Cascade « Cascade « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate - Get all entites created in a cascading create

If I have an entity with a parent / child relationship (and Cascade=CascadeType.ALL), and call:

the primary key of the parent is returned. Is there a way to access the primary key of ...

2. Hibernate cascading

All what Hibernate reverse engineering generates is something like this

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "column_id")
    public Itinerary getColumnId() {

3. What is best practice about having one-many hibernate

I believe this is a common scenario. Say I have a one-many mapping in hibernate Category has many Item Category:

    cascade = {CascadeType.ALL},fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    value = ...

4. Cascade in hibernate from the one to many side

i know this question might be asked before, but i want to make it specific, am using hibernate without annotations, so my case is if I've the following relation: A has many of ...

5. Hibernate cascade infinite loop

I have two entities: A and B. From the A's side relationship is many to one where many A refer to one B and from the B's side this is one ...

6. hibernate many-to-many cascade does't work

I'm a hibernate newbie and I'm not entirely sure how to get the cascade behavior I'm looking for. I have two classes Student and Class with unidirectional many-to-many mapping. When I delete ...

7. Confusion between JPA and Hibernate cascading

I'm using Hibernate 3.6 and have my code annotated (versus using hibernate mapping files). I ran into the known "problem" of using JPA cascading options that are not compatible with ...

8. Using cascades optionally in Hibernate/JPA

my problem is quite simple, but very important in general - I think. I have done research for a few hours but didn't find anything useful. Introduction:
I have entity that is named ...

9. What's mean cascade in Hibernate?

What is mean cascade in Hibernate, Where should I use it, if I don't use will effect anything?

10. Cascade in Hibernate one-to-many and many-to-many

I'm new in hibernate and I'm trying to understand the cascade concept. I have studied the hibernate documentation, but some things are unclear to me: 1) How to use cascade in a bidirectional ...

11. JPA - Cascade issue

I'm currently stuck in the following situation: When my JSF - JPA project boots up for the first time, it auto creates an admin user and gives it the userType admin:

 User ...

12. How to avoid duplicates with JPA cascades?

I have a Parent entity with a Child entity in a ManyToOne relationship:

@Entity class Parent {
  // ...
  @ManyToOne((cascade = {CascadeType.ALL})
  private Child child;
  // ...
The Child ...

13. Hibernate: many-to-many cascading

Hi all, I've been reading up on many-to-many associations on the web and in Hibernate in Action, but I couldn't find the answer to my problem. I've got an Object of my own class Query, I would like to add some security to this object, so I've created a User object. Each query can have several users that can access it, ...

14. Hibernate Cascade


15. JPA cascade ?

I am using JPA + hibernate + Spring, but looks like the Cascade doesn't work. Please see the coding, what I expect is, "John" is deleted, "Mary" is added. But I try all javax.persistence.CascadeType, it will NOT give me the result. Then I try to use org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType, it will always give me syntax error. Where is the problem ? Thanks. class ...

16. Java Hibernate Cascading Issue

I have 3 tables: user, stuffperuser (pk: FK_user & FK_stuff), stuff. When I don't use cascading, I get an error: "Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails" The mapping files are correct. I need some sort of cascading. It works when I add cascading in the set property of the many-to-many relationship to add non-existent data ...

17. [JPA] Cascading that is not cascading

Hi, I'm new in hibernate and unfortunately I don't manage to make the cascade mode work in my case even if the need is really simple. Here is my code : User : Code: @Entity @Table(name="user_t") public class User implements Serializable { @Id @Column(name="id") @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) private ...

18. JPA cascade ?

class Company{ .... @OneToMany(cascade = javax.persistence.CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER) List employeeList; } // test coding Company company = new Company(); List employeeList = new ArrayList(); employeeList.add(new Empployee("John")); employeeList.add(new Empployee("Peter")); company.setEmployeeList(employeeList); dao.getHibernateTemplate().merge(company); //------------- company.getEmployeeList().remove(0); company.getEmployeeList().add(new Employee("Mary")); dao.getHibernateTemplate().merge(company); // what I expect is, "John" is deleted, "Mary" is added.

