Integer « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. JPA, how to handle a table with a composite key (String, Int) where the int portion is assigned by DB trigger

I have a table with composite primary key, one of the PK fields is a String (group) and the other an integer (id), which is assigned by a trigger (more less ...

3. composite-id class ClassCastException Object->Integer

Hi all, During insertion I have exception: Quote: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.phibase.database.schema.GeneNamesId cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer The values are inserted to the database. GeneNamesId is related with Gene Name table which is mapped: Code: ...

4. error in composite PK with one of the key has type of int

Hi all.. I'm new with hibernate.. I have this problem.. I have a table with composite primary key, which one of them has type of integer. it's something like this: notice ...

5. ClassCastException, java.lang.Integer using composite-key

Author Message mark_in_gr Post subject: ClassCastException, java.lang.Integer using composite-key Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:20 pm Beginner Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:48 pm Posts: 31 I have a mapping with has a composite key and a five key-many-to-one elements. I am getting a ClassCastException:java.lang.Integer when I attempt to simply do a after populating the colums by way ...

6. composite-element class string mapped as integer

Hi All In my mapping file I have a list with a key, index and composite-element When I create the database using ant and the org.hibernate.tool.ant.HibernateToolTask ant task, a column extension is made but it's of type integer. I want to create a list ...