Error « Column « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate error: ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification

Hi All, I am using Hibernate 3.6.1. I am getting the error "ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification" when I try to insert a row in the table. The error is coming up when session.saveOrUpdate is called. The column names & table name in the hbm mapping is perfectly correct. But I am unable to make out the problem. Any ...

2. createAlias - error if two tables have the same column name

Hi, Two classes below each with a member variable called "snap". public class Class1 { private Long id; private Class2 class2; private Boolean snap; . . public class Class2 { private Long id; private Boolean snap; private Integer blah; . . Now if I run this code.... Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(Class1.class); crit.createAlias("class2","class2Alias").add(Restrictions.eq("class2Alias.blah", 10)); ...Tomcat generates this error: ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:78 - Duplicate ...

4. Hibernate ERROR: column does not exist

Hi All, I'm fairly new to Hibernate but have been plugging away through the setup and seem to have come to an road block. Whatever I change it keeps coming up with this error stating that the 'id' column cannot be found ( org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column does not exist) . My setup is this: I have a simple setup of ...

5. Hibernate error: ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table

Hi All, I am using Hibernate 3.6.1. I am getting the error "ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification" when I try to insert a row in the table. The error is coming up when session.saveOrUpdate is called. The column names & table name in the hbm mapping is perfectly correct. But I am unable to make out the problem. Important ...

6. How to show the column name of SQL Error

Hi, I am using Hibernate Version 2.1 Oracle DB Version Release 2 ( for Windows When I insert a value into a table column it shows following Error : Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwBatchUpdateException( Does anyone know how could I show the column name of the error casuing column ? I have tried to ...

7. Error in retrieving the value of a "yes_no" column

I have a boolean property , which I have mapped to "yes_no" hibernate type, as then the conversion of booleamn true/false to Y/N happens automatically by Hibernate. I am able to insert an object using this. But when I retrieve the object , I am getting Invalid Number error. Can anyone please let me know about this. Hibernate: select catalog_id from ...

8. Column Name Error

This is the second time I've run into situations where one query works, then I add another and clause to the where, and suddenly, one of the column names gets munged?? Truly bizarre. Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Mapping documents: ...

9. repeated column error

Hibernate version: 2.1.7 Mapping documents: ... ...

10. Error message when "@" character in table column

Hi, I am using Hibernate7c with SQL Server. There are some columns in my table contain "@" characters at the beginning, like "@@upid", when I ran my application with SQL Server, it will threw me the error message "Syntax error", and I also tested it on AS400, it worked fine. I tried to write "select @@uipd from mytable" on SQL Server, ...

11. Unkown column SQL Error: 1054, SQLState: 42S22

Newbie Joined: Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:50 pm Posts: 2 Read the rules before posting! ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: Mapping documents: ...

12. ERROR: column notation applied to type name

Hi friends, I'm starting with Hibernate - please help me to find out what is wrong. I'm using PostgreSQL and I got this exception Code: Hibernate: select userentity0_.USER_ID as USER_ID, userentity0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST_NAME, userentity0_.LAST_NAME as LAST_NAME from USER userentity0_ 19/4/2005 17:42:18 net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter logExceptions WARNING: SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 42809 19/4/2005 17:42:18 net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter logExceptions SEVERE: ERROR: column notation .user_id applied to type ...

13. Mutilplying columns in Aggr functions throws error Help PLS.

sum(qi.volume * qi.avgCost) this is producing error. and also modifying this to sum(nvl(qi.volume,0.00) * nvl(qi.avgCost,0.00)) is producing error and also modifying the same to ; sum(nvl(qi.volume,Double.valueOf(0.00)) * nvl(qi.avgCost,Double.valueOf(0.00))) is producing error assume the group by, joins, and others are okay... Please help whether this is possible in hibernate or not? Thanks a lot.

14. Syntax error: Encountered "," at line 1, column 30

Hibernate version:3.2.5ga I am experiencing what "appears" to be a bug in the SQL generation during a bulk update HQL query. Given the following two HQL statements: A) update MailServer m set m.journal=null where AND B) update MailServer m set m.journal=null where m.journal.sync=:enabled The former works, while the latter fails with the following error: Code: Syntax error: Encountered "," at ...

15. SQLGrammarException: Column ID not found error.

Can someone please help me understand why I am getting the exception below when trying to execute this query: String sql = "select u.username, f.fname from user u, file f where f.OwnerID = u.ID"; SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); query.addEntity("u", User.class); query.addEntity("f", AppFile.class); AppFile.hbm.xml: