close « Connection « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate - Connection not closed in connection pool

I am using org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource and I want to monitor the UNCLOSED connections. What properties i have to set in hibernate config file? Thanks. Giovanni

2. Hibernate connection close issue.

Below is sample hibernate program. SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); session = sessionFactory.openSession(); final String SQL_QUERY = "FROM MainMenu"; Query query = session.createQuery(SQL_QUERY); Iterator iterator = query.iterate(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object obj = (Object); System.out.println(((MainMenu)obj).getMenuName()); } session.close(); I am using MS ACCESS database and I created my own dialect. Below is configuration file. sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver jdbcdbc:mydsn ...

3. How to close Hibernate C3P0 Connections properly?

What does "graceful shutdown" mean in this case. I am to program a fat client which has two database connections. One the fat client is connected to most of the time and one to update the database from a main server. Problem is now that I must not shutdown the program when i log out of any of those connections. The ...

4. Closing db connection issue

Hi All, Am fairly new to use hibernate, please help to answer my simple doubt, its more of a design oriented doubt. I have configured the hibernate properties to have min of 5 connections and max of 30 connections in the connection pool initially and configured as minimum idle connections as 5 to have always minimum of 5 connections available to ...

5. connection closed (Hibernate 1.2)

I have exactly the same problem with Hibernate 2. I'm using dbcp connection pooling: = 100 = 100 = 120000 = 0 hibernate.dbcp.maxActive = 100 hibernate.dbcp.maxIdle = 10 hibernate.dbcp.maxWait = 120000 hibernate.dbcp.whenExhaustedAction = 0 with MySQL: hibernate.connection.url = jdbc:mysql://myhost:3306/mydb?autoReconnect=true The error happens after some time of inactivity (eg. over night): net.sf.hibernate.JDBCException: Could not load object: Connection.close() has ...

6. Closing a connection for you.

7. [CachedConnectionManager] Closing a connection for you.

Hello, I run Hibernate 2.1.1 with JBoss 3.2.4RC1 on Windows XP. I configure Hibernate as a JBoss SAR service using hibernatedoclet ant task. I have the following attributes defined for Hibernate service. net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup I obtain the following exception (below). Interesting that the message is "Closing a connection for you" while stacktrace shows that it happend during getting connection ...

8. Database connections not closing properly

9. some times datasource conection not returned on sesion close

Gavin, Thanks for your reply. Okay now I will change it and i will place session.close in finally block. Any how but I can't see any exception during flush. But I observed one thing , whenever there are multiple sessions opened then some sessions are not closing. Once again thanks for your time. Thanks, Jack

10. Connection automatically closing

Hi...I'm using Hibernate 2.1.6 and using a ThreadLocal variable to hold my Session object. I need to initialize an Oracle context (by calling a stored procedure) for all my connections prior to sending any inserts/updates through it. I first tried creating my own connection, calling the pl/sql procedure from it, and then passing it to openSession -- however, if I do ...

11. Connection automatically closing

Hi...I'm using Hibernate 2.1.6 and using a ThreadLocal variable to hold my Session object. I need to initialize an Oracle context (by calling a stored procedure) for all my connections prior to sending any inserts/updates through it. I first tried creating my own connection, calling the pl/sql procedure from it, and then passing it to openSession -- however, if I do ...

12. c3po closing connection on PSQLException

Hibernate version: 2.1 I am using spring + hibernate + c3p0 and I am having issue when inserting a record with duplicate key (on purpose). I traced the sequence of events down to this: 1. insert dup key record 2. db throws PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint 3. c3p0 "see" the exception and abandon the connection: [c3p0] A PooledConnection ...

13. connection unexpectedly closed using c3p0 0.8.5

Anybody knows if c3p0 0.8.5 works with hibernate 2.1.7 (the one released with hibernate is c3p0 Somehow we got intermittent jdbc exceptions (sometimes at session.commit(), some like the following stack traces, always at BatchImpl class). The problem is not always reproducible. We have to use c3p0 0.8.5 because it has a bug fix we need, but it looks like it ...

