insert « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. [Hibernate/Struts] Inserting data in table with foreign/composite key

I have some other questions regarding Hibernate and Struts. The Hibernate documention has some examples but I cannot find any good examples of use with a struts webapplication, so I hope someone here knows. I've got 2 tables, say Customer with PK Customer ID and other table UserAccount with composite PK for Username, Password & FK Customer ID. I have to ...

2. Problem insertion into tables with composite keys

Newbie Joined: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:32 pm Posts: 7 I have a problem when I am trying to insert data into multiple tables at a time. I have a parent table AccountUser and a child table UserAlternateEmail. Here are my entities. Code: @Embeddable public class UserAlternateEmailPK implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; ...

3. composite id, strange insert

Newbie Joined: Wed May 11, 2011 10:47 am Posts: 3 Hi, I have a problem with composite id, it tries to insert composite id's parts into db. Code is as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entity: Code: @Entity @Table(name = "LOV_SET_ELEM") @IdClass(LovSetElementPK.class) public class LovSetElement implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5088707631626664039L; @Id ...

4. set insertion with composite-id

I have an object, say a person, and the db has a list of foods that a person might eat in another table. The table that holds person ids and food ids has no primary key, so I'm using a composite-id of person id and food id. In the program I want to add/change the foods a person might eat by ...

5. Strange behavior inserting an class with a composite-element

hibernate version: 2 mapping doc: Code: ...

6. composite-id insert failures... please help

i have this application that has many-2-many where the mapping table has additional information. At first I thought the issue was just XDoclet, but now I'm not so sure. I have created a workaround, but an real curious why things dont work the way I expect them to. Say I have the following (roughly) table a (int a_id primary key) table ...

7. Problem inserting Children using composite IDs

I have poured over the docs and have been using Hibernate for several years so.... Anyway I have a parent child bi-directional relationship and am inserting the parent with the collection of children set. Both the Parent and Children use composite IDs (I know they suck and are a pain in the ass but I have no choice). I'm basically creating ...

8. Composite-id and insert/updates

I have the following mappings: Code: ...

9. Cannot insert into a table with a composite-id

Beginner Joined: Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:49 pm Posts: 38 I'm trying to insert into a table with a composite key. This key actually on has one key column, but it is set by the program when inserting. Here is the mapping file. Code: ...

10. how to maintain uniqueness of composite key for data insert

Hi, In a table i need to implement composite primary key comprising of two table attributes. in the hbm mapping file, i declared the composite id as : but when i insert data into the table having composite key, i am able to insert same values for composite key attributes for multiple records. Some how ...

11. Trouble inserting collection with Composite-Id

Hi, I have a 'Credential' table in my DB which is indexed by a composite Id of: MemberId CredentialTypeId I have a 'Member' table, which has a foreign key reference to the Credential table, with it's MemberId column. So, a member can have multiple Credentials. For example, for a Member with memberID=1000, we could have the following entries in the Credential ...

12. composite-id won't insert or update

Author Message gcrider Post subject: composite-id won't insert or update Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 12:17 am Newbie Joined: Thu May 18, 2006 11:52 pm Posts: 3 I am accessing a legacy table with 3 columns that comprise the primary key. I can successfully read from the table, but whenever I call save() or saveOrUpdate() the corresponding insert or ...

13. Composite Keys Insert Fails

I have a Table that will not insert correctly. It has some pretty scary composite key relationships. When I try insert a new record it fails with a CampaignId cannot be null error. The mapping files and DAO are generated by Middlegen. I actually looked at the SQL Trace and it doesn't include the Foreign Keys into the Insert Statement. Any ...

14. HELP ME:composite-id insert fail in 2 one-to-many (N:M)

Hi again. I'm handle a many-to-many relationship with a intermediate class, and I mapped this as two one-to-many associations between three entities. Alumno --- one-to-many ---> RamoAlumno Ramo ---- one-to-many ----> RamoAlumno I use composite-id in RamoAlumno. My problem is: I can't insert RamoAlumno in the database :(. Before a commit sentence, relationship works fine, and I can print information. // ...

15. Composite key with Insert Into statement.

I cannot get composite keys to work with Batch insert statements. I have the following three objects (simplified to highlight problem): public class Temporary { @Id public TemporaryPK id; } @Embeddable public class TemporaryPK { @Column(name = "USER_ID") public String userId; @Column(name = "LOCATION_ID") public String locationId; } public class Location { @Id @Column(name = "LOCATION_ID") public id; } I try ...

16. Insert into with composite foreign key

How do i insert into a table which has a foreign key reference of composite key? For example: Table A: A1col varchar(10) A2col varchar(10) Both A1col and A2col are primary key Table B: B1 col varchar(10) A1col varchar(10) A2col varchar(10) A1col and A2col refer to table A. How do i insert in table B using hibernate?

17. Inserting parent/child both with composite key

Hibernate version: 3.1 Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle 10g Hi, I have composite primary key both in parent and child. Parent and child have one to many relationship. Upon inserting, parent record is successfully inserted but child is not getting inserted. Neither I see any exception. Following is my mapping: Code: