table « Criteria « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate: Criteria seach with restrictions from several related tables

I'm having a problem making the right restrictions for my database seach using Hibernate. I'm having two tables being Location and Keyword, and i want to seach for locations in an ...

2. Grails Hibernate Criteria: Get the originial table entry

Solved: Changing the join-type to INNER_JOIN I'm trying to get the original table-entry of a domain class after executing a hibernate criteria. For example:
The domain class A got a hasMany association to the ...

3. can i create criteria for two independent table.

Hi all, i have 2 tables. each are independent there is no hibernate mapping and also FKey key link. how can i create criteria for those 2 tables. Example : i want to check like this let table A and table B. A.PK_ID = B.PK_ID is this possible ? tel me some one how can i map those tables through hibernate ...

4. Hibernate Criteria Multiple tables

5. Hibernate Criteria on two related tables !!

Hi , I am new to the hibernate criteria . I have requirement to get the from two related files like these .......... Table 1 ===== name street .... .... .... Table 2 : ===== B.Id How can i create criteria to get the data from table1 with name = "" and B.Id = 2 ? How we can ...

6. how to construct criteria when there is no User table?

Hello everyone..! I'm new to Hibernate. I've some queries in constructing Criteria instance with the following conditions. I've 3 tables. 1. APPLICATION (APPLICATION_ID, NAME, CODE); 2. TOKEN ( TOKEN_ID, NAME, COMMENTS, APPLICATION_ID); 3. TOKENUSER( TOKEN_ID (integer), USER_ID(varchar)); I need to construct a criteria instance for the below query. SELECT A.TOKENID TOKENID, A.COMMENTS COMMENTS, A.NAME TOKENNAME, C.CODE CODE FROM TOKEN A, TOKENUSER ...

7. How to Create Criteria From Other Table

Hello, i have problem with restriction in hibernate. This is my problem. I want to create the createria so that i can print out data which have this criteria Price under 400USD and Supplier is MySupplierName. But the price column is placed in Product table and Supplier Name column is placed in Supplier table. How i can grab such data like ...

8. criteria problem while or-restriction in multiple table

Criteria c = getSession().createCriteria(Table1.class); c.createAlias("table2", "table2", JoinFragment.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); c.add(Restrictions.disjunction(). add(Restrictions.ilike("fieldTab1", "blabla", MatchMode.ANYWHERE)). add(Restrictions.ilike("table2.fieldTab2", "blabla", MatchMode.ANYWHERE)); this works for the mappings

9. problems with sub table criteria