postgresql « Column « JPA Q&A

1. JPA 2: multiple column usage in foreign keys

I am using Hibernate as persistence provider and modelling my entities with JPA 2. Now a question came up and i hope you can help me. In my application you can open ...

2. Problem with PostgreSQL case sensitive column names

Hi ! Hibernate V 3.3.2 GA DB : PostgreSQL 8.3 I have some trouble with my mappings and the column names in my postgresql database. In my database an example table is defined as follow : Code: CREATE TABLE "public"."poitype"( "id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('poitype_id_seq'::regclass), "Name" varchar(255) NOT NULL , "Description" varchar(255) , PRIMARY KEY ("id") ) WITHOUT OIDS; ...

3. postgresql + hibernate - encrypt columns

Quote: What is the standard method of encrypting the data when it is stored in my postgresql database? I don't know if there is a real standard way of doing this since some DBAs want there data encrypted directly in the database with a stored key in the database. (*rant* By the way not secure, the key should never be stored ...