Foreign Key « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. jpa hibernate composite foreign key mapping

I am having trouble setting up jpa mappings for some entities. I have a parent entity defined like the following.

public class InstanceEntity implements Serializable{

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

@Column(name ...

2. Hibernate: Where do insertable = false, updatable = false belong in composite primary key constellations involving foreign keys?

When implementing composite primary keys in Hibernate or other ORMs there are up to three places where to put the insertable = false, updatable = false in composite primary key constellations ...

3. Should Hibernate be able to handle overlapping foreign keys?

I have a table that has two foreign keys to two different tables with both foreign keys sharing one column:

  country_code CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
  zip_code VARCHAR(10) NOT ...

4. Hibernate config mappings for complex composite primary key and foreign keys

I am a newbee to Hibernate and using Hibernate 3.6. I have 3 tables named

  • Application (applicationId pk)
  • Media (applicationId, mediaId) composite pk, (Application.applicationId) foreign key
  • MediaDetails *(applicationId, meidaId, childMeidaId) composite pk, (Media.mediaId, ...

5. Help Mapping a Composite Foreign Key in JPA 2.0

I'm new to JPA and I'm trying to map a legacy database. The files load correctly individually but the relationships are not working correctly. Any help would be appreciated. Java

public ...

6. Hibernate foreign key as part of primary key

I have to work with hibernate and not very sure how solve this problem, I've 2 table with a 1..n relationship like this:

first_id (pk)
second_id (pk)
[other fields]

first_id (pk)(fk TABLE_A.first_id)
second_id (pk)(fk TABLE_A.second_id)
third_id (pk)
[other ...

7. JPA - Composite Foreign Key Binding using HIbernate persistance

My requirement is as below. Table: Application(id); Table: Customer(Id,custid); ID is FK to Application table Table: Address(Id,custid,addrid); Id and CustId are FK to Customer tab;e My Mapping between Customer & Address table does not work. My ...

8. Unable to map foreign key to a composite key in Hibernate

Hi, I am facing a peculiar situation where i have 2 fields(each as a foreign key) in a table and in the associated table these 2 fields together form a composite key(PK). So i when i map each of these foreign keys to individual keys, i get the same error. " Initial SessionFactory creation Foreign key (FKDF4D06517F636367:FileInstance [FileWatchRunId])) must have ...

9. Hibernate: one-to-one composite foreign key : Strange Scenario

I have 2 classes viz. Product and ProductBasic which has one-to-one relationship. Product is mapped to a table PRODUCT which has PRODUCTID as PK. ProductBasic is mapped to a table PRODUCTBASIC which has PRODUCTID,USETYPE and STARTTTIMESTAMP as composite key. Also PRODUCTID is the foreign key referencing PRODUCT table... When i am saving Product (with cascade for ProductBasic): For Product, it's taking ...

10. Hibernate many-to-one composite key as foreign key

Hi, I have two table. Table1 has composite primary key. Table2 has table1 composite primary key as foreign key. CREATE TABLE Group ( gid varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', cId integer NOT NULL, name varchar(256) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY ( gid, cId ), foreign key (cId) references cluster(cId) ) ; CREATE TABLE GroupMember ( gmid varchar(128) NOT NULL default ...

11. Hibernate Composite & foreign key, please help

Hi friends, I need some help regarding Hibernate Composite & Foreign key. Here is my scenario:- I have two tables : TableA (consisting of a primary key id1) ; TableB (consisting of a composite primary key (id1, dtl) ) --> here , id1 is foreign key referencing id1 of TableA. TableB can have multiple rows for each id1 of TableA. How ...

13. Hibernate and Composite Foreign Keys

Hi everyone! I was playing around with Hibernate for a little while. I'm just a rookie. Everything went ok until I got into the need for some very basic but specific thing to be done that i couldn't ... so I'm asking you guys if it is true what I read in some forums that this behaviour is not fully supported ...

14. Problem in composite key as foreign key mapping w/ hibernate v3.2.6 and jdk-6

Hi, Sorry for the long post as I try to describe the problem context in details. My problem is to map a relationship table with both regular and composite foreign keys in it. 1 Background: Assume we have three tables: social_site(id, site_url) user(first_name, last_name, birth_day, gender). The PK is composite of first_name and last_name two columns has_friend(social_site_id, user_first_name, user_last_name, friend_first_name, friend_last_name). ...

15. Composite foreign key mapping in Hibernate 3 using JPA

Hi All, We have a table A(a_id, name) where a_id is primary key B(b_id, name) where b_id is primary key C(a_id, b_id) where a_id & b_id are composite key and foreign key to table 'A' & 'B' We have proper mapping for table 'A' & 'B' in hibernate 3 using annotation. But we are not sure how to create entity class ...

