class « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. Using a NamedQuery with a composite class

I have the following class defined in my mapping XML file:

<class name="" table="STATE_REF">
   <composite-id name="primaryKey" class="">
       <key-property name="countryCode">

2. how to use composite-id class element?

when should you use the class element of the composite-id ? for example, consider this snippet :

<composite-id name="id" ***class="OrderLineId"***>
    <key-property name="lineId"/>
    <key-property name="orderId"/>

3. JPA 2: composite primary key classes

Hi Rob, Not sure if you wanted JPA 2 examples of composite PKs or just regular JPA examples. The JPA 2 spec goes quite a lot further in composite primary keys, and it gets quite hairy when you follow the path all the way to its inner dark corners. None of the examples in the earlier post actually showed any JPA ...

4. How to map a sequenced composite-id w/o using a new class

Hi all. I have a transactions table, with a sequence id generated by mysql. Now, i want to add a new field to the pk, being it a property of the class, so the new primary key would be How can i map this to hbm.xml files, without defining a new class ...

5. mapping class with composite key

Regular Joined: Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:53 am Posts: 50 Hi, I have a class with a composite primary key that I want to map in a manytomany association. Before I had only a single primary key and everything was fine. Now I get a MappingException: Code: Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.MappingException: Could not determine type for: java.util.Set, at table: Area, ...

6. GenericGenerator in composite key class not working

Hi, I have a java class of the composite key. Code: @Embeddable public class RmInformationItemPK implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Column(name = "information_item_id") @GenericGenerator(name = "IdSeq", strategy = "com.kelman.hibernate.VarcharSequenceGenerator", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "sequence", value = "K_INFORMATION_ITEM_ID_SEQ") }) ...

7. one-to-one assoc.: class with 3 and 2 keys for composite?

Hi there: Following situation: Table ProductOrder has a PK that looks like this: OrderID CategoryID ProductID Table Product has a PK like this: CategoryID ProductID I want to define a one-to-one association between them via the PKs "CategoryID" and "ProductID". When I try to do so, I get the following error: MappingException: invalid join columns for association: Product The reason for ...

8. Composite-id in a separate class or not

Hi all; i want to map my domain classes with the tables of the DB. A lot of these tables have composite-id and other attributes. And it is written, in the Hibernate Documentation, that a convenient approach is to implement the composite identifier as a seperate class I see, at least, two inconvenient to do this: i have to implement much ...

9. Mapping of Table with composite keys to a class

something like... .... more properties here map Division the simpliest way (no association) and BranchDivision with two many to one (one for Division, ...

10. dynamic-class feature and composite-ids

Hello, I have been trying the dynamic-class feauture in hibernate 2.2 branch. It seems to work very well with a unique primary key, but i haven't been able to get working on composite-ids. Can dynamic-class feauture work with composite-ids It is not implemented or is not supported? Thank you for reading me.

11. Table per class hierarchy and composite id problem

Hi Forum, I am using table per hierarchy mapping strategy. I have a situation where a single table stores various types of objects mapped to generic columns. The table has to have a composite key. My base class would have: A B C attirbutes mapped to columns a,b,c in the database table. Each derived class has extra attributes D,E,F mapped to ...

12. problem on composite key class retrieval

Hi, I am getting a weird error when trying to retrieve from a table. The table has only two columns. They both consist the composite key. Like this create table abc( col1 char(10) not null, col2 char(10) not null, primary key (col1, col2) ) col1 is referenced by another table1, so is col2 by table2. when I try to use session.find("select ...

13. Seperate Composite Key class. Why?

What are the reasons to have the composite keys in a seperate class file? The Hibernate in Action book only indicates that it makes composite foreign keys easier to read and access. Pages 334 - 336. Indicates that seperate composite key class is " a much more convenient approach". But it does not state why. Also, I have been trying ...

14. composite id with different class

Ok, so I have a mapping like this where there is a composite id. I use the separate class (DogID) for the primaray key. This works great with the load function (ex. load(Dog, DogID)). But when I obtain an object from a Query, the ID elements (firstName, lastName, birthDate) don't get loaded. The non-key properties (age) do get loaded. Do I ...

15. Composite-id without class

16. composite-id class is not instantiated

Looking at the source code of hibernate 3.0.5 I found the following lines in TuplizerLookup: public static TuplizerLookup create(Component component) { PersistentClass owner = component.getOwner(); Tuplizer dmt = new DynamicMapComponentTuplizer(component); Tuplizer pt = owner.hasPojoRepresentation() && component.hasPojoRepresentation() ? new PojoComponentTuplizer(component) : dmt; Tuplizer d4jt = owner.hasDom4jRepresentation() ? new Dom4jComponentTuplizer(component) : null; return new TuplizerLookup(pt, dmt, d4jt); } It seems that composite ids ...

18. ClassNotFoundException referring to composite id class

Newbie Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2005 1:44 pm Posts: 3 Hello, on creating the session factory (using caveat emptor HibernateUtil) in our JSF (myFaces) project, we get a ClassNotFoundException referring to a class containig the composit id of a trinary relation. Couriously, this error only occors when we create the session factory in our jsf project. For debugging reasons, we have ...

19. Composite Identifier class and createQuery

I have create a Composite Identifier class called PatKey, which I use to retrieve a Pat object (which includes a PatKey id; field). The session.get() works fine with the PatKey as a parameter. However, if I try to use createQuery() with the following HQL: session.createQuery("from Pat as p where p.hosp_id = :hospId" + " and p.pat_num = :patNum and p.ver_seq = ...

20. ClassNotFound for class

Newbie Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:57 pm Posts: 16 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.1.2 Eclipse 3.1 Hibernate tools 3.1.0b4 Mapping documents: Code:

22.  without class id

23. inner class for composite ID

24. why seperate composite class

What I've found when mapping composite keys to a separate class, is that it's much easier to load the class. I'm using Spring, so with the primary key of any hibernate mapping, I can just pass it off to the fetchById() method, and it will return the object I want. However, it makes querying with the criteria api a bit trickier. ...

25. cacheing for composite class

Hi, I am using OSCache with hibernate and it works fine if I am not using composit id in hibernate mapping file. But when I am using a new java class as composit Key, the cache for composit class is not working, is there any thing I need to change, the mapping file looks like this: ...