file « Component « JPA Q&A

1. Sharing a persistence unit across components in a .ear file

In a Java EE 6 application where I'm using .ear packaging, I'd like to create a persistence unit that can be accessed from components in different .jar files. However, I'm not sure ...

2. Sharing in different mapping files

Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to share the definition of a between different mapping files. I am currently doing the following: Component Comp is used by class A and B. Currently I duplicate the definition of Comp in both mapping files: ... ... ...

3. How to refer to in mapping file.

I have a table called Patient. Two objects are written to Patient, they are Patient and PatientDemographics, which have their own classes and There is a uni-directional reference from Patient to PatientDemographics called demographics, so I model this as follows in my mapping Patient.hbm.xml, which I believe is correct. ... ...