16. JPA foreign composite key problems

I've been attempting to write some POJOs to work with an existing schema that our company uses. Basically it's perfectly fine for the creation and persistence of simple database tables, but when it comes to having a table which has a foreign key referring to the key of one of the basic tables, and no normal id key, I'm having trouble ...

17. Hibernate: Composite ID as a Foreign Key

Newbie Joined: Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:53 am Posts: 5 Dear All, I have following tables in the database:: fixture,team,fixture_team,fixture_team_player,player,inning fixture and team have many-to-many relationship with fixture_team being the middle table.Further fixture_team and player have many-to-many relationship with player with fixture_team_player the middle table.Also fixture_team and inning have one-to-many relationship... I have mapped following entities:: Fixture,Team,FixtureTeam,Player,Inning XML mapping of entities ...

18. Composite-id consists of 2 Foreign Key's

Regular Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:48 am Posts: 106 I have another thread with the same problem, but I'm trying a different solution. Therefor this thread. The other: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1003721 Situation: I have 3 classes. Country, Language and CountryName Country and Language have an id (assigned) and some unrelevant stuff. CountryName has a many-to-one to Country, a many-to-one to Language and ...

19. Hibernate Composite & foreign key, please help

Hi friends, I need some help regarding Hibernate Composite & Foreign key. Here is my scenario:- I have two tables : TableA (consisting of a primary key id1) ; TableB (consisting of a composite primary key (id1, dtl) ) --> here , id1 is foreign key referencing id1 of TableA. TableB can have multiple rows for each id1 of TableA. How ...

20. Composite Id but only one foreign key

@EmbeddedId @AttributeOverrides( { @AttributeOverride(name = "objId", column = @Column(name = "OBJ_ID", nullable = false)), @AttributeOverride(name = "verId", column = @Column(name = "VER_ID", nullable = false)) }) public InObjectId getId() { ...

21. How do I map composite primary key/foreign key

It is working now but the primary key should have been a composite key of managerId & yearDepartmentId I had to battle with it a bit but adding updatable = false, insertable = false fixed it. @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name="Manager_Id") private int managerId; @ManyToOne @JoinColumns( { @JoinColumn(name = "Manager_Id", referencedColumnName = "Manager_Id", updatable = false, insertable = false) }) private Manager manager; ...

22. Composite foreign key mapping in Hibernate 3

Hi All, We have a table A(a_id, name) where a_id is primary key B(b_id, name) where b_id is primary key C(a_id, b_id) where a_id & b_id are composite key and foreign key to table 'A' & 'B' We have proper mapping for table 'A' & 'B' in hibernate 3 using annotation. But we are not sure how to create entity class ...

23. One-to-many with a hybrid composite foreign key

24. One Composite Key as Foreign Key

@Entity @Table(name="event_master") public class EventMaster implements { private EventMasterId id; private EventTypeMaster eventTypeMaster; private String eventName; public EventMaster() { } public EventMaster(EventMasterId id, EventTypeMaster eventTypeMaster) { ...

25. Multiple composite primary keys and foreign keys

Hi, I have a scenario, my table A has got composite primary keys (Id (autonumber using oracle sequence), db_timestamp (timestamp)) and table B has also got composite primary key (Id (autonumber using oracle sequence), db_timestamp (timestamp)) and table B has also got db_timestamp as a foreign key to table A, as well A_Id as foreign key to table A's Id. SQL ...

26. Composite Foreign Key

I am trying to work out how to configure a composite foreign key. Some background information: I am developing a system for an event run by volunteers. The system assigns Volunteers to work in certain Areas during certain Sessions. So I have Volunteer, Area, and Session domain objects. When a volunteer signs up, they specify what times (Sessions) they want to ...

27. Composite foreign key within composite primary key

@Embeddable public class RoleId implements { @JoinColumns({ @JoinColumn(name = "firstname", referencedColumnName = "firstname", nullable = false), @JoinColumn(name = "lastname", referencedColumnName = "lastname", nullable = false) }) private User user; @Column(name = "groupid", nullable ...

28. Composite key includes a foreign key in many-to-one. Help

Newbie Joined: Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:15 pm Posts: 1 Hi, I'm having some trouble trying to save an object to the database and I think the problem stems from one of the classes having a composite primary key which itself contains a foreign key reference to a class which it's related to through a one-to-many relationship. Its probably easiest to ...

