byte « Data Type « JPA Q&A

1. Using a UUID as a Database Primary Key, Java type is a byte[]

Are there any issues with using a byte[] as a primary key in a JPA Entity? I want to use a UUID as my primary key, but stored as a string I ...

2. proper hibernate annotation for byte[]

I have an application using hibernate 3.1 and JPA annotations. It has a few objects with byte[] attributes (1k - 200k in size). It uses the JPA @Lob annotation, ...

3. Storing a hash as byte array with JPA

My User entity class contains password hash field, which is a byte array with a fixed length (32 since it's an SHA-256 hash).

public class User {

4. Read/Write BLOB in byte[] with Hibernate in MySQL..

Hi Team, I am using hibernate with MySQl(Mysql-5.0.5). I have a table with a column type BLOB. Corresponding bean in java has byte[] for this column. I am able to write blob sucessfully but not able to read the blob in byte[]. My Table(Person) looks like this ------------------------------------------ Field *************************Type ------------------------------------------ PERSON_ID *************************bigint(20) age *************************int(11) firstname *************************varchar(255) lastname *************************varchar(255) BYTE_DATE *************************blob ...

5. Is Hibernate able to read UTF-8 4-byte chars from database?

This is a fairly simple problem that I have to imagine many people have run into, but a basic search surprisingly has not led me to any answers... We're able to save UTF-8 characters and read them as well with hibernate and mysql. But only when using varchar columns. The problem, as anyone who has had to deal with asian and ...

6. BLOB and byte[]

Dear all, I have some pb when dealing with BLOB type in Oracle and handling byte[] in java. Actually, I insert into Oracle some byte[] with a length of almost 2000 and when I fetch the same data I get only a byte[80] !!! Have you got please any idea or solution ?

7. 2000 byte restriction while using Blob data type

Hibernate Version: 2.1.2 Database: Oracle 9i Mapping File: (Only two columns displayed) The XMLFILE column in the database is a of Blob data type. I have tried giving the type as "blob" and "java.sql.Blob" without success. Problem: There is a castor generated object and I do the following things: 1. Marshall the ...

8. byte[] versus Blob. differences and what is the best ?

Hi what is your opinion what is best Blob or byte[] ? I had many problems with Blobs, e.g. reading datas from blob more than one time (problem was reading twice from InputStream returned by Blob) What is difference between byte[] and Blob ? for byte[] i'm using maping : name="documentBody" type="binary" update="true" insert="true" access="property" column="documentBody" not-null="false" for Blob i used ...

9. Only 1 byte of blob getting saved

Hi: I am using Hibernate 2.1 with Oracle 8i. I am using following code to save blobs. childData.setFullAnswer(Hibernate.createBlob(" ".getBytes())); //end blob code serviceImpl.getSession().saveOrUpdateCopy(childData); //blob code serviceImpl.getSession().flush(); serviceImpl.getSession().refresh(childData, LockMode.UPGRADE); BLOB blob = (BLOB)childData.getFullAnswer(); OutputStream os = null; try { os = blob.getBinaryOutputStream(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (os != null) { byte[] b = childData.getAnswer().getBytes(); if (childData.getAnswer() != null) ...

10. get blob filed to byte[]

jdbc:oracle:thin:@ oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver net.sf.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect ...

11. Hibernate Type of Array of Byte for PostgreSQL

12. Blob, byte[], Postgre and MySQL

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():; Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: Code: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Blob may not be manipulated from creating session at org.hibernate.lob.BlobImpl.excep( at org.hibernate.lob.BlobImpl.getBytes( at org.hibernate.lob.SerializableBlob.getBytes( ...

13. CLOB truncation on DB2 when using 2 or 3 byte chars (UTF8)

I am using a CLOB column in DB2 mapped to a String in Java with the Hibernate "Text" mapping. The column in DB2 has a CCSID 1208 which means "UTF8" (= Unicode) The truncation occurs when characters are used that are UTF8 coded in more than one byte. Then the string is truncated when persisted in the database. For this example ...

14. storing a byte array in postgres

15. How do I get a unicode value as a string instead of byte arr

I have an "NVARCHAR" column in Sybase iAnywhere 10 which hibernate writes to correctly, but reads as a byte array instead of a String - "My Value" is returned as "004D0079002000560061006C00750065". Is there a way to get hibernate to convert this to a String object for me or do I need to do the conversion in my get method? Thanks in ...

16. byte[] instead of Blob

17. Trying to insert blob of size 10000 bytes into Oracle 9

Hi, I am trying to insert blob of size more than 6 kb upto 1.5MB using apache commons ServletFileUpload, but its thrwoing the following exception while inserting the data into the corresponding table. But I tried with 1600 bytes file, it worked fine but if I go with any pdf or any image file more than 6kb , its failing and ...

18. VARCHAR2(n char) to VARCHAR2(n byte)

19. Primary key is 8byte binary

I am using nhibernate...but probably similiar solution(if there is one) so i reposted here. I am trying to map a legacy table that has a key of 8 byte binary using the following mapping and nhibernate throws a "Illegal use of an array as an identifier"...any ideas? I was thinking tricking it with GUID but that is a 16byte binary.