sql « DAO « JPA Q&A

1. Java/Hibernate: how to write DAO code for complex SQLs    stackoverflow.com

My current workplace uses the standard Spring/Hibernate/JSP mix to serve content to its Flex client via XML. There are many ways in which the data is accessed, but the most prevalent ...

2. Hibernate Generic DAO - Testing whether the SQL generated is correct    stackoverflow.com

I have a DAO infrastructure as follows: StoreDao, CouponDao, PersonDao. All these extend from a GenericDao which has the bulk of the functionality(using Java Generics). kind of explained here - [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-genericdao/index.html][1] When getAll() is ...

3. Complex Nested SQL query and DAO/DTO model    forum.hibernate.org

SELECT DISTINCT l.* FROM layer_role lr, layer l WHERE lr.layer_id = l.layer_id AND lr.role_id IN ( SELECT fr.role_id ...