29. Composite key's problem : Foreign key must have same ...

Composite key's problem : Foreign key must have same number of columns as referenced primary key In this scenario : ClassA has two composite keys : key1 and key2 ClassA's instance may have zero or more ClassB. ClassB has three composite keys : key1 , key2 and key3 ClassA has a method getClassBSet() to get the containing ClassB. In the mapping ...

30. foreign key not set correctly for composite-element

Newbie Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2004 3:16 pm Posts: 10 Hi, I am having trouble with composit-element in an entity. First are the mapping files: BaseSecurity.hbm.xml Code: ...

31. Foreign keys and composite-id

32. Foreign key as composite-id

Forget about my stupid theory, it turned out to be just that, a stupid thoery. I solved the problem, and it was quite simple, I had an error in the mapping file, I was referencing another table in another mapping, I just don't know why it turned out in this particular part.

33. Important info about mapping composite foreign keys missing?

I went thru a mapping excercise recently and spent several hours trying to figure out why I kept getting emtpy sets when there should've been values. When I was debugging I found that the values from the component were being bound in the wrong order to the statement. It took me quite some time but I finally realized that they key ...

34. Id from composite foreign key

Hibernate version: 3.0 Mapping documents: ActResEmploy: Code: @hibernate.class table="ACT_RES_EMPLOY"

35. failed if foreign key is composite-id in many-to-one


36. foreign key references composite id

37. problems with composite foreign key references

We are writting Code for a legacy DB Model which requires us to use composite-id's. I have read, understood and tried the composite-id examples in the hibernate documentation. I have even looked into org.hibernate.test.cid and checked out some sample code for composite IDs. I still couldn't find a way to make hibernate work with our DB-Model. This is the Situation: Table ...

39. Unable to map foreign key to a composite key in Hibernate

Hi, I am facing a peculiar situation where i have 2 fields(each as a foreign key) in a table and in the associated table these 2 fields together form a composite key(PK). So i when i map each of these foreign keys to individual keys, i get the same error. " Initial SessionFactory creation Foreign key (FKDF4D06517F636367:FileInstance [FileWatchRunId])) must have ...

40. Map with composite foreign key

hi, i'm using Hibernate 3.1 (with Oracle 9i) and I have a question about mapping Maps. I have an object called "SgBackendMapping" which has a Map field named "defaultAttributes". The keys and values are to be taken form the table "SG_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE". Entries of "SG_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE" reference "SgBackendMapping's" by a composite foreign key ( "BACKEND_ID" and "ORGANIZATION_ID" ) My problem is that I ...

41. HibernateAnnotations - Composite-id - Foreign Key

Hibernate version: Hibernate 3.1.2 HibernateAnnotations 3.1 beta 8 Hi everyone, I'm trying to map this tables with HibernateAnnotations. TAB_EMP (COD_EMPRESA, DES_EMPRESA) TAB_IND (COD_INDUSTRIA, DES_INDUSTRIA) TAB_EMP_IND (COD_EMPRESA, COD_INDUSTRIA, DSC_OBS) See that PK = Primary Key and FK = Foreign Key. Above i put my classes for that mapping, but they are wrong. Anyone have any sugestion for me? or another ...

42. Composite primary-key with foreign-key

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.1.2 Hi people, I have this tables to map: Factory(id, name) Company(id, name) FactoryCompany(factory_id, company_id) AcessUserGroup(factory_id, company_id, id) So I have an HBM for Factory, 1 for Company, 1 for FactoryCompany and one for AcessUserGroup, but note that FactoryCompany have a composite id called FactoryCompanyPK and the id's are ...

43. hibernate composite primary key as foreign key

1. There is a relation between ABC and BB that doesn't include all the primary key columns. This may cause errors later on. 2. The BB table's primary key consists of 2 columns, but one of the relationships uses 1 foreign keys. That is not a well-defined relationships, as all columns in a primary key (and only primary key columns) should ...

44. composite-id with a foreign key

Hibernate version: 2.1.4 I have three database tables (and hence three hibernate mapped pojos). Table A, B, and C. Table B has a composite id consisting of the primary key from A (a_id) and a second column of its own (b_id). This is a unique foreign key of (a_id, b_id). Table B also has a mapping to C on b_id ...

45. Composite Key as Foreign Key inside a Composite primary key

Hi guys, i am having a question regarding the following senario. I have the following table Code: CREATE TABLE TBL_X ( A_ID NUMBER(19) NOT NULL , B_ID NUMBER(19) NOT NULL , B_NUM CHAR(15) NOT NULL , TYPE CHAR(20) NOT ...

46. Composite key, with foreign keys

I have not been able to come up with a mapping that works for the following scenario: Code: class Recipe { Listingredients; int id; } class Ingredient { int id; } class IngredientQty { Recipe recipe; Ingredient ingredient; double qty; } I've tried ...