14. closing Connection

Hi, I need to use some plain JDBC, so I get Connection from the Session: Session.connection() My question is: do I need to close this Connection or not? If I close it and perform some action on this session (find f.ex.) then hibernate says that Connection closed , otherwise, I have connection leaking.

15. No Operations allowed after connection close...

16. Persisting before closing connection

Newbie Joined: Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:14 am Posts: 4 Hi, I have a problem which I believe is related to how Im persisting data to the database. Ive got a one-to-many relationship with the mapping documents below. Now when I persist the data by running the test class three times, once for each Album and its tracks then the Track ...

17. [c3p0] problems closing connections/acquiring new

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Code: this.session.setFlushMode(FlushMode.NEVER); this.transaction = session.beginTransaction(); //all database queries go in between try { transaction.commit(); ...

18. No operations allowed after connection closed.

I have this exception. I use also a connection pooling Proxool configured in as: CURRENT_DATE hibernate.proxool.maximum-connection-count=50 hibernate.proxool.minimum-connection-count=3 hibernate.proxool.maximum-connection-lifetime=18000000 hibernate.proxool.simultaneous-build-throttle=5 hibernate.proxool.recently-started-threshold=40000 hibernate.proxool.overload-without-refusal-lifetime=50000 hibernate.proxool.maximum-active-time=60000 hibernate.proxool.verbose=true hibernate.proxool.trace=true hibernate.proxool.fatal-sql-exception=Fatal error hibernate.proxool.prototype-count=2 Someone can help me? Thanks Hibernate version:2.1.4 Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: java.sql.SQLException: No operations allowed after connection closed. at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.checkClosed( at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.prepareStatement( at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.prepareStatement( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor69.invoke(Unknown Source) ...

19. Closed connections in a c3p0 pool

Newbie Joined: Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:46 am Posts: 1 Hibernate version:3.0 Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): session-per-request pattern as described in CaveatEmptor Name and version of the database you are using:MySQL version 4.1.12 Hi, I am having a problem with a web application that uses Hibernate and c3p0. I am using the session-per-request pattern as described in CaveatEmptor. It works ...

20. "You can't operate on a closed connection!!!"

Hi, I've updated my code to use Hibernate 3 after using Hibernate 2 successfully. I'm using Postgres and now when my web application starts up, I get: 25261 [http-8080-Processor25] ( ERROR org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - You can't operate on a closed connection!!! What could cause this to happen, I never had this problem with Hibernate2 and Postgres Thanks, Jason

21. 3.1 DB Connections not being closed

22. Closing connection ?

23. Connection pool not closing when application is stopped

Hi there, I have a EJB project deployed to WebSphere and it works just fine. I am using Hibernate and Commons DBCP for my database access and connection pooling against an Oracle 10g database. My issue is that when I stop my application from the WebSphere console the application created connections remain open/active in Oracle. There seems to be no ...

24. Shoud I use Connection.close in this situation?

Code: Transaction t2 = null; String log2Data = null; Connection con = null; ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; session2 = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); try{ t2 = session2.beginTransaction(); con = session2.connection(); rs = con.prepareStatement( "select........").executeQuery(); ....... t2.commit(); }catch(Exception e){ ...

25. problem with connection automaticly closed

Newbie Joined: Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:48 am Posts: 7 hello HIBERNATE 3.2 I execute two programmes connecting to a sybase bd. this is a connection code Code: try{ sessions = cdb.Config().buildSessionFactory(); ...

26. helpme my connection don't close !!!!!!!

Newbie Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:47 pm Posts: 5 I using tomcat 5.5 with java persistence,hibernate 3.2 and c3p0 -0.9.12, mysql 5.0. I have a pool connection with cp30 . All transactions and querys has too many connections "sleep" for long time. this conecction don't close. what's happening? what fix? persistence.xml -----------------------------