Discriminator 1 « Core « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate Discriminator sort    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to sort the records when queried on discriminator column. I am doing a HQL/ Criteria query for retrieving all the records. Here is my class:

abstract class A {

class B extends ...

2. Issue: Table per sub class using discriminator    stackoverflow.com

Short Summary of Problem Hibernate is assuming that whenever someone is using subclass all the columns should be created in the top root of the class hierarchy irrespective of what table name ...

3. Discriminator in InheritanceType.JOINED    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to force hibernate to use discriminator column for inheritance type joined? According to JPA2.0 specification this should be possible but i can't achieve it in hibernate. Example:

@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
public class ...

4. problem with discriminator , WrongClassException JPA with Hibernate backend    stackoverflow.com

I have requirement like i have superclass as abstract. i have 6 subclasses for that abstract superclass. i mapped them with SINGLE_TABLE inheritence strategy in JPA. in another POJO i have a one to ...

5. JPA @Discriminator : how to cast one entity into another (based in discriminator)    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to have a User table with different types of users. I have a user class and then i extend it by Customer and Employee and Manager and admin ...

6. JPA: Can I define a discriminatorColumn on a entity property that is not in the same entity?    stackoverflow.com

Given I have Entity A which has a Many-To-One relation to Entity B. Entity B has a property (kind of enum) that I would like to use as Discriminator of certain ...

7. One-to-one relationship between one type and sub-classes of another type using Hibernate    stackoverflow.com

Using Hibernate, I am trying to implement a one-to-one relationship between one fixed domain type A and another domain type B whose type be any type which implements a certain interface. Situation: The ...

8. How to save the correct discriminator value through Hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I am currently trying to map my Java class hierarchy into my database using Hibernate but I keep failing with the following (sub-)classes: I have a class called MailAccount which has 3 ...

9. Hibernate JPA Discriminator Column not appended to the generated Query    stackoverflow.com

I have an abstract entity using DiscriminatorColumn and is subclassed by various entites. Now, when I'm querying named query in the abstract class, it throws an error saying 'org.hibernate.InstantiationException Cannot instantiate ...

10. Hibernate search - discriminator value    stackoverflow.com

I am pretty unfamiliar with hibernate search API and I am trying to map and query some articles in my application. The artices may be in several different language mutations. What ...

11. Hibernate - Should I use a discriminator?    stackoverflow.com

I am taking a table per subclass approach to map some data using hibernate. Typically at the database layer I would introduce a type column in the abstract table and ...

12. JPA - Multiple columns discriminator    stackoverflow.com

I have 3 tables like this in MySQL 5:

|               PERSON        ...

13. Hibernate: changing value of discriminator field    coderanch.com

Hello, How do I change the value of discriminator field in Hibernate? I have a hierarchy of classes: UserVO <---- NewUser <---- IncompleteUser <------ ActiveUser Where <---- means "extends", UserVO is an abstract class at the top of hierarchy. All these classes are mapped to the same 'user' table with discriminator field 'USER_TYPE'. Now if I have a record with 'NewUser' ...

15. Question about Hibernate discriminator    coderanch.com

16. discriminator in hibernate    coderanch.com

I am learning Hibernate and am a newbie to the same. I do not understand the purpose served by the discriminator attribute of the class mapping. I tried reading a couple of articles on the same but still I do not understand where it will be required to use the same. Please throw some light on the same.

18. Hibernate: Changing the discriminator    coderanch.com

Hi, I have a class hierarchy. The superclass in Person. It has a subclass Lodger which has a subclass Alumni. When a lodger moves out, he becomes an alumni. An alumni can come back and move in again, then he becomes a lodger. I mapped the hierarchy with a discriminator and everythings works fine. When I want to change a lodger ...

21. Discriminator column in JPA: how to differentiate    coderanch.com

Hi guys, A simple question maybe. I have a an entity Profile which is mapped to table APP_PROFILE . I extend two more entities from it using the discriminator column as in Sales Profile and Manufacturer Profile. There is a username field in the Profile entity and some times i query the table using the user name now I am kinda ...

