entity « Cascade « JPA Q&A

1. "cascading" a hibernate entity listener?    stackoverflow.com

Using hibernate 3.2.4.sp1 I have two entities User and ContactInfo A User has a related ContactInfo, relation is unidirectional, i.e. ContactInfo has no idea about the user it belongs to (nor ...

2. Modify entity with EntityListener on cascade    stackoverflow.com

I have a database in which an entity (say, User) has a list of entities (say, List). As a requirement, I must have a denormalized count of the entities on the ...

3. HibernateSystemException creating entities in cascade.    forum.hibernate.org

Hi Folks, I am using Hibernate and Spring 1.2.1 for trying to map an one-to-many association between two simple classes (composition) and navigable in both sides. I mean, Person<->---------*PersonDetails. The following lines, it shows the Java code I am testing. Set personDetailSet = new HashSet(); PersonDetail personDetail1 = PersonDetail.Factory.getInstance(); personDetail1.setAddress("Lane1"); personDetail1.setEmail("xxxx@yyyyy.zz"); personDetail1.setTelf("112233"); personDetail1.setMobile("77777"); personDetailSet.add(personDetail1); PersonDetail personDetail2 = PersonDetail.Factory.newInstance(); personDetail2.setAddress("Lane2"); personDetail2.setEmail("aaaa@bbbbbbb.cc"); personDetail2.setTelf("112233-2"); ...