multiple column « Column « JPA Q&A

1. return multiple columns ?

public List listAllEmp(){ Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List result = session.createQuery("from empBean.Employee").list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); ...

2. max value of column from multiple tables

Is there any way i could use HQL to get the maximum value of columns from multiple tables.. I have a column called modifiedDate in 2 different tables, i would like get max of this, is it possible?? I tried like this.. SELECT greatest(obj1.modifiedDate, obj2.modifiedDate) FROM Object1 AS obj1, Object2 AS obj2 WHERE = :id and obj2.object1Id = :id It ...

3. One column to multiple columns of different tables

This is similar to what I am trying to do. I am using tomcat realm based security and it requires you to have 2 tables each haveing the same userName.(I included userId also so that I can update the userName) I am trying to figure this out and can't find documention on how to do it, unless I didn't understant it. ...

4. One column to multiple columns of different tables

This problem was posted earlier. But there was no solution to this. I would appreciate if somebody can point me to the right direction. The diagram is like that: B <-*------ A ------*--> C But when I try so make some operation with C the following exception is raised by the persistence layer: "...Found shared references to a collection" The descriptor ...

5. prim key on multiple columns

Hello, we're using hibernate for some time now. But we have a problem now which we can't solve. Let's say we have a database model with a table timetable and a table member. To couple these two we create a table TimetableMember. The primary key of the table TimetableMember will be the timetableid and the memberid combined so . Now we ...

6. Left Outer Join on multiple columns allowing nulls

greetings, I need a sugguestion for joining 2 tables on multiple fields SELECT TABLE.KEY1, TABLE1.KEY2, TABLE1.COL1, TABLE1.COL2, TABLE1.COL3, TABLE2.COLX, TABLE2.COLY FROM TABLE1 LEFT OUTER JOIN TABLE2 ON TABLE1.FIELD1 = TABLE2.FIELD2 AND TABLE1.FIELD2 = TABLE2.FIELD2 AND TABLE1.FIELD3 = TABLE2.FIELD3 the catch is there doesn't have to be an associated record in TABLE2. returning all null values is fine. and of course this ...

9. How to return columns from multiple joined tables to class

Dear Sir, I'm new to Hibernate and have not really into development using it. But I have read the tutorial and some pages from the documentation. I have a simple question which hope experience hibernate user can give some advise. Most of the time, I need the query to return columns from multiple tables. Sometime 2 tables, sometimes the same 2 ...

10. Many-to-one with multiple columns

Newbie Joined: Thu May 18, 2006 1:46 pm Posts: 10 Hello there! I have a many to one relationship where the end association has a composite key. The problem is that one of the keys are also being used by my many side class: Code:

11. Uniqueness for multiple columns and joins


12. multiple tables for one column

So, while I'm pretty sure I would use the descriminator construct to do this, I'm just not sure how. Basically I have one table, comments, that has a column that links to multiple tables based on a type column within comments. IE: If comments_type is 'blog' then the reference_id is a foreign key of the blog table. If the comments_type is ...

13. many to many over multiple columns

Hello everybody, I have a problem mapping part of my database mode and hope that somebody here can help me. I googled quite a bit on this, but I suspect that I use the wrong searchterms (since I have not found an answer yet). I have the following database model: In the domainmodel, Series has a map of Attributes. No problem ...

14. many-to-many with multiple columns

Hello, I am new to Hibernate. I am confused how to do a mapping and implement the relationship between the following tables. Table 1: tab1col1 -- pk Table 2: tab2col1 -- pk Table 3: tab3col1 -- pk Now I have a juction table which maps these data together. Table 4: tab1col1 - tab2col1 - tab3col1 -- composite PK. Can anyone help ...

15. one column forming uniqueness with multiple different cols

I have a requirement like where one column forms uniqueness with multiple different columns. For example consider columns A, B and C where A+B should be unique also A+C should be unique. I can't use unique-key or natural-id because they form uniqueness with whole combination i.e, A+B+C. At data base level I can specify A+B and A+C are unique. Could anybody ...

16. Multiple column versionning

// VERSION if ( persistentClass.isVersioned() ) { versionColumnName = ( ( Column ) persistentClass.getVersion().getColumnIterator().next() ).getQuotedName( factory.getDialect() ); } else { ...