Annotation « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. Joining tables with composite keys in a legacy system in hibernate

I'm currently trying to create a pair of Hibernate annotated classes to load (read only) from a pair of tables in a legacy system. The legacy system uses a consistent (if ...

2. NaturalId, how it works?

I´m having a problem with nativeid and i don´t know if i am doing right. I have a class called Aircraft that has an generated id. But its native id is the ...

3. How to Represent Composite keys in Hibernate using Annotations?

So I reverse engineered some tables from my db and when I try to save my object to the db I get the following error: Initial SessionFactory creation A Foreign ...

4. Composite key in Hibernate Annotations confusion

I have two tables say 'A' and 'B'. A third table 'C' has two columns that directly refer to 'A' and 'B' i.e. 'C' contains 'A_id' and 'B_id' that refer to ...

6. Hibernate annotations Composite Key

7. hibernate annotation for composite keys

Hi, I've used hibernate annotation for composite keys with same table. Below my pojo code: @Entity @Table(name = "feed_summary") public class FeedSummaryVO implements Serializable{ /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id private FeedSummaryPK feedSummaryPK; @Column(name = "hit_count") private int hitCount; public int getHitCount() { return hitCount; } public void setHitCount(int hitCount) { this.hitCount = hitCount; } } and ...

8. annotation for composite key

Hi, I am trying to change all hbm files to annotation based . Take my hbm file below, I have changed as Annotation based(see below) @Entity @Table(name = "feed_summary") public class FeedSummaryVO implements Serializable{ /** */ ...

9. Composite Keys w/ Annotations

Newbie Joined: Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:32 pm Posts: 2 Hi, I have a system i'm developing that uses hibernate annotations. I have 2 main tables; they are a PrintRequestExecution table that holds meta-data and a PrintRequestParameters table that holds a list of parameters associated with an execution. A row in the parameters table is identifiable by its executionID, its parameterSeq ...

10. annotations and composite key mapping to objects

@Entity(name="GroupNode", access = AccessType.FIELD) @Table(name="GroupNode") public class GroupNode { @Id @Column(name="`GroupNodeID`", length=100) public String GroupNodeID = new String(); @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.EAGER) @JoinColumn(name="ChildGroupID") public Set Parents = new HashSet(); @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.EAGER) @JoinColumn(name="ParentGroupID") ...

11. Hibernate Annotation with composite primary key

12. Composite element with Annotation

Hi, I'm trying to map a many-to-many collection using a set of components. In an xml mapping document, this would look as follows: However, I'm using annotations and wonder whether the same is possible. I can only find how to map ...

13. composite primary key and annotations

I have a problem with my composite primary key class and annotations. The primary key contains two many-to-one references to other tables. I have another class like the one below that works. The difference is that the working class has a third variable which is NOT a reference but a simple Integer variable. Does anyone have any idea how to get ...

14. Annotations, Class is its own composite key

15. composite id problem with annotation based mapping

Hi, I'm trying to use a component as the id of an persistent entity. the parent class: Code: package model.association; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.Table; @Entity @Table(name = "CONTXT_OI_ASSOC") public class ContextObjectItemAssociation { private ContextObjectItemAssociationId id; @Id public ContextObjectItemAssociationId getId() { ...

16. Hibernate annotations composite key

@Entity @Table(name="tabs") public class TabObject implements Serializable { @Id @Column(name="tab_id") @GeneratedValue private int id; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="site_id") private SiteObject site; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="category_id") private CategoryObject ...

17. Composite Id Mapping in Hibernate Annotation

In .hbm file ,we can define composite primary key on the class properties. for exam- Class Person{ private String firstName; private String lastName; ------------------ --------------------- --------------------- ------------------- } has a composite primary key (firstName,lastName).We can map this composite key in .hbm file like this. Is there any way in Hibernate annotation to map composite primary ...

18. Hibernate Annotation + Composite Id + Many To One

Hi. I need to map the following scenario> TABLEA: COL1 - INT - PK COL2 - INT - PK TABLEB: TABLEA_COL1 - INT - PK TABLEA_COL2 - INT - PK COL3 - INT - PK I have a TABLEA with a composite primary key. TABLEB also has a composite primary key with 3 cols: 2 referencing TABLEA and another INT col. ...

19. Composite Primary key using Hibernate Annotation

Hi. I am using a table with a two fields in combination as primary key. one of these fields is primary key in another table. I am using hbm.xml file right now. I have a java class corresponding to this table, a DAO class and an Interface. In the applicationContext.xml , I am giving reference for all these files. I want ...