restriction « Criteria « JPA Q&A

1. How to achieve "not in" by using Restrictions and criteria in Hibernate?

I have list of category. I need a list of category by excluding 2,3 row. Can we achieve through hibernate by using Criteria and Restriction?

2. Hibernate restrictions (And / Or)

small questions about Restrictions. i have query like this :

Where  A in(1,6) and (B not like 'Value%' or B not like 'ValueII%')
the problem is the field B not contains a fixed ...

3. Hibernate Restrictions / Criteria Beginner Question

Hi I have been trying to work out the best way to do this today to no avail. What I would ideally like to do is to create an alias distance calculated ...

4. Hibernate Criteria combined with ilike

Is there a way to combine the, Collection<String>)
Restrictions.ilike(String, String)
The goal would be to provide a list of possible matches (like in) but to compare them with the ilike operator instead of ...

5. Passing from HQL to Criteria problem. How do I make the "in" restriction work?

I have a query like this Query query = session.createQuery("from table1 c where c.colummewhatever =:value and (select p.colummewhatever from table2 p where c.fkidcolumme=p.idcolumme) in (:listPColummewhatever) "); Is there a way to translate ...

6. Hibernate Criteria Restrictions AND / OR combination

If I wanted to achieve this using Hibernate Restrictions,

(((A='X') and (B in('X',Y))) or ((A='Y') and (B='Z')))
Any help appreciated.

7. Restrictions / Criteria Beginner Question

Hi I have been trying to work out the best way to do this today to no avail. What I would ideally like to do is to create an alias distance calculated by the SQL formula below (although I am open to other ways of calculating the distance, this was just the way that seemed it should be easiest) Once I ...

8. adding restrictions to a criteria

9. Question about Criteria and

Hello, all I am using Criteria and to load objects. I have 100,000 rows of Thing class, and I want to find those rows whose name is in a set. Names are strings. Set set = new HashSet();//put here 5000 names getSession().createCriteria(Thing.class).add("name", set)).list(); And it runs so slow, seems will not stop. But when I try the same operation directly ...

10. criteria restriction for "in" to use object refere

I am trying to do a criteria join query, and I would like an "in" clause which works on the original object. The only way I can get in to work is by fields. Can someone please help? You see below where I try to do an "in" by the alias of the original object, you can see the stacktrace that ...

11. Using Criteria with restriction