19. many-to-many set cascade

I have mapped a many-to-many relation like this: Code: ...

20. Many-to-many cascade

I have a many-to-many relation between two objects. If one of these objects is deleted, the relations need to be deleted as well, but the other object related to should remain. How can I do this? I have the following mappings: Code: ...

21. Mapkey cascade?

22. lost in cascade

Hi there, I'm quite lost with the cascade. I will simplify my stuff in order to ask, so the example is quite stupid :) I have 3 classes : Human, Clothes and Dressing-Room So basically the implementation is something like Code: @Entity @Table @AndSoOn class Human { private List clothes; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "human", ...

23. Help with cascading on one to many

24. Understanding cascade

Hi, im new in hibernate and im trying to understand the cascade concept. I studied the hibernate documentation, but some things are unclear to me: 1) How to use cascade in a bidirectional one-to-many Relation: So lets say, i have a Parent, and a parent can have zero or more Children. The behaviour should be: - if a Parent-object is deleted, ...

25. Exploring the power of cascading and Hibernate

Newbie Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:58 pm Posts: 1 I'm exploring hibernate. I've ran into an issue I can overcome, however I would like to fix it with using cascade and see that hibernate can handle this. The most important factor is learning something new. Thank you in advance. Before I explain my case, I want to give you the ...

26. 2.1 & Caching & Cascades

Hi, I have two classes: A has a set of Bs, B can have one or none As: in the A mapping: Code:

27. Cascade

Interestingly enough, the answer is probably "no", though its not immediately obvious. For example, I would really like to have a "save-lock", but the trouble with that is that allowing both "save-lock" and "save-update" would open up the possibility that the behaviour changes according to the order in which Hibernate navigates object references. This is VERY bugprone! Now, "save-delete" is probably ...

28. Rules about cascade

In an object graph, what kind of precedence and depth rules apply to cascades? That is: 1) Does cascade=x mean that it cascades the entire object graph, or only to the next level, unless the next level also contains cascade=x ? 2) If one set has cascade=x and the next cascade=y, which applies? x or y? Does "all" have precedence? What ...

29. How to cascade this change?

I have two classes A and B with 1-1 association. it is unidirectional - A has a B. However, there cannot be a A without an B buts its OK for B to exist without an A. My problem is that when I delete A I need to update its B and none of the cascade options work. BTW when i ...

30. Cascade="all" and aggregated class

Hi all I've a problem with 2 classes : My object Form has a set of Queries, and my object Query references its Form. My pb is : My Queries and Form have been modified and I need to update them. When I update my Form, hibernate creates new Queries (due to the cascade='all' property and the sequence generator in Query ...

31. what's the difference between cascade=all and .....

Imagine you have Company (COMPANY table) and Employee (EMPLOYEE). Each Employee may work for several companies simultaneously so you create many-to-many mapping using COMPANY_EMPLOYEE table with two columns (COMPANY_ID, EMPLOYEE_ID) Company has named "employees" which contains all its employees. What happens when you load company and remove one of the items (Employees) from this set? Hibernate will remove association between ...

32. Custom Cascades?

* If a row in Table1 gets deleted, all related rows in Table2 should be deleted and the related rows in Table3 IF NOT those rows are related to other Table1 rows through Table2. * If a row in Table3 gets deleted, all related rows in Table2 should be deleted and related rows in Table4. ...

33. Cascade Mode

Sorry that I want to ask something about parent/child relationship (as we are strongly suggested to find out the answer by reading the reference document first) About the cascade mode, it seems for me that there several different mode. I have some ideas on the effects on different cascade modes, but I don't have very clear definition or concept about the ...

34. many-to-many and cascade

Hi All, I have three tables A, A_B and B. One relationship many-to-many with A and B (using the table A_B). The object A has the collection of B's, and B does not know about A. The mapping in A has cascade=all. I want to A create the rows in A_B and do not try to do anything in B. If ...

35. Please help. meaning of cascade in many-to-one.

Hello, cascade in a many-to-one does not make sense to me. I have cascade="all" for a many-to-one (as there is no explicit relationship from the other end). While creating the first child, Hibernate inserts the parent row and then the child row. While creating the second child, it seems Hibernate is doing an insert on the parent table with the same ...

