detachedcriteria « Criteria « JPA Q&A

1. DetachedCriteria and jax-ws

Is there a way to pass a DetachedCriteria object to a jax-ws service? (my problem is that DetachedCriteria does not have a no-arg constructor, which is required by jax-ws)

2. Hibernate Criteria: Add restrictions to Criteria and DetachedCriteria

Currently our queries add a variety of Restrictions to ensure the results are considered active or live. These Restrictions are used in several places/queries so a method was setup similar to


3. hibernate: using criteria to access objects within objects

I am using criteria to get a list of notifications that contains users that are active. The problem is that i get the following error:

org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: of: ...

4. How to convert this HQL to DetachedCriteria?

This HQL statement, when executed produces this the following result:

select t, count(s) from Submission s right join s.Topics as t GROUP BY t.Id

    [0] topic_id, topic_name, ... 

5. I have expired problems with LikeExpression in hibernate(hibernate 3.5.5)

Looks like it does not work with ignorCase. The first assert returns true. Second - false. Any Ideas?

EntityManager entityManager = (EntityManager) applicationContext.getBean("entityManager");
HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate = entityManager.getHibernateTemplate();
int size = hibernateTemplate.find("from Source where caption ...

7. Hibernate many-to-many ...with DetachedCriteria/ Criteria

Hi, In our project we have a many-to-many relationship between 2 tables, so looked up many webpages explaning the how-to etc. but none of the examples I found, used DetachedCriteria/ Criteria....all explained the nuances using HQL In our project, the user is shown a search screen, with many fields (name, from-date, to-date and so on) and so we are using DetachedCriteria ...

8. Hibernate DetachedCriteria: how to leave out a given object from the results?

Hello Arun, The idea was to have Hibernate compare each result of type Foo with the given object foo, by using the equals method. I had Hibernate generate the domain classes and I was hoping that Foo would either contain its own implementation of 'equals' method, or that Hibernate would be able to compare two objects foo of type Foo 'under ...

9. How to use DetachedCriteria in multiple table?

DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Student.class); if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(studentName)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("studentName", studentName)); } // Suspect line if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(departmentName)) { criteria.createCriteria("department") .add(Restrictions.eq("departmentName", departmentName)); } // Suspect line if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(departmentCode)) { criteria.createCriteria("department") .add(Restrictions.eq("departmentCode", departmentCode)); } return getHibernateTemplate().findByCriteria(criteria);

10. Hibernate 3.5.0-Final DetachedCriteria

Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Mainclass.class); DetachedCriteria detachedCrit = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Subclass.class); detachedCrit.setProjection(Projections.groupProperty("id")); ...

11. How to combine two detachedCriteria with logical operators

public Class CriteriaFactory { public static DetachedCriteria getAgeAbove20Cri() { DetachedCriteria ageAbove20Cri = DetachedCriteria.forClass( Student.class ) .add("age" , 20 ) ); return ageAbove20Cri ; } public static DetachedCriteria getAgeBelow10Cri() { DetachedCriteria ageBelow10Cri = DetachedCriteria.forClass( Student.class ) .add("age" , 10 ) ); return ageBelow10Cri; } ...

12. Getting detachedCriteria through criteria

13. MappingException if DetachedCriteria is used


14. setCacheable & DetachedCriteria

15. DetachedCriteria --> URL: bookmarkable?

Print out the string and play with it. You won't be able to use it directly because it's not in a format compatible with URL parameter strings, but it will be relatively easy to use StringTokenizer to parse the string, you won't have to get any more complicated than that. There are alternatives, of course. The best would probably to put ...

16. How to reuse Criteria or DetachedCriteria objects?

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.1.3 Hi, My query generally could return large number of rows, to control that, I set the setMaxResults() on the Criteria. But in the same time, I was requested to provide the actual number of rows that qualified for the query. Since there are a lot of unknown Restrictions ...

