cascade « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. JPA: Cascade delete for join tables with composite key

I am having an issue where I have table B has a manytomany relationship to table C and table D. I am using a table B_has_C_and_D to link. B | B_has_C_and_D / \ C D I would like to be able to delete a row in table C and have the relationship also delete the row in table "B_has_C_and_D" Entity B: ...

2. [Help] Hibernate composite key plus foreign key with cascade insert.

Hello, I've required some mappings where I've three fields in composite key. One of the three field is foreign key to some other table. Now, I want cascade insert and update on that foreign key (plus composite key) field.

3. Why can't I cascade a composite-id Object!?


4. How to get cascade updates to work w/ composite ids.

if (o intsanceof Foo) { final Foo foo = (Foo) o; if (foo.getPrimaryKey ().getSaved ()) { return Boolean.FALSE; } } ...

5. cascade delete for one-to-many to unsaved=any composite-id?

I am doing experiments with a hibernate mapping that has been generated by middlegen and which I tweaked a bit in order to gain understanding of what happens in hibernate. The mapping is awful (a set contains entity objects with composite-id) and is going to be replaced by a map, but nevertheless working with it has exposed something I don't understand. ...

6. many-to-one composite-element cascade="delete" doe

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.0 Hi. I have 3 tables in many-to-many relation like in ... derproduct I'd like to automaticaly delete relevant rows in LineItem table when i delete row from Product table. I've added cascade="delete" to the many-to-one relation, but it doesn't work. This is my configuration: Code: ...

7. Cascade options and composite object graphs

Regular Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2004 2:19 am Posts: 111 Location: Melbourne, Australia Hibernate version: 3.0.3 Mapping documents: the following is a model fragment to demonstrate my problem: Code: class ModelObject {} class MO_A extends ModelObject {} class MO_B extends ModelObject { MO_A ref1, ref2;} class Cmd { ModelObject source; Project proj; ...

8. Can't Delete Cascade with

I can't seem to get cascade deletes to work with composite-elements. The classes I have are pretty simple, yet for all configurations I try it seems to do something wrong. This is an example of the mapping that causes trouble: Code: ...

10. cascading problems on composite-element

Hi, Shop has a set of contacts. it is the many to many relationship. i added an rel_obj_contact as relationtable which contains objid(shopid), contactid and relationtypeid. ObjectContact is a compositeElement wrapping 1 contact and 1 relationtype. The PROBLEM is, if i delete a shop, the relationship item in rel_obj_contact will not be deleted. (i want the relationship in my database deleted) ...

11. composite-element with cascade behaviour

priyasubu wrote: so if I make the bankaccount contact to null it does not cascade and delete the entry in the contact table... Cascades work on associations between entities. You did not delete the entity containing the back account, so there was no cascade to do. All you did was ...

12. Cascade to many-to-many association table with composite id?

We have a logical many-to-many relationship between Person and Address, with a PersonAddress association entity in between. As recommended (and the arguments provided do make sense!) by the Hibernate information reviewed so far (ref. doc. on, HIA, JPwH, this forum, etc.), we are implementing the above logical many-to-many relationship as two one-to-many ones. And as seems a common practice (if ...

13. Composite ID key-many-to-one and cascade

14. Cascade delete on child with composite-id

Newbie Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:55 am Posts: 4 Hibernate version: 3.2.1 Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle 10g I have a parent-child relationship modeled as follows: The parent class: Code: ...