36. cascade="all"

37. Cascade not working

Hi, can somebody tell me why cascade is not working here? .... .... .... .... And this is the code: Transaction tx = sess.beginTransaction(); Boss b = (Boss)sess.load(Boss.class, new Long(29)); Guard g = new Guard(); g.setName("Miei"); g.setBoss(b); b.addGuard(g); //addGuard only add ...

38. Cascade with index-many-to-many

Newbie Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2003 10:52 am Posts: 6 Location: Oslo, Norway I'm having some trouble getting cascading saves working with a map. I have a class Digest which contains a map of Query objects and number of occurance pairs. Since I am using an object a a key in the map, I used an index-many-to-many association for the map's ...

39. cascade rule ?

40. Cascade metadata

41. Cascade one-to-many doesnt work automatically ?

Hi, i have these too mapings: person2_sequence and person2address_sequence

42. one-to-many relashionship + cascade

Has anyone worked with one-to-many relationships with "cascade" ? It works fine without cascade. However, with cascading, it fails to save new children (issuing sql "update" instead of "insert"). I've made it bi-directional as recommended, but no use. I'd greatly appreciate it if anyone could spare the time to have a look. Thanx a lot in advance. Code: The relationship: ...

43. cascade="all" --> Is it possible to interrupt t

Hi, I'm having a problem writing code according to the following requirements. Any help would be appreciated. Requirements: - I have a parent <--> child mapping and I would like to delete my children when the parent is deleted. So : Cascade = "All". - When the child meets certain criteria I don't want it to be deleted. So I want ...

44. many-to-one and cascade all

Hibernate version:2.1 Hi, I have this relation between to classes : Code: public class Person { ... /** * @hibernate.many-to-one class="" * foreign-key="PersonAddress" constrained="true" ...

45. set and cascade all

Hibernate version: 2.1 Hi, I have a set of licences in a class person : public class Person { ... /** * @hibernate.set lazy="false" cascade="all" order-by="type" * @hibernate.collection-key column="idPerson" * @hibernate.collection-one-to-many class="" * @return Returns the licenses. */ public Set getLicenses() { return licenses; } ... } I have cascade at "all". When I load a person with X licences, if ...

46. Does Hibernate handle cascades itself?

I'm trying to nail down some discrepancies in behaviour using Hibernate with MyISAM and InnoDB tables in MySQL. MyISAM tables do not provide support for foreign key constraints, unlike InnoDB, so what I'm wondering is if I specify something like 'cascade=all-delete-orphan' in my mapping file, and the underlying database tables do not supprt ON DELETE CASCADE (as in the case of ...

47. many-to-many and how to configure cascade get

Hi, I have a user class and a group class A user class has groups. A group class has users. I have no UserGroup class. I have 3 tables : T_USER : PK is "id" T_GROUP : PK is "id" T_USER_GROUP : PK is composite : userid,group_id" The data : A user named 'zizou' A group named 'Zerezo'. The user zizou ...

48. It says cascade is required ... but the DTD doesn't

I've been trying to work out some cascading issues with my application and have run into a problem. The problem is that I have a composite-id on my ThingAddress table that is comprised of two columns - both of which are foreign keys. I'd like to apply cascade="all" to one of the columns and cascade="none" to the other. Now, when I ...


50. Hibernate forcing cascade

Beginner Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2004 11:53 am Posts: 42 Hello there! I have a class (PlanoCobertura) which has a set with cascade=none set. When removing this entity, hibernate ignores my selection and tries to update the reference table for the collection setting the FK to null. Why is that? Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Mapping documents: Full stack trace of any exception ...

51. Is this the right way for cascade CRUD operations?

Beginner Joined: Fri Apr 29, 2005 10:57 pm Posts: 41 Hibernate version: 3.0 Yes I do own Hibernate in Action and it does not really answer this question... I have the following relationship between two objects: a Client and a Project. A client can have as many projects as he wants (one-to-many) and a project can have only one client as ...

