format « Data Type « JPA Q&A

1. PostgreSQL and Hibernate: How do I format timestamp output?

I have a Postgres DB, with a column named t_time of type timestamp with time zone. When I use the psql tool to see the contents of the column, I get, for ...

2. time format yyyyMMddHHmmss in Hibernate 3.0

I need time in "yyyyMMddHHmmss" format for Hibernate 3.0.

 <property name="delayTime" column="DELAYTIME" type=""/>
what i need to specify type to reflect time in above format?

3. timestamp locale in hibernate using oracle

I have an entity class which has a timestamp property. If I save an entity instance in oracle, the corresponding timestamp column will be written into Chinese format(I am using oracle 10g ...

4. Hql how to formatting the dates

5. Problem with the date format

6. store date in user defined format in db through hibernate

Hi All I am new to hibernate. I am accepting date in dd/mm/yyyy format, but mysql stores it in yyyy/mm/dd format. In hibernate the object is stored as it is. I dont know how to handle this, as I have to accept dates in dd/mm/yyyy format and need to store in db in yyyy/mm/dd. Shall i use simple query.createQuery("Actually query string") ...

7. Datetime format

i am using PostgreSQL database. Here is my problem: i want to use sql datatime functions like "EXTRACT" with hibernate. but hibernate seems not to support those functions. How could i do ? for Example, here is my sql : SELECT EXTRACT(month form TIMESTAMP show_datetime) as month, count(*) as count FROM tbl_test GROUP BY EXTRACT(month form TIMESTAMP show_datetime) How can i ...

8. Change datetime format in Databinder.toXML()

9. Date/Time format

10. Saving dates in the DB with an specific format

11. UserType implementation not inserting proper Date format.

I want to map referenced object(Spec) in main Object as User Type. I created main Object(Request) and it as a property column EXPIRE_TIMESTAMP which maps to column="EXPIRE_TIMESTAMP" type="com.SpecHibernatePersistenceType" inside Request object. I implemeted a UserType to map between Date in SpecHibernatePersistenceType and Date column in Oracle. The Date inserted in oracle does not contain time, it only contains date part(ex:11/07/04, ...

12. Wrong nls_date_format with Oracle Thin-Client

The database i'm using has another nls_date_format as hibernate anticipate. The database has the default nls_date_format. I need 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' which uses hibernate. Is there a possibility to say the thin-driver, which nls_date_format to use? [The THIN-driver don't reads environment and registry!] Is there a possibilty to set the session without altering the database default? [We use Oracle 8.0.5, which has ...

13. XML format of Date type

14. Invalid Date Format for DB2 using Hibernate

Newbie Joined: Mon May 30, 2005 5:52 am Posts: 15 I am getting the below error when I try and insert a row in a table that has a column called modified_dt in the format of Timestamp. Hibernate is generating the date in the following format. '27 June 2005 16:51:12' However, when I run the following query to find out the ...

15. How to use the month first format in a date/timestamp

Hi, This is noway a problem of hibernate. Ok, Anyway this will work for you Your date is java.util.Date date = "12/12/2005" // format "dd/MM/yyyy" Use the below Class to convert the format which you want SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); sdf.parse(date); // will give you the format in which you need. You can format to whatever format you need

16. Question about HQL and date format?

I want to use raw HQL to query objects based on a data field. So I want to do the equivalent of "from Event as e where'Jan 20, 2004'" However, that doesn't work. I assume that my date string isn't properly formatted. I've looked through the forums for HQL example outlining that but couldn't find one. Could someone please give ...

17. How to format dates using hibernate

[b]Hi All, We are using hibernate to achieve database independence in our application.Our Application is right now working fine on mysql database. I am trying to insert date in "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss" format which is the default date format of mysql. We are trying to make our application run on Oracle database also. Right now we are facing problems with date format ...

18. Date format : net.sf.hibernate.QueryException

Hi, I am trying to execute the following query with the following code. public java.util.List getTasks() { try { Criteria crit = SessionFactoryUtils.getSession(getSessionFactory(), false).createCriteria(getReferenceClass()); Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy"); String myDate = formatter.format(date); crit.createCriteria("TbReTask").add("DueDate",myDate)); return crit.list(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { throw SessionFactoryUtils.convertHibernateAccessException(ex); } } And I got the following error message org.springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateQueryException: could not resolve ...

19. Criteria - format_date function use

20. Problem reading Oracle date, formatting and extra 00:00:00

Currently I have a couple of date fields in my java objects that are mapped to equivalent date columns in Oracle database. Whenever, I read the dates, I always have to parse them and again reformat into the date format I need and it contains the time stamp 00:00:00 which I have to remove every time. Is there an attribute like ...

21. Sql server - format date

22. how to change the date format--plz help

Hi, Can i change the format of the date type ... like when i use type="date" it generate the data type as date and when i save a particular date in my appilcation{new Date()},it save like 23-02-2009 I want the format like 23/02/2009 or 23 feb 2009 Can we change it? if yes then reply plz...\if no then also reply plz..wkth ...