jdbc « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate mapping error Provided id of the wrong type with composite id    java-forums.org

public class Mpuser implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @EmbeddedId protected MpuserPK mpuserPK; @Column(name = "M0CONO", nullable = false) private short m0cono; @Column(name = "M0USPW", nullable = false) private String m0uspw; @Column(name = "M0USTA", nullable = false) private char m0usta; @Column(name = "M0PICT", nullable = false) private String m0pict; [B]@OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "mpuser",targetEntity=com.datam.xplorer.model.Mpausr.class) private Mpausr ...

2. composite-id and hibernate    java-forums.org

Hello I have the following problem: I have a composite-id with 4 fields, they belong to a multitable;inside of this fields I have to update two dates to do this I obtain the entity, then I modify them from facade and I send them again to the service.update.. it returns me this: R org.hibernate.HibernateException: Unexpected row count: 0 expected: 1 at ...

3. composite-id problem hibernate    java-forums.org

thanx for reply just chk my condition.. i have one table with four primary key.... i just write following code in mapping file... . . and i just fetch record from table by criteria query.. is it neccessory to override equals() and hashCode() for this condn.? pls help me.. thanx

4. How to get object from composite-id in Hibernate?    java-forums.org

Hi all, im new here, and newbie in java also I usually get an object using id, which that id as the only PK, just like this: Deposito deposito = dao.getDeposito(depositoId); but now my Deposito doesn't allow to have id field, and have multiple PKs, here's the hbm code snipplet: ...