save « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. Not able to save composite foreign key

I am not able to save the many to one composite foreign key value. PricingSheetFeeLineItem has one-to-many relation with SaleObjectPricingSheet. saleObjectPricingSheet has composite primary key. When I called session.saveOrUpdate(aPricingSheetFeeLineItem), the value ...

2. Hibernate: How to partially save composite objects?

Imagine that you have a Person entity with a one to one relationship with an Account entity. When mapping this in hibernate, your Person class has a Account property. Now suppose ...

3. Simple Save with composite id

Author Message Rick_1 Post subject: Simple Save with composite id Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:07 am Newbie Joined: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:49 am Posts: 2 i have the next output: Hibernate: insert into menu (actividad, descripcion, programa, frecuente, lugar, codigo, nivel1, nivel2, nivel3, nivel4) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Batch ...

4. [composite-id] Objects cannot be saved , no errors output.

Suppose this scenario : class Site has one Sting key : Sitename class User has two keys (composite key) : Sitename + Username I wrote User.hbm.xml as follows : Code: ...

5. problem while saving a class with composite-id

Hello there is this error i am having during creation of a class with a composite-id, an exception occurrs: Code: 17:28:10,093 ERROR SessionImpl:2368 - Could not synchronize database state with session net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: SQL insert, update or delete failed (row not found) at net.sf.hibernate.impl.NonBatchingBatcher.addToBatch( at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.update( ...

6. composite id and saving

I have a problem with saving one-to-many relationships. I have an entity called fund which contains a list of categories. A category has a composite key pointing to a fund and a category-code. The cascading between the fund and categories is set to save-update. I create a brand new list of categories and assign them to a fund. For each category ...

7. Using composite element in saving a set

hi all! I having problems saving a collection while saving an object. i have object order that has Set of items which i want to save with each order: I'm using xdoclet to generate hibernate configs. /** * @hibernate.set name="items" table="CART_ITEMS" * @hibernate.collection-composite-element class="org.petsoar.cart.CartItem" * @hibernate.collection-key column="ORDER_ID" **/ public Set getItems() { return items; } public void setItems(Set items) { this.items ...

8. Composite Key and Cascade Save

9. , cascade save with composite-id in n:m assoc

Hello, I ask you kindly as I'm stuck here since days and I even couldn't figure out everything necessary after having read "Hibernate in Action". The situation: As on page 226 in the book, I have a many-many-association between two tables called "Projekt" and "Firmen". The link table is called "Kunden". Its primary key is a composite-key consisting of the projekt_id ...

10. composite key in child + save failures

hi, i am doing my first hibernate project and I have to have a composite primary key in my child table. I know it is recommended that we use surrogate keys for the id, but there is no way that I can modify the design of the key. This fails at save, update etc. I tried several things over the past ...

11. Parent & Child with Composite Keys - One-to-many Save is

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp All classes are Serializable, equals and hashcode methods are available [b]Hibernate version:[/b] 2.1.7 [b]Mapping documents:[/b] ...

12. composite key updating instead of saving child object

Expert Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:11 pm Posts: 628 Location: Cincinnati it seems I am doomed to a life of working with legacy databases :( hibernate version 3.0.5 I have a composite key with a foreign key that points to its parent's auto-generated primary key. The problem is when saving the parent, hibernate runs an update statement instead of an ...

13. Composite-Id and save order

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Name and version of the database you are using: SQL Server 2000 I have an issue with Hibernate trying to save a composite-id class while one of the key classes is still transient. I have four legacy tables. Organization is the parent table, and it has two child tables: Users and Licenses. There is a fourth table, LicenseLink. ...

14. using composite primarykey cannot execute SAVE command

Newbie Joined: Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:14 am Posts: 3 Location: chennai hello group-ians , I have been doing the my project with hibernate3+jboss4.0.2+jdk1.4. i have two tables namely product[ prod_code and other columns] and product_release.[prod_code,prod_tag and rel_date] and i have three classes namely productsBean,productsPKBean(productcode and producttag properties) and productsRelBean. mapping files:products.hbm.xml and product_release.hbm.xml. I am using composite primary key(prod_code and ...

15. Saving Children with Parent - Composite Key issue

Hi I have a problem with saving "parent" and "child" records in one operation. The child PK is a composite based on the FK from the parent and a sequence number that I set manually. The ID of parent is not being set by hibernate so a constraint error occurs when the child is saved. These are my mapping files where ...

16. Composite key is not saved, stale key value is used

Newbie Joined: Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Hi, new user here. I am trying to save an object with a composite key. The first object is saved fine, but all consecutive objects cannot be saved because of PK violation. The reason is that Hibernate uses stale ID value despite that I set it explicitly. What I don't get ...

17. can't cascade save children with composite-id

The parent class is Address, the child class is AddressPreference. AddressPreference has a composite key, which one of them is the foreign key to Address. The one-to-many relationship from Address will cascade save-update AddressPreference. However, when I persist(saveOrUpdate), It keeps complaining about constraint voilation exception. Here are the relevant mapping information: --------- Address.hbm.xml -------------------