17. Junctions and DetachedCriteria

criteria.createCriteria("subTable").createCriteria("subSubTable") .add( Restrictions.not(Property.forName("accessStatus").in( accessStatusExclude)));

18. DetachedCriteria Help

I have two objects A and B. A looks like @Entity @Table(name="TABLE_A") public class A { @Id @Column(name="ID") private Long id; @OneToMany(mappedBy="owner", cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.EAGER) private List listOfBs; } B looks like @Entity @Table(name="TABLE_B") public class B{ @Id @Column(name="ID") private Long id; @Column private double value; @Column private Date theDate; } Basically I'm trying to compare the B.value of the most recent ...

19. DetachedCriteria or/and

You can do this like in the following code I did. There are Restrictions in Restrictions. If you want to distinct the result add the last statement. // ** begin criteria = session.createCriteria().add( Restrictions.or( // startpoint in value (Restrictions.and(, recort.getStart() ), (Restrictions.le(startpoint, record.getStop() ) ))), //endpoint in value (Restrictions.and(, record.getStart() ), (, record.getEnd()) ))) ) ); criteria.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); // ** end I ...

20. question about DetachedCriteria

In My Code, I created DetachedCriteria instance once and want to use it twice: create: DetachedCriteria dc = DetachedCriteria.forClass(User.class); dc.add.... dc.addOrder..... use: findByDetachedCriteria(dc); countByDetachedCriteria(dc); the findByDetachedCriteria() method use getExecutableCriteria(session) to obtain a Criteria instance and then set some limitations on the Criteria instance. findByDetachedCriteria() was executed successfully but the countByDetachedCriteria() failed because countByDetachedCriteria() method also use getExecutableCriteria(session) method and In Hibernate, ...

21. Problem in DetachedCriteria-Hibernate

Hi all, I have couple of questions regarding Hibernate Detached Criteria. 1. I want to know whteher I can use one DetachedCriteria object in another DetachedCriteria 2. If DetachedCriteria object returns more than one row , whther I can use that one in subqueries. If so, please assist me how to use DetachedCriteria. Please do favour with me. Thanks and Regards, ...

22. DetachedCriteria and FKs...

24. Need help with DetachedCriteria

Hi I am trying to make this SQL in hibernate but I cant make the DetachedCriteria as it should be, can anyone help me please :) SELECT EXTRACT (YEAR FROM createdate) || '-' || EXTRACT (MONTH FROM createdate) || '-' || EXTRACT (DAY FROM createdate) AS y0_, this_.authorityfoaid AS y1_, this_.serviceid AS y2_, this_.supplierid AS y3_, this_.serviceentityid AS y4_, this_.calledfrom AS ...

25. DetachedCriteria from more than one tables

26. DetachedCriteria error

Hi! I can't get my DetachedCriteria to work. I'm using maven2 entity-manager with spring 2.5.1 If I use entity-manager I get 1000 error when starting up my spring so I need if possible use entity-manager I have an Item class annotated like @ManyToOne collection and @ManyToOne SubCategory In my dao I need to get all SubCategories that has ...

27. problem in DetachedCriteria--- new to hibernate

An ORA-00600 is thrown if Oracle detects an unexpected condition (also known as internal error). In order to isolate the cause of an ORA-00600, the error comes with a list of arguments in square brackets. The first item identifies the problem cause. Along with a ORA-00600, a trace file is written in the user_dump_dest or background_dump_dest directory. The name for the ...

28. Convert Criteria in DetachedCriteria?

29. Need to convert SQL to Hibernate. Prefer DetachedCriteria

Simple SQL but having a heck of time finding a good example of how to do this. Here's my SQL: SELECT * FROM people p WHERE person_id NOT IN (SELECT person_id FROM bad_people ) I've got a person mapped to a Person object I know it's simple, please help if you've got a moment. Many Thanks, Ken

30. How to combine NamedQuery and DetachedCriteria ?

Hi, I'm using a Named Query, but should add an "order by" clause to it. The orderBy column can be chosen by the user, so I should be able to add it programmatically. In order to implement this, I was thinking on getting the Named Query and combining it with a DetachedCriteria. The criteria allows me to "dynamically" add the sortcolumn. ...