22. JPA, entity hierarchies and Discriminator column    java.net

If I model an entity hierarchy using a single table and a discriminator column it appears I can't have the column mapped as a field in the base entity. At least Hibernate doesn't like it. Is that a JPA restriction (I couldn't find it in the spec) or a Hibernate special behaviour?

23. Getting Class name from HQL discriminator value?    forum.hibernate.org

Using Hibernate 3.3 on Oracle 10g, I have the following Criteria - Code: Criteria c = HibernateUtils.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(DataObject.class) .setProjection(Projections.distinct( Projections.projectionList() .add(Projections.id()) .add(Projections.property("name"),"name") .add(Projections.property("description"),"description") ...

24. Discriminator Value in an aggregated object    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have a question regarding a descriminator column values My situation: I have an main class A which contains an aggregated object of class B. Both classes contain an object identifier attribute which is used to uniquely identify the objects. Now I want to use a discriminator value/column from class B rather than from class A as I do not ...

25. Using discriminator to join to different table    forum.hibernate.org

My aim is to use a discriminator on the basis of field bid_item_type_id to determine which table to join to, to retrieve date using the implicit foreign key in bid_item_id. Is this possible using disciminator in hibernate? If so, can someone please help?! Code: Table Structure: Field ...

26. @ManyToAny vs. Discriminator    forum.hibernate.org

27. Multi-column discriminator?    forum.hibernate.org

28. Discriminator column set - but getting exception    forum.hibernate.org

I am using table -per - class hierarchy mapping to persist data. Getting following exception while running in MS SQL but this works fine in Oracle ERROR org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter [main]:=Invalid column name 'type'. Mapping file has the following : PRIMARY.SQ_PRIMARY

29. Problem with discriminator    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I've a hierarchy mapped with a table per class hierarchy strategy. I'd like to know if it's possible to change the discriminator value on "runtime". I've tried via hql but I got this exception org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: [discriminator_name] of: class path + hql query at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractPropertyMapping.propertyException(AbstractPropertyMapping.java:67) Actually, the discriminator is not a property in my hbm... Can anybody ...

30. Discriminator Field in M2M Table    forum.hibernate.org

Hi All, I have 2 different entities (Contact and Account) which have a M2M relationship with the same entity (Address). So, in my M2M table, I have 3 fields: AddressId, ObjId, ObjType Is it possible to define a discriminator field in many-to-many association? Currently Contact and Account are completely separate tables. Do I need to create a base table, and define ...

31. Hibernate Discriminator Annotations    forum.hibernate.org

32. Discriminator problem    forum.hibernate.org

I just started learning hibernate. I read some theory and trying to implement one example using discriminator. Please help me in resolving this issue. person.hbm.xml: ---------------

33. Optional join using discriminator (or pivot table)    forum.hibernate.org

I have a data model which I have to conform to. This data model defines some properties of an object as rows (using a type column), whereas I want to define these as separate variables in my object model. Basically, Id like to do the following, however the where attribute is not usable:

34. Class hierarchy, one table per class, discriminator formula?    forum.hibernate.org

Solved. At least the technical problem exposed. You can find the solution in the very book "Java persistence with hibernate", maybe the actual problem is that I have a low level in reading comprehension (or the book is too dense, even though fantastic) At the end of the 202 page you can read: "Sometimes, especially in legacy schemas, you dont have ...

36. How to use existing column to denote discriminator    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have an existing database table(in which each row contains a classId column). I am now trying to map my various related objects to this data and need to use the existing classid column to denote the class discriminator using single table inheritance. I have just setting the classid as the @DiscriminatorColumn but Hibernate attempts to recreate this columns and ...

37. Multiple discriminator columns    forum.hibernate.org

I absolutely don't understand the necessity of having Multiple discriminator columns. Each entity record in the database must be unambiguously assignable to a concrete class. The discriminator column is the holder of this information when you use single table inheritance strategy. Java does not support multiple class inheritance, so why do you want map multilevel inheritance?

38. Hibernate 4: persisting discriminator values (JOINED policy)    forum.hibernate.org

@Entity @Table(name = "Documents") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) @DiscriminatorColumn(name = "discriminator", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING) //@DiscriminatorOptions(force = true) // <-- Hibernate 4-specific annotation not inserting discriminator values public abstract class Document implements Serializable { ...

