type « Collection « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate collection multiple types    stackoverflow.com

I have a class Player that contains a list of Accessory objects. There are two kinds of Accessories. SocketedAccessories have a list of SocketJewels, and MagicAccessories have a list ...

2. Which Java Type do you use for JPA collections and why?    stackoverflow.com

Which of the following collection types do you use in your JPA domain model and why:

  • java.util.Collection
  • java.util.List
  • java.util.Set
I was wondering whether there are some ground rules for this. UPDATE I know the difference between ...

3. how to use collection of collection via using multimap (apache collection type)    stackoverflow.com

How to use collection of collection via using multimap (apache collection type) . I am using MultiMap but hibernate is not recognizing it as a collection type

4. Multiple collections of same type    forum.hibernate.org

5. @OrderedBy ignored for basic type collection    forum.hibernate.org

@Entity @Table(name = "document_types") public class DocumentType extends AbstractEntity { ... private Set allowedAttachmentTypes = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); .... @ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @CollectionTable( name = "allowed_attachment_types", joinColumns ...

6. Collection of "any type" ?    forum.hibernate.org

7. Collection of Object of different types    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, Is it possible to have a collection that holds objects of different types? Of course, the types will be hibernate compliant (base types or persistent classes). If yes, how do you declare such a collection? Thanks Christophe /** * @hibernate.class table="MyClasses" /* MyClass { Map _properties; /** * @hibernate.map name="Properties" * how do i declare the mapping */ public Map ...

8. What is the object type in the returned collection    forum.hibernate.org

Hi folks, I made an sql query which uses a inner join using the HQL statement (no declarative relationship in the mapping file), I get back a list of found records wich are of type Object??!! How can I get the returned data and display in a jsp page? This is my hql: list = session.find("select employee.empId, employee.fullName from Employee as ...

9. Help! How to implement a User Defined Collection Type?    forum.hibernate.org

I'm not sure what hooks hibernate has for inserting callbacks (listeners) - howevre, if you are using JBoss you can make use of the pre-event or post-event listeners or if you are using a Spring framework you could make use of AOP to drop a listerner in that way, and thus you can continue using java.util.Set. Alternatively, why not just make ...

10. Type safe collections (java 1.5)    forum.hibernate.org

11. Could not determine type for: java.util.Collection    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:19 am Posts: 14 Directly. I use Hibernate 3.2 and hibernate-annotations 3.2.0CR2. I have three tables: Compu: compid: int name: varchar description: varchar ipaddress: varchar Compugr: compugrid: int name: varchar description: varchar Compugrmem: compugrmemid: int compuid: int compugrid: int A computer belongs to zero or more groups and a group contains zero or more computers. ...

12. Multiple collections of the same type    forum.hibernate.org

I have 2 classes, A and B: public A { public List list1; public List list2; } public B {} Is there a way to implement this through the hibernate mapping files such that: 1) There is only one class B (no empty subclasses solely for discriminator values) 2) There is only one table in the database I can use the ...

13. How to initialize user collection types    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.2.4 Using a UserCollectionType - all is working great! Except I just want to check how to initialize it with arbitrary properties. In the non-persistent case, if I wanted the collection to have a reference back to the parent I would just do something like: Code: public class MyClass { IMyCollection mycoll = new MyCollection(this); } ...