52. Trouble with cascade

Hey folks, Figured out the problem as I wrote the post but it might help someone of a similar brain dead persuasion. I've set up a one-to-many relationship setup between my conversation and my message objects as follows Code: ...

53. Many-to-many && cascading

54. cascading

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Why is hibernate generating Update to the child tables, where i have a one-to-many problem? I have create an addRules method to add the rules to the parent ... Also I have the cascade="all" and inverse="true" Hibernate version: hibernate 3.0.5 Mapping documents:

55. Help with cascade/circular issue

Hi, We are using hibernate 3.0.x and I need some help trying to figure out how to properly handle a circular issue in hibernate. I have a legacy model like: A (1 - n) B A (1 - n) C (1 -1) B So, I have a parent class that has two collections of objects. The objects in the second collection ...

56. cascade confusion

Login Register FAQ Search View unanswered posts | View active topics Board index Hibernate & Java Persistence Hibernate Users All times are UTC - 5 hours [ DST ] cascade confusion Page 1 of 1 [ 3 posts ] Previous topic | Next topic ...

57. many-to-manys and effect of the cascade type

I am unclear about how the cascade attribute works in a many-to-many. If you have a categories that have a many-to-many relationship with items through the CATEGORIES_ITEM_JOINER_TABLE what cascade type would you use if you want to only affect the joiner table? So i want it so if I add an item to the Categories' items set it would create a ...

58. Cascading detective story

Regular Joined: Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:06 am Posts: 55 Location: Mnchen, Germany Recently, I had a problem with a plain vanilla cascading update for which I haven't found an explanation. I found a way around it, so I'm not asking for debugging help, but for deeper insight and wild ideas. The following classes and relationships are involved: P has one-to-many ...

59. Replication mode does not cascade

Hello, To keep my description short, I will use the classical Parent-Child example to explain my problem. The two persistent classes, Parent and Child are linked with a bidirectionnal many-to-many relationship. My use case is to try to replicate parents and children from one session (database A) to another (database B). Here is a sample of the data I have in ...

60. Cascade or Handle Manually

I'm using NHibernate and c#. I have a psuedo lookup table in MSSQL (I didn't build these) which keeps track of which groups users are assigned to. It has the following: userid groupid createdby createdtime I wanted to use cascades so I could just add/remove a group from a user, but I don't know how to update the createdby and createdtime ...

61. How to get the cascade details?

Hi All, I am currently using Hibernate version 3.0 with Spring 1.2.5 for a web based application. I have a requirement, described below, for which I would like a solution using Hibernate if possible. I need to use cascade logical delete(or cascade update) feature thats available in Hibernate. But before the cascade action needs to be executed, I need to get ...

62. cascading programatically

I have a situation in which soemtimes when the objects are saved, I dont want the cascading to be done, and other times based on the flag value in business logic I want the cascading to be done to the object. Is there any way in which I can programatically specify to hibernate when to cascade while saving an object. This ...

63. re-attaching without cascading assocaitions...

Hi, I've got a situation where I have set up appropriate cascading on associations to create them without having to worry about saving those objects directly, essentially allowing hibernate to do its stuff. This works well and I'm happy with that when my business code is in charge of the creation. However, on receiving a dettached domain object from another application, ...

64. Cascade in the opposite direction??

Hi, I need some guidance as to how this should be done. For example I have a unidirectional many-to-one association from Class A to Class B. Every A instance has a B instance, and a B instance may be referred by many A instances...However Class B does not know about Class A. Hence unidirectional... What I want to do is this: ...

65. help with cascade

I have something like this: Code: class A { private List lotOfBs=new ArrayList; public void deleteOneB(B b){ lotOfBs.remove(b);; } public void save(){ Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.saveOrUpdate(this); ...

66. BusinessKey, a nice rule and Cascading

Hi! I'm using the newest Hibernate release in a standalone application. All of my entities have a businessKey. Entities in the database are identical, if two businessKeys are identical. This means that if an entity with the businessKey "xyz" exists and an entity with the same businessKey should be persisted, the already persistent entity should be updated. I wrote a method ...