39. Change class of object with discriminator column    forum.hibernate.org

Hi I have a problem for which I seem to find no answer. In our project we have single-table inheritance with a discriminator column. @Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @DiscriminatorColumn(name = "CATEGORY") public abstract class A { ... } @Entity public class B extends A { ... } @Entity public class C extends A { ... } The problem is that we ...

40. queries for a table having defined Discriminator fetches all    forum.hibernate.org

Beginner Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 2:47 pm Posts: 21 I have the following requirement. Need to create project. Need to create enterprise group (set of users - system defined) Need to create Admin group (set of users - system defined) Need to create groups (set of users - user defined) Need to retrieve only groups on some occasions Need to ...

41. Can i change the discriminator type    forum.hibernate.org

Hello-, My scenario is like this. I have employee , contractor classes and contractor extends employee and the employee and contrator are mapper using strategy(table-per-hierarchy). May be this quesion is naive but still i wanted to ask can i read a row with discriminator 'contractor' and update it has an employee with discriminator 'employee'? In other words i wanted to ...

42. discriminator force="true", and get()    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, seems to solve my particular problem. That is, I need it to always use the discriminator when accessing/loading objects. After testing, though, it only seems to do as the documentation describes when using iterate or find. When using "get()", the discriminator is not included in the SQL query generated -- it only uses the id. Is this correct ...

43. Discriminator being ignored    forum.hibernate.org

I have a base class mapped to a table, It has two subclasses that have a discriminator on them: baseclass discriminator="BASE" subclass1 discriminator="PAY" subclass2 discriminator="ORDER" when I call: session.load(baseclass.class, id); I get a net.sf.hibernate.WrongClassException: Object with id: 12 was not of the specified subclass. This is what I expect to happen because the row with id = 12 corresponds to a ...

44. Discriminator value    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have three classes that extends from an abstract class 'Resource', and I'm using a string field 'indTypeResource' like discriminator to identify witch o these classes should be instantiated. The instantiation is working very well, but I can't access the attribute 'indTypeResource', that should be avaible from the resource class as I'm using like discriminator. Is that possible? How can ...

45. Help with many-to-one relationship using discriminator    forum.hibernate.org

I am having problems creating a many-to-one relationship between two tables in a scenario with a discriminator column determining which foreign table to reference. Consider the following schema: Code: Table: USERS UserID int(4) PK Login varchar(50) Table: GROUPS GroupID int(4) PK GroupName varchar(50) Table: PERMISSIONS PermissionID int(4) UserOrGroupID int(4) FK to User/Group AssigneeType char(1) // 'U' for user or 'G' for ...

46. Discriminator not updating    forum.hibernate.org

I have a in-table class hierarchy that consists of a Person as the base class and a Doctor as a subclass. When I try moving a Person up the hierarchy tree, the discriminator value does not update. Below is my hbm file for the classes. Hibernate v2.1.2 PERSON_ID_SEQ ...

48. What to do if discriminator column is on another table?    forum.hibernate.org

Just in case anyone else was wondering about this today as well. You can indeed put in the select statement to pull the discriminator off another table. In my case I had a type table that has a CLASS_NAME column in order to create the object by reflection. I wanted to maintain referential integrity so I wanted to hook the FK ...

49. How to obtain discriminator value in base-class    forum.hibernate.org

I have been using Hibernate 2.1.2 and MSSQLServer using Type 4 JDBC driver along with Spring and Weblogic. I have been able to use table-per-class-hierarchy mapping strategy to persist and retrieve data. Now I have run into a situation wherein I have to know the discriminator value given the primary key. Based on that, I will have to retrieve the corresponding ...

50. (PL)/SQL function in discriminator-value    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, Is it possible to have the discriminator-value for a class be an SQL or PL/SQL function? for instance instead of saying discriminator-value="44", I would like to say discriminator-value="creditcard.getId()" so I don't hardcode the type IDs for my objects into the XML. my discriminator element looks like this: and I am using class hierarchy per table mapping. ...

