issue « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate composite key mapping issue

I'm trying to map entities of the same class (MyData) to each other through a mapping table. MyData has a composite primary key (id1 and id2). When I create ...

2. Issue Using Hibernate Criteria object with composite key

NOTE: I have changed the details provided due to comments provided. The new technical details are actually code that I am trying to run currently. I have a ...

3. Hibernate mapping issue with composite-id

I am using hibernate3 in my java app to access sqlserver 2008 enterprise. The hibernate mapping uses composite id and when i try to load model it returns null. I spent ...

4. Java Hibernate - Composite Primary Key Issue

I have following two tables CREATE TABLE event_type_master ( Event_Type_Code varchar(128) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Event_Type_Code) ) CREATE TABLE event_master ( Event_Code varchar(128) NOT NULL, Event_Type_Code varchar(128) NOT ...

5. hibernate issues with composite primary key

I am facing some issues with Hibernate. We need to save an object with its children. Each child has a composite primary key. One property of the key will be inserted ...

6. Are there any performance issues in using composite-ids with Hibernate?

Does anybody knows any performance issues in using composite-ids, whether @EmbeddedId or @IdClass, with Hibernate? Thanks.

7. Hibernate / Composite primary key / Annotations issue

Hi everyone, Let's say you have a table NbItems with the columns year,month,nb. There is NO primary key but using year/month, each row is unique. So for example, if I want to know how many items I had for the year 2007 and month 4, "select * from NbItems where year='2007' and month='4'" returns ONLY one row. My question is: Is ...

8. Composite key 1 to many mapping issue

Hi Everybody, I have a table 'formsprod_items' which has composite primary key as 'itemId' and 'version'. There is another table 'formsprod_grcatCanOrder' which has composite key of 'groupId', 'itemId' and 'version'. The 'itemId' and 'version' fields from formsprod_items table have 1 to many relationship with formsprod_grcatCanOrder table with the 'groupId' field. Eg. 1 itemId and version can have many groupIds. Following are ...

9. Foreign keys in composite primary keys issue

I have the following mappings like the ones found in page 364 of Java Persistence With Hibernate and page 336 of Hibernate in Action ... - I create the Title object when ...

10. 2.11 issue using composite-id within a set - works in 2.03

I've been troubleshooting a problem with hibernate for the last few days. I have a parent object that has a composite key. This object has a collection (bag) of children, all of which also have a composite key. All objects seem to get loaded, but when i call parent.getChildren, it's size is 0, even though i can see the children objects ...

11. Composite Key mapping issue

12. one-to-many mapping issue with composite key

Hello, I am running into exception when I use following one-to-many mapping using Hibernate. I need favor in this one-to-many mapping when the child has composite key in it. My java classes are as follows: public class Order { int orderId; //PK Set orderLineItem; ...... } public java OrderLineItem { int lineNo; //PK int orderId; //PK String desc; ...... } In ...

13. Issues w/ mapping

Author Message jorpheus Post subject: Issues w/ mapping Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:03 am Newbie Joined: Thu Oct 09, 2003 7:15 pm Posts: 11 Location: London, UK Hi All, I was wondering if anyone could explain this hibernate behaviour to me. Ive read the docs et all but still dont grasp why this is happening. I have ...

14. Composite id mapping issue

I am trying to map a composite key using components. I have looked at the examples and the forums but I have not seen anything close to this scenario: I have an object(Kpi) that has another object for a key(KpiId). KpiId contains two properties a string for the id and a Version object containing a number and another object containg the ...

15. Issue mapping one-many set in a class with composite key

Author Message ukuser Post subject: Issue mapping one-many set in a class with composite key Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:22 pm Newbie Joined: Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:11 am Posts: 7 Hi There, I have a class with a composite id. The mapping for the class works fine until the association mentioned below is added. When i add ...

16. Migration Issue with composite-id

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.1.2 Mapping documents: Code: ...

17. Issue with composite key/hibernate 3.1

Hibernate version: 3.1 Mapping documents: Transaction Header:

18. Hibernate issue with Complex composite key mapping

Hi All, This is Hameem.M. Now I am stuck up with a hibernate issue. I am using Hibernate version 3.2 I have a parent and child table, between which I want to map bidirectional and mapping. Parent table: Name: person_contact In the parent table Person_Id and Contact_Id are composite primary keys. Person_Id(FK) int Contact_Id int Mapping file:

19. Composite-id + mapping issue


20. Issue with One-to-many mapping and composite key

I have some issue with the One-to-many mapping and composite key. I have a table PropT - Parent column prop_nbr (PK) Table PropRoleUserT - Child Composite PK ( prop_nbr , role_nm) This has a FK for prop_nbr with PropT.prop_nbr In both the table prop_nbr is not null. The issue is when I update a data in both parent and child , ...

21. Issues with many-to-one mapping and composite key

After a day of googling, reading the docs multiple times and checking the forms we can't seem to find the correct mapping for the following scenario: Before presenting the issue I'd like to note that the database schema is fixed and cannot be changed. Tables: Code: CREATE TABLE CYCLE ( CYCLE_ID ...