNullValue", null); will generate this SQL: "select * from entity where column = null" On most databases, this will work. However, this is a violation of the ...