callback « Core « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate callbacks

I want to tell hibernate to give me a callback notification when a new row is inserted into my database (this row is inserted by another system/application.) Im using mysql cluster and ...

2. Seam Hibernate Serves same EntityManger instance to two separate threads

I am new to the Java / Hibernate / Seam way of development but I appear to have a strange issue with Hibernate and concurrent threads. I have a application scoped Seam ...

3. How to disable JPA 2 callback methods and entity listeners

I have some classes (entities) with methods annotated by @PostLoad, @prePersist etc. and classes has @EntityListeners annotation. I whant to disable proccesing of callback methods and listeners in my test enviroment. ...

4. How to access oldObject and newObject with Entity listeners and Callback methods

I'm logging all the changes made to my objects in the DB.

public void logPostPersist(Object object) {
    PAudit p = new PAudit();

5. Problem with CascadeType.ALL and lifecycle callbacks

I have some problems with storing this simple mapping:

public class Account extends UUIDBase {
    private Profile profile;

    @OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, optional = false)

7. Callback annotations in JPA2.0

Hi, There are some situations that multiple callback annotations are applied to a single method in an entity, in this case the problem is when you want just one of the annotations be considered in case of multiple events. For example a callback method in entity is annotated with @PostLoad and @PostUpdate and this entity is detached. While detached, the state ...

8. Hibernate callback methods are not called

The problem you're facing could be you haven't written listener class in which you should put the callback methods (like you written test()). After that you use that class in you entity class where you want to intercept using @EntityListeners annotation. something like this >> it's my class where i put my callback methods import javax.persistence.*; public class MailNotifyListener { @PostPersist ...

9. PrePersist/PostPersist callback method are NOT called

I am struggling with some simple usage of @PrePost and @PostPersist, the entity is persisted and rows are inserted into my DB, and there are no exceptions, but the methods tagged with PrePersist/PostPersist are simply not called - everything before or after is gently outputted except the message in the PostPersist/PrePersist method. Here is the test method I use: Code: @PostPersist ...

10. How to trigger entity's callback method?

In my project(JPA2.0,EclipseLink,mysql),I have a entity listener. For example,when entity updated, the method with annotation '@postupdate' will be triggered. This works well. But sometimes,user updated the entity(getEntityManager().merge), JPA provider will check whether entity's property changed. If there is no change in entity, JPA provider will not update this entity.(This is cache mechanism,I think). So the the method marked '@postupdate' will not ...

11. JPA callback not called when entity is not dirty

Hi, I have written a JPA callback that modify some properties of an entity depending on external conditions. The modification is done in a @PrePersist and @PreUpdate callback. The problem is the callback is never called as Hibernate considers that the entity is not dirty and consequently do not call JPA callback. I read JPA spec and it is unclear if ...

13. Entity LifeCycle Callbacks

Hello, I'm having a strange behavior trying to use this feature: I've a entity which has a method annotated by @PrePersist and @PreUpdate. When I call my entityManager.persist, the callback gets fired, but when I call entityManager.merge it does not, even changing the entity content. As an alternative to annotated methods at the entity class, I can use orm.xml to specify ...

14. Creating with callback methods

Beginner Joined: Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:26 am Posts: 31 Hi, I am implementing call back methods from net.sf.hibernate.Lifecycle. But the insert query is not generated and sequence generation. Do i have to do something in onLoad() in the class which is implementing the Lifecycle interface. THe stack trace which i get after implementing Lifecycle is : 6:42:23,823 DEBUG SessionImpl:413 - ...

15. initialization callback

16. Callback after update or save?

I'd like to implement some logic each time a save is done to a particular persistent object. This seems like a perfect opportunity to use the callbacks, but it looks like the ones for update and save only work before the update or save, not after. Is there another Hibernate oriented option?

17. callbacks and object initalisation

hi, i want to initalise all my persisten objects after they are loaded from the db without calling like init(Object abc) seperatly. I could do so, but than I can't really take advantage of lazy-loading. i.e. if I call init on every object in a resulting Collection within my finder-method, every object is retrieved from the database, not mentioning all ...

18. Limitations on the lifecycle callbacks

Q1: Hibernate documentation specifies during onLoad, one should not load any dependent objects. But how about the others- is it safe to make any type of query during onUpdate/onDelete/onSave? We use to have a problem in 2.0.3 where accessing a persistent list of the Hibernate entity during onUpdate which had not been previously lazy loaded would cause the list to be ...

19. Null Object mgmt with Lifecycle Callbacks

Hello, I am using the NullObject Pattern which I find very convenient for not testing for nulls everywhere in my programs. I am using the Lifecycle callbacks to replace my NullObject by null when Hibernate saves / updates my classes and I instantiate a new NullObject when I load from Hibernate. Here is the code for that. Code: // For Operation ...

