varchar2 « Column « JPA Q&A

1. Wrong column type: STATUS, expected: varchar2(2)

Hey all, I'm pretty new to hibernate. I'm trying to learn it to make my life easier. I'm running into a problem though. I'm using the reverse engineering of the JBoss IDE on one of our databases that we have in production. Some of the tables use a column type of CHAR(2). This is the exception I'm getting. Problem while executing ...

2. problem with reading varchar2 column stored in database

Hi, I'm using Hibernate 3.2.5 with Oracle 9 database. I've a problem while reading varchar2(20) column where user password hash is stored. I get different results when password is read from pl/sql developer (or C client aplication which is connecting with my application) and when using hibernate. For example: codes of characters for some pass, read from pl/sql dev are as ...