48. Problem with composite foreign key

I have a table called MarketLeg with primary and foreing key marketId and marketLegId. I have another table called CarrierLeg with primary and foreing CarrierId and marketLegId. I tried to reference CarrierLeg in MarketLeg .xml, I received the error belows CarrierLeg .xml ...

49. Problem retrieving data with a composite foreign key.

Author Message marcobuc Post subject: Problem retrieving data with a composite foreign key. Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:51 am Newbie Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2006 4:55 am Posts: 3 Hi all, I get a GenericJDBCException retrieving data from an object that is mapped to a table that has a foreign key to another table the has a composite ...

50. composite foreign key

HI, was hoping someone on this forum could help. My cust_part_svc table has a foreign key constraint on service_level and partner_id fields. I have double checked my mapping, but after pojo code is generated, I get an error when trying to insert record into cust_part_srvc. The hibernate insert statement does not include service_level in argument list. I don't understand why the ...

51. Mapping problems with overlapping composite foreign keys

Newbie Joined: Sat Dec 20, 2003 10:48 am Posts: 2 Folks, we are having some serious mapping issues with an existing database, so while some minor DB modification may be possible, it should be avoided. I believe the crux of the problem is because the BRAND column is shared between the primary key of BMP_PROGRAM and it's foreign key to BMP_PROGRAM_GROUP. ...

52. Primary Key - Foreign Key - composite-id -many-to-many Probl

I modified my ShiftSchedule mapping but mi problem now is the following:

53. composite id with 2 foreign keys

Hi everybody, i'm with some problems using composite id. I have 3 tables: City -- idcity (PK) name -- Neighborhood -- idcity (PK) (FK) idneighbor (PK) (FK) distance -- Conditions -- idconditions (PK) idneighbor (FK) status -- My problem is that idcity and idneighbor are composite ids and foreign keys, in the same time, they're associated with idcity which is an ...

54. Newbie composite foreign key problem

Hi, I need your help to map the following many-to-one relationship (PRODUCT->CATEGORY). Supose I have 2 tables with composite primary keys: PRODUCT ----------- [PK] company [PK] product_code product_name product_category Primary key: company,product_code CATEGORY ------------- [PK] company [PK] category_code category_name Primary key: company,category_code The Foreign Key is AND PRODUCT.product_category=CATEGORY.category_code What is the product's hbm.xml file? Thanks Clayton

55. Condition based foreign key with composite id

Hello Everyone, I'm struggling with a legacy Sybase database and was wondering if anyone could help me out with a tricky problem please. Before I describe the problem I should point out that the database I am using does not enforce referential integrity in the schema - although it is enforced by applications which use it. I understand that by definition ...

56. Composite Foreign Key

Hi, Am new to hibernate and doing a web project based on hibernate and spring. I am facing a problem. In my database i have a table which has a field that is a foriegn key from other table and along with another field it forms the composite key. So i need your guidance to solve this problem. How am i ...

57. Foreign key part of composite primary key?

Hi all, i am new in this forum. I am studying hibernate annotations and would like to undersrand of to map a simple relation between 2 tables. The table are : Table User ( username PK; .. .. .. ) Table Session ( operator PK username_fk FK PK ... ... ) The realtion is User -> Session (OneToMany so that a ...

58. One to Many for foreign key and composite-id

Dear all, I hava a simple relationship for company and car. companyVo.hbm.xml Carvo.hbm.xml

59. A Foreign composite key problem...

60. Foreign Keys In Composite Primary Keys

@Entity @Table(name="EMP_PROJECT") @IdClass(ProjectAssignmentId.class) public class ProjectAssignment { @Id @Column(name="EMP_ID", insertable=false, updatable=false) private int empId; @Id @Column(name="PROJECT_ID", insertable=false, updatable=false) private int projectId; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="EMP_ID") Employee employee; ...

61. HELP! Foreign Keys In Composite Primary Keys

@Entity @Table(name="EMP_PROJECT") @IdClass(ProjectAssignmentId.class) public class ProjectAssignment { @Id @Column(name="EMP_ID", insertable=false, updatable=false) private int empId; @Id @Column(name="PROJECT_ID", insertable=false, updatable=false) private int projectId; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="EMP_ID") Employee employee; ...

62. composite ids and composite foreign keys

Hibernate-Version: 3.2.4.sp1 We are currently using composite-keys for all of our tables. Below are the mapping files for a parent-child one-to-many association: ...

