Calendar « Data Type « JPA Q&A

1. Is there a Problem with JPA Entities, Oracle 10g and Calendar Type properties?

I'm experiencing the following very annoying behaviour when using JPA entitys in conjunction with Oracle 10g. Suppose you have the following entity.

@Table(name = "T_Order")
public class TOrder implements Serializable {

2. how to combine java.util.Calendar and HQL Between

I'm trying to get the books that were loaned between two dates. Since data has the lovely 2009 is shown as 109 feature I decided to use calendars. However when writing my HQL ...

3. What time zone does Hibernate use when it reads and writes a Java Calendar object to an SQL TIMESTAMP?

When Hibernate writes a Java Calendar object to an SQL TIMESTAMP column, to which time zone does it adjust the date, that of the computer ...

4. Hibernate - Restrictions (Calendar, HOUR)

Can I get items created at specified hour (e.g. 9am) from the table using by hibernate restrictions (i mean ids 130, 146, 147, 148)? enter image description here Can you ...

5. Hibernate and Calendar

6. Calendar and multi locale application

7. Saving Calendar type changed behavior in 3.6.x

Hi, I have just recently upgraded from 3.5.x to 3.6.x. However, the behavior of saving of a Calendar object is very different. In 3.5.x, the time saved to the database is in the timezone of the Calendar object. In 3.6.x, the time saved to the database is always the time converted to the timezone where I run my process. For example, ...

8. Date and Calendar... again ? ;0)

Hellu there, I notice that I have to use query.setCalendar() in my HQL to use the datetime sql field , but I notice that hbm2java generates java.util.Date members in my persist objects... I think they both work fine, but what's the logica behind this ? and what is the way to go ? For example: should I use Calendar as member ...

9. Comparing Calendar

10. Calendar Type

11. Calendar persisting doesn't save timezone?

Hi, I would like to understand why the built-in Hibernate type "calendar" does not persist the timezone along with the date and time. I can understand why Locale isn't saved, but the timezone seems like a requirement if a query wants the results ordered by the calendar timestamp. Specifically, 2AM GMT is before 5AM PST for any given day, but these ...

12. Restrictions does not support Calendar ?

13. type="calendar_date" throws ClassCastException in

09-05-2008 16:01:37 [main] ERROR - Context initialization failed ....... Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.ClassCastException: org.hibernate.type.CalendarDateType java.lang.ClassCastException: org.hibernate.type.CalendarDateType at org.hibernate.tuple.PropertyFactory.buildVersionProperty( at org.hibernate.tuple.EntityMetamodel.( at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractEntityPersister.( at org.hibernate.persister.entity.SingleTableEntityPersister.( at org.hibernate.persister.PersisterFactory.createClassPersister( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory( at org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean.newSessionFactory( ...

14. Problem with Criteria using between with Calendars

Hi, Im having a problem when I use Criteria with a between restriction with Calendars as parameters. I have a class Reserva with 2 attributes: "desde" and "hasta" wichs are Calendar type Basically, is a class that that represents a reservation in a hotel, with dates. I need to know if a date of the reservation is between to dates sent ...

15. best practice: user hibernate Calendar vs Date

16. Hibernate calendar

I have a hbm.xml that have a calendar: and i'd like get all the objects in the year 2008: i try this: Query hql = new HqlQuery(); query string = (from entidad e where e.fecha > :fechaINI and e.fecha < :fechaFIN) fechaINI like 01/01/2008 fechaFIN like 31/12/2008 queryHQL.setCalendar("fechaINI", calendar); queryHQL.setCalendar("fechaFIN", calendar); hql.setQuery (query string); But i think ...