C3P0ConnectionProvider « Connection « JPA Q&A

1. Connection Pooling using C3P0ConnectionProvider    forum.hibernate.org

I am using Hibernate with Jboss and PostgreSQL. In connection pooling I am using C3P0ConnectionProvider class. It is working fine. CASE 1: While configuring I have mentioned the min pool size as 5 and max pool size as 40. It is not displaying the connection pool size in console. How can know the Connection Pool size in this case? CASE 2: ...

2. C3P0ConnectionProvider configured with datasource    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.2.5ga, hibernate-c3p0 3.3.0ga c3p0 version: Tomcat version: 6.0.18 Hibernate.cfg.xml mapping: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect java:comp/env/jdbc/TESTDB org.hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider context.xml Global resource in server.xml Stacktrace: 15:18:19,460 INFO C3P0ConnectionProvider:81 - C3P0 using driver: null at URL: null 15:18:19,460 INFO C3P0ConnectionProvider:82 ...