20. problem on onUpdate callback method

onUpdate callback method of interface LifeCycle not called while calling saveOrUpdate of session, but onSave called. When I use the close/open strategy, onUpdate method will be called when saveOrUpate an entity. But if changed to disconnect/reconnect strategy, the onUpdate won't be called. Does it make sense? I traced the source code of SessionImpl, I found in saveOrUpdate method, if getEntry() not ...

21. Lifecycle Callbacks - equivalent for "post" insert

Hello!! Is there an equivalent interface like Lifecycle, that will allow you to do insert(), updates(), etc. to other tables after an insert to an existing table?? For example: If I have TABLEA and TABLEB. IF insert and commit into TABLEA insert into TABLE B and commit insert ELSE if duplicate entry in TABLEA do nothing; continue; If not, how can ...

22. onSave callback

24. callback, callbacks, hibernateLazyInitializer

Hibernate version: 3.0.5, annotations 3.0b2 I have a base class for my entities called 'Entity' -- it contains a number of getters that are not persistent but follow the bean naming conventions, so I declare those @Transient. So far so good. I also use java.beans.Introspector to get information about my beans' properties. Once I filter out those base class properties, everything ...

25. Refresh object in lifecycle's callback method

Hi, Hibernate version : 2.1.4 Cache : JBoss Tree Cache Application Server : Jboss 2.3.2 Code snippet: For Object onUpdate() { //Do some processing //Save other object in different session session.refresh(this) } Problem : After this hibernate updates objects which has cascade none in their mapping file. Is this expected behaviour or bug ,if yes is it fixed in later version? ...

27. Hibernate Exception - Exception Occured in a CallBack ???

Hibernate Version: 3.0 save: resulted in Hibernate Exception for entity I am getting this error when i am trying to save an entity. I had passed the necessary parameters to that entity. Can anyone please help me in which circumstances this error may Occur...It is very urgent...please

28. Entity lifecycle callbacks problems

I posted this topic about ActionQueue in another forum, but I believe this discussion does not concern only EJB 3.0 users. Well, actually it is not a discussion yet because nobody replied to the people who reported this. I have been facing some problems concerning entity listeners. I'm using Hibernate version 3.2.0.cr2, which is shipped with JBoss 4.0.4. When we write ...

29. Adding new Callbacks to proxied objects

Ok, this is not a easy topic as it requires knowledge about the intrinsics of Hibernate but I hope somebody can answer this. I am wondering if anybody knows how to get Hibernate to add custom cglib callbacks for POs to the ones it adds anyway. I want to enhance its behavior so I need to intercept a couple of method ...

30. One-to-many question and help needed on callback methods

Thanks for the answers but what I want is: When all children are removed, the parent to be removed too. That is, no parent to exist without children. I know about delete_orphan bit I want the other way around. Currently I have implemented this with interceptor that checks children being deleted and if this is the last child, deletes the parent. ...

31. callback to entity to change it's state on Save

Hello, I'd like my entity to gent notified before insert, as some business rules must be applied (generate some custom unique indentifier) I've tried to use an Interceptor, but the onSave method gets called AFTER the entity state has been extracted as Object[], so changing the state means changing those objects, not just calling the entity setters from my business code. ...

32. Using JDBC Query from within an entity lifecycle callback

Hello All, I am currently using 3.2 with annotations and entity manager. I am interested in using entity lifecycle callbacks using annotations such as @PostPersist and @PostUpdate. I realize that in order to maintain portability, invoking an entity manager or invoking entity manager queries are not allowed. However, making calls to other beans or running JDBC queries are allowed. I am ...

33. db trigger callback

34. Even Listener Callback and DB connection...

Sems like when a @Preupdate @Prepersist etc listener methods are getting called, the hibernate is already working with an open connection - is that true? In that case if the listener code is going to send an email then potentially the connection could be held open for a long time by the current thread. Am I missing something here?

35. Persistency callbacks not being called

@Entity public class TypeA{ @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) protected Integer id; @Column protected String str; @PrePersist protected void myPrePersistMethod(){ System.err.println("<<<<<<<<<<@@"); } }

36. no callback when updating relationship 1-n

Hi, As I did'nt found answer in forum, here my issue. I have two entites Payment and Remittance. Remittance has a @OneToMany relation with Payment (unidirectional relationship). I defined a Class as @Entitylistener which intercepts @Prepersist, @Postpersist, @Preupdate, @Postupdate, @Preremove, @PostRemove. When on already existing Remittance, I just add an already existing Payment, no callback methods are called and database is ...

38. Transient fields with callback methods

I have an entity which contains several basic fields A, B and C and one complex field X which is not (should not be) mapped to a database column. The idea is to create X from A, B and C when loading an instance, and to deconstruct X into A, B and C when persisting. The first logical thing to try ...