table « Component « JPA Q&A

1. Mapping hibernate components to a separate table

Is it possible to configure Hibernate to store a component class in a separate table? Take the following example:

<class name="test.ClassA">
   <property name="propA"/>
   <component name="componentProp" class="test.ClassB">

2. Problem with component in multi-tables

Hibernate: SELECT company0_.COMPANY_ID AS COMPANY1_13_0_, company0_.LEGALNAME AS LEGALNA2_13_0_, company0_.PEOPLE_SET AS PEOPLE3_13_0_, company0_.INTERLOCUTORS AS INTERLO4_13_0_, company0_.CONTACTS AS CONTACS5_13_0_, company0_.TYPE AS TYPE6_13_0_, company0_.ACTIVE AS ACTIVE7_13_0_, company0_.COMPANYCATEGORY AS COMPANY8_13_0_, company0_.B_VIP AS B9_13_0_ FROM E_COMPANY company0_ INNER JOIN E_COMPANY_CL company0_1_ ON company0_.COMPANY_ID =company0_1_.COMPANY_ID WHERE company0_.COMPANY_ID=? 14:29:33,593 TRACE BasicBinder:82 - binding parameter [1] as [BIGINT] - 1007 14:29:33,875 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:233 - SQL Error: 904, SQLState: 42000 ...

3. One-to-one mapping on same table (can't use

I'm having a similar problem to this post. although the component approach does not seem to work. I have two classes: PropertyReportOrder and PropertyReport. They have a bidirectional one-to-one relationship, and both must be mapped to the property_report table. If I map one as a component, then it doesn't seem that I would be able to access the other one directly, ...

4. Help with SET/COMPONENT and mapping to multiple tables

Hi, I am looking for advice on how to set up a fairly simple mapping which I'm having trouble with: I have 2 tables - Agreement and Product - and 2 classes - ClassA and ClassB. ClassA is directly mapped to the Product table and has a SET of B objects, but each instance af ClassA with EACH instance of ClassB ...

5. Many-to-one between table and component objects

No, that's not possible if you plan on sharing instances (if you want pref.getWarningPreferences() to return the same as pref.getWarnedUsers().iterator().next().getWarningPreferences(), assuming that there's only one WarningPreference in your system). If you want the objects to be properly cached and resued, then you must map the class. If you don't care (e.g. WarningPreferences is a read-only class) then you could map the ...

6. Using TABLE_PER_CLASS to create reusable components

Hibernate version:3.2 Mapping documents:not appliable Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():not applicable Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: none Name and version of the database you are using: not applicable The generated SQL (show_sql=true):not applicable Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:none Hi hibernate team, It's been almost 3 years that I develop using hibernate, you have a really great product and ...

7. Table in Component Mappping