key « Cascade « JPA Q&A

1. NullPointerException cascade to class with key-many-to-one

Author Message gadams00 Post subject: NullPointerException cascade to class with key-many-to-one Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:58 pm Newbie Joined: Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:10 pm Posts: 11 I'm getting a NullPointerException when trying to merge or saveOrUpdate a parent object that has cascade="all, delete-orphan" specified on a collection of objects mapped with a composite id that includes a ...

2. Cascading and app design considerations using business key

Hi folks- So let me preemptively say that I am new to hibernate. Prior to this I was using ibatis. iBatis is nice but hibernate is the future. I just about finished the HiA book but i am still left wanting with regards to how I can use the full power of the ORM with an application that I'm developing. Like ...