nullable « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. Jpa composite key nullable columns

I'm using Hibernate's JPA impl to model some tables. I'm having trouble mapping a table that:

  • Has no primary key
  • Has a unique index on 4 columns, 3 of which can be nullable
I ...

2. MapKey on a join with composite key with a nullable field

Hi, I have an intermittent problem using MapKey. The tables and data already exist, so I don't have much freedom on changing them, and I am trying to find a way to map them with Hibernate annotations. Let say that I have two tables PERSON and FAVORITE_COLOR (these are not the actual tables, just trying to simplify with a similar example): ...

3. many-to-many with composite key; problem with nullable pk

Hello, I need to implement a many-to-many association with some association attributes. Therefore I found this tutorial: ... osite-key/ I understood, what the author is doing, but it doesn't work in my case. The tables product and item are created and both are filled with my objects. The table product_item could not even be created because DB2 tells me, that ...

4. composite element and nullable properties

I have a rather simple question. I was reading through the hibernate tips and tricks faq and came to the following question. I have a many-to-many association between two tables, but the association table has some extra columns (apart from the foreign keys). What kind of mapping should I use? Use a composite-element to model the association table. For example, given ...

5. Nullable property in composite element

Dear Sir/ Madam, I have MessageTO object which has a set of receivers, originally of the type PersonTO objects, but wrapped in CompositeMessageReceiverTO because there is a many to many relationship between MessageTOs and PersonTOs and I should set a date (the date each receiver gets the message) property( which is nullable) in the relationship table so I have to map ...

6. problem with composite and partially nullable references

Newbie Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2005 6:35 pm Posts: 7 We have a composite reference to a table, but one of the reference columns can be null. We don't have a problem when both fields are null, it also works OK when both are not null. The problem occurs when only one of them is null. It suppose is trying to ...

7. Issue deleting nullable column in composite-element (SOLVED)

[... snip ...] ...

8. composite-id with nullable columns?

I'm working with a flattened database view, where it doesn't have a good primary key design. It looks like this: column A (not null) column B (not null) column C (nullable) Where sometimes column C is used to identify between rows, and sometimes it's null, and it is assumed A and B are enough to uniquely identify a row. e.g. You ...

9. Composite Id with nullable column problem

Hello. I use Hibernate 3.2.1ga and found a problem while mapping entity for legacy database. Entity has a composite primary key with 6 columns: - project name - project version - activity name -resource name which are not-null and - start date - finish date any of which/or both are nullable. When Hibernate fetches from database entities which have one-to-many relation ...

10. Composite key with nullable columns

I have a situation where I have a composite key for a table in which one of the columns may be nullable and must be included in the key to insure uniqueness. From what I can tell, this is not supported by Hibernate. This is a legacy database and I am not able to make any changes top the schema. My ...