timeout « Connection « JPA Q&A

1. msyql server connection timeout    stackoverflow.com

Mysql server connection wait_timeout is 28800 seconds, my hibernate apps keeps timing out(the whole application lifecyle was about 1 hour).

The last packet successfully received from the server was 4,396,266 ...

2. help me avoid connection timeout with JPA, Hibernate & MySQL    stackoverflow.com

I'm using JPA (Hibernate as provider), Glassfish and MySQL. Everything works great in development, but when I deploy the app to a test server and let it run (largely idle) overnight, ...

3. JPA + MySQL: After Timeout --> use a local Connection    stackoverflow.com

as our connection is very unstable we have decided to switch to our local read-only database if a query times out. But here is my problem: I do not get an exception ...

4. Hibernate: Oracle connection timeout    coderanch.com

Hi folk, Afer 8 hours of inactivity (ex. during night) connection close and my application stop to work... Anyone know how to obtain the same as "jdbc:mysql:/localhost/mydb?autoReconnect=true" with oracle jdbc driver? Assuming actually, even with MySql, using the autoReconnect parameter is not recommended (http://www.theserverside.com/news/thread.tss?thread_id=24137#111947). I don't use Hibernate connection pool but DBCP (with tomcat) and this not help: "true": after ...

5. Hibernate Preventing Connection Timeouts    coderanch.com

I am using Hibernate to connect to my MYSQL version 5 database, any time i leave the application for like 8 hours and attempt to use it again i always get this exception com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure due to underlying exception: ** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** java.net.SocketException MESSAGE: Connection reset STACKTRACE: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:113) at com.mysql.jdbc.util.ReadAheadInputStream.fill(ReadAheadInputStream.java:113) at com.mysql.jdbc.util.ReadAheadInputStream.readFromUnderlyingStreamIfNecessary(ReadAheadInputStream.java:160) at ...

6. Can we set connection timeout through Hibernate without using C3P0?    coderanch.com

Hello Friends, I want to close the db connection after 'n' seconds of idle time. In my hibernate config file, I'm getting the datasource reference fom JNDI. Is it possible to set connection timeout value? It looks like C3P0 connection pool implementation allows use to set the connection timeout? Can i use both? i.e App server connection pool (datasource from JNDI) ...

7. Connection Timeouts - Connection Pooling Settings    forum.hibernate.org

Scenario: Web application running on host seperated from DB server via webserver. After period of inactivity (default is 60mins) on firewall the connection will be torn down, but the connection pool stills indicates a valid connection (i.e netstat reports that connection established on port 1521 - Oracle db) I'm looking at using the C3P0 connection pool since this has a timeout ...

8. MySQL Connection timeout    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I hope you can help me. I have battling connection timeout issue with Mysql for a month now. I am using hibernate 2 with c3p0 connection pool. Hibernate config file below: jdbcSessionFactory true false false true true=1, false=0 net.sf.hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb?autoReconnect=true username ...

9. spurious connection timeout exception    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, Any ideas why I would sometimes get a "org.dom4j.DocumentException: Connection timed out: connect Nested exception: Connection timed out: connect" exception (see below)? And yes, I'm still using 2.0 DTDs with Hibernate 3. The first step of my upgrade roadmap is to run the current setup with HB3 without any modifications. Thanks Dmitry Hibernate version: 3.0.6 Mapping documents:

10. Connection Timeout    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, We are uisng Hinernate 3.0.5 and WAS 6.0. Some times we get the following error while building configuration [9/1/05 11:49:48:908 EDT] 00000038 DatasourceCon I org.hibernate.connection.DatasourceConnectionProvider configure Using datasource: java:comp/env/jdbc/bookingDatasource [9/1/05 11:49:48:909 EDT] 00000038 XATransaction E J2CA0026E: Method addSync caught javax.transaction.RollbackException: Transaction rolled back at com.ibm.ws.Transaction.JTA.TransactionImpl.registerSynchronization(TransactionImpl.java:3366) at com.ibm.ws.Transaction.JTA.TransactionImpl.registerSynchronization(TransactionImpl.java:3345) at com.ibm.ws.Transaction.JTA.TranManagerSet.registerSynchronization(TranManagerSet.java:484) at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XATransactionWrapper.addSync(XATransactionWrapper.java:284) at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionManager.initializeForUOW(ConnectionManager.java:1233) at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionManager.involveMCInTran(ConnectionManager.java:976) at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionManager.allocateConnection(ConnectionManager.java:585) at com.ibm.ws.rsadapter.jdbc.WSJdbcDataSource.getConnection(WSJdbcDataSource.java:331) at ...

13. Connection timeout error    forum.hibernate.org

I'm running tomcat and mysql. If I make a new http request to a webapp that's been sitting for a while (roughtly 40 minutes), the following error comes up. If I refresh the same request, the app works as expected. What might be causing this problem? Thanks a lot, Dave Tomcat version: 5.5.25 Hibernate version: 3.2.5 Name and version of the ...

14. MySql connections timeout    forum.hibernate.org

I am facing the well known issue of connection that timeout on mysql throwing a broken pipe exception or similar. There are many threads on the subject, I know and I researched and followed many. I have applied configurations suggested and currently the connection pool config is: 5 50 1 90000 1 true false ...

15. probem with-- C3p0 Connection timeout property    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, My db connection expire after 8 hours...How can i set property by which timeout never expire One of the silution is 0 or just incraese the timeout... plz suggest me the other solutions N want to ask that Is this a problem of hibernate or C3p0 or mysql....? if the problem with mysql then plz tell me how to ...

16. connection timeout on oracle    forum.hibernate.org

I am trying to timeout a query if my network connection should suddenly drop during the query. My client is a web service layer that is being used by a web UI, so a long delay waiting for the network connection to return is unacceptable (I should note for this scenario that the web UI and the web service layer happen ...

17. Hibernate MySQL connection timeout problem    forum.hibernate.org

Hi everybody, I ran into a problem while using Hibernate and Mysql. MySQL closes an unused connection after 28800 sec. I've googled. I thought I've found a solution, but it doesn't work. For testing purposes I've set the MySQL timeout to 60 sec. Attempt 1: Code: