table « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate composite key which are foreigen key to another table

I have two table Part and SubPart. Part table has general fields like id, name, desc etc. The SubPart table has part_id, sub_part_id as composite key. Both of these columns are ...

2. Composite ids between multiple tables in Hibernate

I'm pretty new with Hibernate, and I'm facing some trouble working with composite ids and foreing keys, I just want to make this work:

=======    =======
 Table A  ...

3. HowTo map a jointable with extra columns + table-column as part of the Id?

im using an intermediate entity-class to map additional columns to a jointable. SQL:

 CREATE TABLE backlogaufgabe
   id serial NOT NULL,
   id_backlog integer NOT NULL,
   id_aufgabe ...

4. Composite key in XML hibernate with second table

Firstly, I have no control over the technology or database structure. I have an object that has another object as it's composite key. Inside that composite id object, I have a ...

5. [Hibernate] composite-id and table-per-hierarchy

I'm shooting from the hip here since I haven't used composite keys with Hibernate, but the many-to-one mapping looks suspect.Doesn't the CANDIDATE table have two columns that make up the FK to CMLOOKUPS: LOOKUP and TABLENAME (or some other names)? Or do you have an alternate, single-column key in CMLOOKUPS that you use for joining to CANDIDATE? ...

6. Composite ids between many tables

Hi, I'm pretty new with Hibernate, and I'm facing some trouble working with composite ids and foreing keys, I just want to make this work: Code: ======= ======= Table A Table B ======= ======= atr1 PK atr1 FK(Table A, atr1) PK atr2 PK atr2 FK(Table A, ...

7. foreign key, with composite table

I get an exception when creating the tables. I understood the problem but how do I solve this? Exception: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.hibernate.AnnotationExcepti on: A Foreign key refering from rice has the wrong number of column. should be 2 Code: @Entity @IdClass (TruckWoodPriceId.class) @Table(name = "truck_wood_price") public class TruckWoodPrice { ...

8. One-to-many mapping with both tables having composite-id

emmanuel wrote: You can't do it with Hibernate. map c_businessKey as a property and do a manual HQL resquest to get your list of C Quite a ugly hack :-) I would like to separate my persistence model from Hibernate. If I understand your solution, what your suggest is to alter BO so that it has a simple long property. Then ...

9. how to mapping a composite-id table to a set

hi when i want to mapping the three table table a ida sequence pk; other column talbe b idb sequence pk; other column table ab ida pk fk; idb pk fkl other column i want to use a set to mapping table ab in class a for table a. how do i handle this problem.

10. Composite key columns referenced from two different tables

I have a very odd relationship in part of a legacy schema, was just wondering if anyone can see a way to map it directly. Contract is 1 <-> 1 with BillingDetails (FK [ContractNumber]) Contract is 1 <-> 1 with Payer ClientRole (FK: [ContractNumber, 'PY']) Contract is 1 <-> 1 with Mandate (FK: [BillingDetails.MandRef, Payer ClientRole.ClientNumber]) That is to say, Mandate ...

11. Table lookup by composite key spanning multiple tables

We have a legacy DB that our new application (Hibernate based, for now - if I get that thing to work) references for some data. Now, the data model is as follows: Code: -- The first two are from our app CREATE TABLE a (id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, foo VARCHAR2(6)) CREATE TABLE b (id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, a_id NUMBER NOT NULL ...

12. Mapping a table with a composite key

I have the following problem with hibernate: When I make a select statement on a table which has a M-to-N directive to another table, hibernate generates a delete and insert statment. This problem only happens if in the link-table in which are the foreign keys from the two tables have a third column. The third column (port) is as property in ...

13. Dodgy Legacy tables and composite foriegn keys

Im working with some old database tables which I cant change. Each table has a primary key field - which is just obtained from a sequence. This field in each table has no business meaning. There are logical relationships between the tables - which should have been defined as foriegn keys (note the relationships have nothing to do with the ID ...

14. Table mapping, composite key is foreign key too

15. composite primary keys and mapping three tables

Hi all, Actually, i've got 3 tables (in an Oracle database) and i can't find the way to write their mappings. I want to represent the primaries keys of thes tables. The structure looks like this : TASQUES_DOCUMENTS ------ DOCUMENTS TTD_SYS ------------------------ TDO_SYS TDO_CODI-------------------- TDO_CODI TTQ_CODI TASQUES_DOCUMENTS --- TASQUES TTD_SYS ------------------ TTQ_SYS TDO_CODI TTQ_CODI ---------------- TTQ_CODI So i defined DOCUMENTS: Code: ...

16. History table, composite ID or single ID

In principle, we should avoid composite ID. I think there is a exception case: history table should apply composite ID. For example, tOrder has a single PK: orderID. tOrderHistory has all tOrder's columns and one version column. Everytime user update a record in tOrder, the old data will be inserted into tOrderHistory. Should I add one more PK column to tOrderHistory, ...