51. Problem when using class property as discriminator    forum.hibernate.org

Hi everybody, I'm using hibernate 2.1.14 in my project and I have several mapping strategies: for some objects I use a table per class hierachy strategy and for some other I use table per subclass. I have a class named A and a class named B. B extends A using the table per class hierachy. When I execute a query like ...

52. Find a classes discriminator value    forum.hibernate.org

I'm trying to programitically figure out the discriminator value if I have a class. Is there a recommended way to find the value? There doesn't seem to be a method on ClassMetadata like discriminatorValue(). For a generic reporting funtion, I'm trying to create a criteria that restricts itself to a sub-class of records for a joined property. For example: Code: public ...

53. table-per-hierarchy and many discriminator values ?    forum.hibernate.org


54. Discriminator    forum.hibernate.org

I have a table with discrminator field modCd. Hibernate is fine and seting the value of the discriminator field Some time i want to mannually also update the modCd field in the table overriding the value given in discriminator-value. At that time i will have to add in the mapping file the field modCd as its property. in such case the ...

55. specifying more than one discriminator value    forum.hibernate.org

56. Discriminator not updating correctly    forum.hibernate.org

57. discriminator-value - using wildcards?    forum.hibernate.org

58. Hibernate: changing value of discriminator field    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Hello, How do I change the value of discriminator field in Hibernate? I have a hierarchy of classes: UserVO <---- NewUser <---- IncompleteUser <------ ActiveUser Where <---- means "extends", UserVO is an abstract class at the top of hierarchy. All these classes are mapped to the same 'user' table with discriminator field 'USER_TYPE'. Now if I have a ...

59. discriminator field of entity in different table    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 2.1.6 I have a Users table and a Company table. The Company table has a 'type' field. 0 - Buyer Company, 1- Seller Company. The user table has a FK relation to the company table. I'd like to model the relationship such that users belonging to a Buyer company get mapped to a BuyerUser class and those belonging to ...

60. Valid Discriminator types    forum.hibernate.org

61. Filtering HQL query on column    forum.hibernate.org

62. same field for many-to-one and discriminator, is possible?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I've been trying to map a table that has a field that I want to use both as discriminator and as a many-to-one relation. I tried all kind of combinations but hibernate doesn't seem to like it. The Table "Valor" is mapped using the table-per-class-hierarchy mapping strategy, and I also have another table "Tipo_Valor" (mapped to class "TipoValor") that enumerates ...

63. Hibernate3 formula discriminator    forum.hibernate.org

64. How to set null discriminator-value?    forum.hibernate.org

I have a discriminator column which is allowing null. The column's type is Number. How can I set the null value for discriminator-value attribute? Is it possible to set "other" value? that means any other value that not specified are give to this subclass. ---------------------------- Another question: The actually question is how to dynamicly set up discriminator-value? We have a code ...

65. discriminator missing from where clause    forum.hibernate.org

I am attempting to use the table-per-class hierarchy strategy to map different subclasses to a parent object by one-to-one associations. It is possible to create a parent with these associations but when I attempt to retrieve the parent object I get: net.sf.hibernate.WrongClassException: Object with id: 1 was not of the specified subclass: com.paulkearney.ch3.CreditCard (loaded object was of wrong class) on the ...

66. Getting the discriminator value    forum.hibernate.org

67. Many-to-many association with discriminator    forum.hibernate.org

Preambula: I have a number of objects such as Product, Document, etc.. It is needed to classify them by some characteristic. Different users can use their own model to classify object. They can classify by UNSPSC, eClass or whatever else. The examples of Classification is "teapot", "cell phone", "books with hard cover", whatever. Object maps to Classification in relationship of M:N ...

68. two discriminator columns    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.0rc1 Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to have a discriminator which uses 2 columns ( I know this is a very ugly data model but affortunately I will have to work with it). Is this possible or is there a known workaround? My question can be seen as this: I have an inheritance tree with objects ...

69. How to obtain the discriminator value programatically?    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version:3 For reasons I cant go into (to lengthy but it has to do with interaction with non-java legacy systems) I need to programmatically find out what discriminator values that have been assigned to various classes in the mapping files. I would also like to get hold of a list of all classes that has known mappings? I have tried ...