63. Hibernate, trouble with composite foreign key

I got two tables: 1) CITIES: ID VARCHAR2(N) ACCOUNT_ID BIGINT NAME VARCHAR2(N) PRIMARY KEY (ID, ACCOUNT_ID) 2) HOTELS: ID VARCHAR2(N) ACCOUNT_ID BIGINT NAME VARCHAR2(N) CITY_ID VARCHAR2(N) PRIMARY KEY (ID, ACCOUNT_ID) FOREIGN KEY (CITY_ID, ACCOUNT_ID) I try to map these tables to java beans City and Hotel correspondingly: 1) public class City { private String id; private String name; private Long accountId; ...

64. Hibernate Mapping of Composite-Foreign Keys with Formulas

So I'm working on a project and we're doing a hibernate mapping. To try and outline what I want to do, I'm trying to make a system to archive our data in our system. What I have is tables A, B, and C. Table A has: Primary Key: A_id A_version Table B has: Primary Key: B_id A_id A_version Table C has: ...

65. Composite Foreign Key referencing non-primary

67. Hibernate: one-to-one composite foreign key : Strange Scenar

I have 2 classes viz. Product and ProductBasic which has one-to-one relationship. Product is mapped to a table PRODUCT which has PRODUCTID as PK. ProductBasic is mapped to a table PRODUCTBASIC which has PRODUCTID,USETYPE and STARTTTIMESTAMP as composite key. Also PRODUCTID is the foreign key referencing PRODUCT table... When i am saving Product (with cascade for ProductBasic): For Product, it's taking ...

68. using part of a composite-id as a foreign key

Hello all together, I have a Java class Person, which has a list of addresses. In the hbm-file for the person, I added a generated id, which is the primary key for this table. Every address for the person should have a primary key, which is composition of the id of the person and a per user incremented number. On save ...

69. Composite Foreign Key Overlap Foreign Key

Hey all, quick question here. I have three tables, as follows: Code: CREATE TABLE `types` ( `TYPE_ID` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `NAME` varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`TYPE_ID`) ); Code: CREATE TABLE `ranks` ( `RANK` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `TYPE_ID` int(10) NOT NULL, `DESCRIPTION` varchar(100) NOT NULL, ...

70. part of a composite primary key as foreign key

Newbie Joined: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:42 am Posts: 7 Hi, I'd like to illustrate my problem with an example: I have two entities Item and Category. They are connected with a many to one relationship, i.e. a category may contain multiple items and one item is in one category. Item has an id and the foreign key as a composite ...

71. composite-id (promary key and foreign key)

composite-id (promary key and foreign key) I have 3 tables Table1(IDTB1,NAME)PK->IDFIELD Table2(IDTB1,IDTB3,OPTION) PK(IDTB1,IDTB3) FK(IDT3) references Table3(IDT3) Table3(IDTB3,TIPO)PK->IDTB3 I would like how to know write mapament O/R for table 2 ,I don't use annotations but xml for mapament O/R . Other . Another thing a composite key become a class ? There is any example this mapament?

72. Part of Composite-Id is foreign Key:How specify in Mapping?

I have 2 classes viz. Product and ProductBasic having one-to-one relationship class Product{ String productId; ProductBasic productBasic; } class ProductBasic{ String productId; String useCode; TimeStamp startTime; Product product; } Product is mapped to a table PRODUCT which has PRODUCTID as PK. ProductBasic is mapped to a table PRODUCTBASIC which has PRODUCTID,USECODE and STARTTTIME as composite key. Also PRODUCTID (of PRODUCTBASIC table) ...

73. Composite primary and foreign keys

74. How to map more than one foreign keys as Composite key.

java classes are, class Account { private long acctId; } class Position { private long positionId; } class UserHolding { Account acct; Position pos; } i'm newbie to Hibernate. In UserHolding table acctId and positionId as Composite key. i don't know how to map more than foreign keys as composite key. can anyone send me Hibernate mapping file.

75. How to map more than one foreign keys as Composite key.

java classes are, class Account { private long acctId; private doule balance; private UserHoldings[] objUserHoldings; } class Positions { private long positionsId; private String positionsName; } class UserHoldings { private Account account; private Positions position; private long value; private Date current; } i'm newbie to Hibernate, i don't know how to make UserHolding hibernate mapping file. can anyone help me? In ...

76. Hibernate many-to-one composite key as foreign key

Hi, I have two table. Table1 has composite primary key. Table2 has table1 composite primary key as foreign key. CREATE TABLE Group ( gid varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', cId integer NOT NULL, name varchar(256) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY ( gid, cId ), foreign key (cId) references cluster(cId) ) ; CREATE TABLE GroupMember ( gmid varchar(128) NOT NULL default ...