context « Connection « JPA Q&A

1. How can I configure hibernate to use context-specific connection information?

I'm writing a J2SE (Note, not JEE) application using Hibernate, and I need to provide a different connection to Hibernate for each thread of execution. These connections must be pooled, ...

2. Geeting internal Oracle connection from Hibernate in JBoss

I need to set an application context through Hibernate. I found there is a method setApplicationContext on oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection. I wrote a test, in which I was getting the Oracle connection from ...

3. C3p0 Pooled Connection - error closing on context

Having issues when I shut down Tomcat or run JUnit test. This is in the SpringFramework but I don't know if it is applicable. When the app context is being destroyed on shut down it always throws this error. In the case of the Junit test, it even happens if I don't do any queries. Appears to be simply because of ...

4. current_session_context_class as thread and connection pool

If we use current_session_context_class as thread; Hibernate document says that once thread is DONE; hibernate automatically closes the session. But what I noticed is that hibernate does an extra optimization. Hibernate closes the Session only if it is DIRTY (i.e. if any updates are done on it) else if session was used only for select queries ; it does not return ...