70. Discriminator does not work in Komposition!?    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I have a Class called CAccount whicht is abstract and that has two Childs. CDAccount and CKAccount. These Two classes are stored in the same Table beeing identified by the Discriminators D and K in the Coulumn disc. When I load the Classes directly like: Query oQry = oSess.createQuery("FROM baseClasses.CKAccount"); The Application realy only loads the ones with the K ...

71. Discriminator    forum.hibernate.org

Hallo, ich habe zwei Klassen, die von der selben Klasse erben. Diese subklassen stehen beide in der selben Tabelle und unterscheiden sich durch den Discriminator. Wenn ich eine normale Abfrage auf die Klassen mache, bekomme ich auch wirklich nur die mit dem richtigen Discriminator. Wenn diese Klasse aber in einem anderen Object in einem Set steht, ldt die Query aber trotzdem ...

73. Using 'discriminator' in 'order by'    forum.hibernate.org

1) I have a query that looks something like this: from Load l left join l.events e so on order by e.eventLoadType, e.eventType, e.eventSchedOnDoorTime 2) Basically, Load has one to many Events. Each Event can either be a LoadEvent or UnloadEvent. The discriminator is defined in the Event base class as follows: 3) On the ...

74. Discriminator not used in foreign keys    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I m trying to use Inheritance , table per hierarchie, I have a first table A with a composite primary key ( type, id ), id is generated by a sequence for each value of type ( don't have unique constraint on id but on both type and id ). I have a second table B which has a foreign ...

75. Discriminator From a Joined Table    forum.hibernate.org

I'm using the table-per-class-hierarchy design, as explained in the documentation. However, my discriminator is part of a joined table. I'm not sure how to accomplish this. The easiest way to explain would be to extend the "Payment" example from the docs. The example has the discriminator (PAYMENT_TYPE) as a field in the payments table. I want to store my payment types ...

76. Missing SQL join conditions when using discriminator subclas    forum.hibernate.org

Hi everybody, we have experienced what seems to be an Hibernate bug (we are using version 3.0.5) in the way Hibernate builds SQL join queries in certain circumstances. In detail: when a field of the HQL select clause refers to a many-to-one property and the HQL from clause contains more than one class, including a class mapped as a subclass (using ...

77. casting and discriminator values    forum.hibernate.org

How does one modify the discriminator value in the database? I have a class Client and a subclass BillingContact. They are both persisted in a single Users table with a discriminator column whose value is either 'client' or 'billingcontact'. The distinction between the two is that a BillingContact has a mapped BillingAccount property while a Client does not. I need to ...

78. Generated Insert String does not include discriminator?    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message CollinL Post subject: Generated Insert String does not include discriminator? Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:28 am Regular Joined: Wed Feb 02, 2005 6:33 am Posts: 70 Hi there, have a somewhat strange problem. I have two classes, mapped as below. On the Mode Of Transport, the insert string does not contain the discriminator property, on the ...

79. From discriminator to class name?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I'm using an HQL projection query that extracts the discriminator using the class attribute. What I would like to get is not the discriminator, but the class name, without having to load the objects (that is, keeping the projection). Is there any way to do this in hibernate 2.1.8 (sorry, long project, started a few months before hibernate 3 was ...

80. Discriminator formula -- behaviour when saving new objects?    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: HB3 Hi all, I am trying to use a discriminator with a formula. I can see how the formula is used to evaluate what class to instantiate, but what is supposed to happen in the reverse direction, when saving a new persistant class? example: If ...

81. Discriminator value doesn't change    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3 Mapping documents: Code: ...

82. Can we update the discriminator column in Hibernate    forum.hibernate.org

I'm pretty sure you can't do this. Think about what you are trying to do from an OO standpoint. Changing the discriminator is trying to change an object's class (certainly not something you should want to do from an OO standpoint). You should delete the old object and create a new one.

83. Using Discriminator-value in an unequal comparison    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, is there a way to use the discriminator the inverse way? I mean instead of defining a subclass having a discriminator-value=="1234", having a subclasse when discriminator-value!="12345"? I have this case where my Acount class have 2 subclasses. The first one is when discriminator-value=="0", and the other case when discriminator-value!="0". I would need somekind of formula, but it dont seems to ...

