Flush « Cascade « JPA Q&A

1. Flush during cascade is dangerous    forum.hibernate.org

Ok, somehow I've run across this. I got a couple of (8) entities mapped in various associations (uni- and bidirectional, one-to-many and one many-to-many mappings, plus 2 subclass mappings out of the 8 entities). I use no transactions, and I mapped most of the association with cascade="all" (our business model dictates so). Now, when I try to do a plain session.delete ...

2. Flush during cascade is dangerous    forum.hibernate.org

I think I have a problem with my cascade logic, but I can't put my finger on it. My model is as follows, Code: User(1)-----(*)Entitlement(*)-----(1)Group (*) ...

3. Flush during cascade dangerous, what's missing???    forum.hibernate.org

Yep! The following have something to do with it I believe: Before I call session.delete(myBObject), I try to delete all references to that particular object. Code: myBObject.getMyAObject().getBObjects().remove(myBObject); Set myBDObjects = myBObjects.getMyBDObjects(); if (myBDObjects != null) { Iterator bdIterator = myBDObjects.iterator(); while (bdIterator.hasNext()) { BDObject bdObject ...

4. cascade/flush again...    forum.hibernate.org

5. Flush during cascade is dangerous - better approach    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, The 'flush during cascade is dangerous' exception is one that gives Hibernate users lots of headaches. This is mainly in complex object graphs where is hard to follow the relationships b/w the objects. 1. Can Hibernate explicitly say what deleted object caused the exception and, maybe, what are the other objects where it needs to be removed from before ...

6. Flush during cascade is dangerous - this might occur if an o    forum.hibernate.org

This is the code I'm using: Code: SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); Session session; session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction trans = session.beginTransaction(); Lote ...

7. Flush during cascade is dangerous    forum.hibernate.org

I'm getting "Flush during cascade is dangerous" exception when I try to delete a record. Would anybody happened to know what might caused it? Here is the detail specs: 1. Hibernate version 2.0 2. Mapping Documents ...

8. My flush during cascade is NOT dangerous!    forum.hibernate.org

http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?t=928838 is a posting by me from last week describing how I am trying to use Lifecycle in (I think) a straightforward way, but am getting "flush during cascade is dangerous". I've gotten no responses yet, which is very atypical for this forum, especially on issues of substance. I contend that my use of flush during cascade in this case is ...

9. Flush during cascade is dangerous    forum.hibernate.org

Can anyone tell what this error message means? I can't seem to find anywhere on the web what exactly this message is referring to. This error occurs when I do a session.delete() on an object that contains a collection of other objects. If I can just find out what this means, I can probably figure out what I'm doing wrong. Thanks! ...

10. Flush during cascade is dangerous?    forum.hibernate.org

in Hibernate Users FAQ - Advanced Problems, written that: This almost always happens because you forgot to remove a deleted instance from an association with cascading save enabled. You should remove deleted objects from associations before flushing the session. Basically, the object you're trying to delete would be resaved to the database by it being in a collection hanging off another ...

11. Flush during cascade is dangerous    forum.hibernate.org

I have a hibernate list mapping like below ( for class MainClass) when I execute a piece of code Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Class2 cl2 = (Class2) cl1;//cl1 is object of Class1 MainClass mc = new MainClass(); ...

12. Cascade behavior during flush    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.2.5 Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle 10g Question regarding the cascade behavior during the flushEverythingToExecution. I've got a listener set up for saveOrUpdate events and noticed that it is firing way more than I would have expected. It looks like during the cascading of the associations it will always fire a saveUdate event even ...

13. Flush during cascade is dangerous    forum.hibernate.org