67. JPA Cascade always triggered

I'm not sure if I'm missunderstanding the definition of the cascade attribute, but I have this problem: I have a M:N relation and don't want that any changes to the relationship are managed by Hibernate/JPA. One side is mapped by: Code: @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "aktens") public Set getDoktabs() { ...

68. Custom cascade with DeleteEventListener

Hi all, is it safe to do something like: Code: class ParentListener extends DefaultDeleteEventListener { void onDelete(DeleteEvent event) { if (event.getObject() instanceof Parent) { Parent parent = (Parent) event.getObject(); for (Child child : ...

69. Cascade Usage Issue

... ...

70. Cascading implementation ?

xerces8 wrote: Hi! Does anyone know where in hibernate is the cascading implemented ? In our application we have attributed many-to-many relationship between person and address and one-to-many relationship between person and phone. When we create a new address and link it to a new person, we do enumerate addresses and persit the new of them before persisting the person. Otherwise ...

71. Hibernate cascade

I have audit requirements where audit objects are supposed to be saved and deleted with the parent object, it does not require update. I tried cascade=save,delete but it does not like it. I am trying to avoid unnecessary update that it does to improve performance. I'm wondering if there is any easy way avoiding update through the mapping file. I would ...

72. Hibernate not cascading One To Many case

Newbie Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:46 am Posts: 1 I am using Hibernate3 in a Spring 2.x framework. Everything works well except that only the last item out of n is stored in the "many" table instead of all. Here is the mapping :

73. Cascade not working

i think the problem is that i dont use the pk id as fk in user_details so hibernate don'T know how to fetch or so .. but i don't understand why this doesnt work .. or how to fix it. the hole point of my manytomany was that i have a jointable where i have the username and the authoritys at ...

74. Correct setting cascade with many-to-one

75. new bee understaning cascade

Hibernate 3 I have one-to-many mapping for one of my entity . I want to save the child entity from the set whenever I save this(parent) entity and delete should also delete , what cascade options should I use .I read the documentation it is not clear for me, Please help me understand this.

76. Cascading creation

Hi, I have a problem with cascading creation, here is my classes : Parent class : @Entity @Table(name = "users") public class SatUser implements Serializable { .......... private Set messages = new HashSet(); @OneToMany( cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.REMOVE }, mappedBy = "satUser" ) public Set getMessages() { return messages; } public void setMessages(Set messages) { this.messages = messages; } ...

77. Cascading creation

Hi, I have a problem with cascading creation, here is my classes : Parent class : @Entity @Table(name = "users") public class SatUser implements Serializable { .......... private Set messages = new HashSet(); @OneToMany( cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.REMOVE }, mappedBy = "satUser" ) public Set getMessages() { return messages; } public void setMessages(Set messages) { this.messages = messages; } ...

78. Cascading creation

Hi, I have a problem with cascading creation, here is my classes : Parent class : @Entity @Table(name = "users") public class SatUser implements Serializable { .......... private Set messages = new HashSet(); @OneToMany( cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.REMOVE }, mappedBy = "satUser" ) public Set getMessages() { return messages; } public void setMessages(Set messages) { this.messages = messages; } ...

79. Cascade on MapKeyManyToMany

80. Cascade copy

Hibernate version 3, integrating with Spring & Spring MVC. I'm familiar with cascade delete, and I'm wondering if there's anyway that I could perform cascade copy. An example would be parent-child relationship. If I create a copy of the parent, would I be able to create a copy of each children that the parent has (and also the children's of each ...

81. Cascade Creation

I have an application which creates a complex structure of objects that are meant to be persisted. Currently, in order to persist these objects, I manually save each object to my Hibernate session starting with the lowermost (least dependent) object working my way upward. Is there a way to cascade the creation of objects in a complex structure such that all ...

82. Cascade-all missing from some examples

83. cascaded persitance configuration

Welcome everybody. I've visited to discuss a simple but crucial performance issue that I'm wondering about. It is easy to bring the case of mine to a very simple example. Let's consider a mechanism that massively adds users to DBMS. The class diagram / DB schema looks as follows: User n ------> 1 City Adding a new User object could look ...