usertype « Component « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate: Programmatically binding UserType's on Components

I have several different UserType's (org.hibernate.usertype.UserType) in the system. For this question I will focus on the fact that we use Joda time DateTime and its UserType, PersistentDateTime. I have successfully ...

2. Does UserType work inside of a component group?

Hibernate version: 2.12 Mapping documents: vehicle

3. Component vs UserType

Hi all; I am relatively new to hibernate. I was reading the book and saw that you can have user types, of arbitrary classes, saved by hibernate. I was thinking why would not one use a component which also allows for saving any arbitrary class? I tried and the only problem I got was the file does not implement a ...

4. Component vs UserType

Hi all; I am relatively new to hibernate. I was reading the book and saw that you can have user types, of arbitrary classes, saved by hibernate. I was thinking why would not one use a component which also allows for saving any arbitrary class? I tried and the only problem I got was the file does not implement a ...