84. discriminator based reference deletes non-orphans on cascade    forum.hibernate.org

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: Entity.hbm.xml Code: ...

85. Discriminator    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I have a column that references an attribute. But here is the problem: this column is used in the discriminator too as is showed below: [code] [/code] When my xml is 'compiled' I receive an error message saying that I have repeated columns: "Repeated column in mapping for entity: Ocorrencia column: ...

86. Discriminator is not used in sql when using subselect fetch    forum.hibernate.org

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Hello, I am using the bellow mentioned configuration file to execute following HQL. However the sql that Hibernate produces is not what I would expect. If you look at the sql to retrieve one-to-many collections (settlement instructions and desk) discriminator is used to establish join but it is ...

88. Clarification of discriminator formula    forum.hibernate.org

Facts from the documentation: 1.) A discriminator is a single column in the database used by Hibernate to distinguish different subclasses from one another. 2.) A discriminator does not need to be a property of the class (but can be), Hibernate will automatically fill this column in when writing or reading a mapped subclass to the database. 3.) Each subclass has ...

89. Discriminator setting id to determinator-value    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all I have a problem using inheritance with discriminator here is the mapping Code: ...

90. BUG: Collection retrieval query does not use discriminator    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate 3.0.5 & 3.1rc2 Mapping ... // Hierarchy to single table mapping: ... If I retrieve ProductDefinition.contractProducts & ProductDefinition.specialProducts ...

91. Having "discriminator-value" Set Via SQL    forum.hibernate.org

Hi GrnnDemon, What you need is the formula="" syntax on the tag. For example, I have several type_codes (about 6), which configure to 3 different sub-classes. 2 type_codes map directly, the other 4 get bunched into the 3rd sub-class: Code: ... CASE WHEN type_code NOT IN ('RET', 'COM') THEN 'BUS' ...

92. duplicate discriminator values    forum.hibernate.org

I noticed something a bit strange with hibernate today. I have a class hierarchy mapped to a single table using subclass mappings with discriminators. It seems that two of my subclasses inadvertently have the same discriminator value. Off-hand I would have expected hibernate to complain about this on startup, when reading the mapping file, but it doesn't. It lets me persist ...

93. Discriminator column in a different table    forum.hibernate.org

I have tables Person(PID a PK), Content (ID as PK), ContentType (CTID as PK) and a linking table Person_Content ( PID, CID, CTID). Unfortuantely, ContentType(CTID) is not part of Content ( that would be a normal design but I cannot change the legacy table at this point). In the object domain, I have CONTENT class and different subclasses of Content based ...

94. casting classes that use discriminator value    forum.hibernate.org

Hi there, I would like to know if can I update a class between classes that are using discriminator value. So, I have a Administrator class, Analyst class and User class and I would like to do a cast from Administrator class for Analyst class for example. How can I to do it? Is it possible? Code:

95. Forcing Hibernate to Update A Discriminator Column    forum.hibernate.org

When we started using Hibernate 2.x, my team and I encountered a problem dealing with our table-per-hierarchy mapping. Basically, we are looking for a way in Hibernate 3.x to force the discriminator column to be checked/changed at each update. Here is a hypothetical situation: School Object contains an Array of People Objects. Student and Teacher Objects extend People Object. People, Student, ...

96. How to index discriminator column?    forum.hibernate.org

97. How to generate discriminator condition in join not in where    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.1.* RequisitoZona is a subclass of Requisito with discriminator tipo = 'Z' Requisito has a TipoDocumento property and TipoDocumento has Set property. HQL Code: select d, r from RequisitoZona as r ...

98. Can't get discriminator value    forum.hibernate.org

I've got an entity mapped that's using the table-per-class-hierarchy design. As a result, there's a discriminator column called 'itemtype'. This is all working fine and Hibernate correctly instantiates the appropriate subclass. However, my code needs to be able to directly acess that itemtype property as in: myItem.getItemType(). To do that, I mapped a property separate from the discriminator which doesn't update ...

99. getting discriminator    forum.hibernate.org

100. how to specify discriminator formula=??    forum.hibernate.org